I think the biggest problems are upcoming to be honest, if the game is actually fixed this week and the 60% off thing is true, loyal/day 1 Halo fans got the ultimate fuck you in my opinion. ODST/Nameplates/1 Month XBL are not worth $36 along with 3 months of a barley functioning game outside of campaign (even then there are issues).
On the one hand it's cool to have people hopefully coming back after the months and months of terrible pr the game has, but in the other we got hosed hard. I don't know how to feel anymore.
I feel if you got the game before this weekends sale you should have something along the lines of 50% off Halo 5: Guardians at release on Xbox Live.
Either way, I just want to play Halo multiplayer online with minimal issues, stuff is so annoying.
I would agree on the 50% Guardians deal. Or give us more free months of live that equate to three months basically.
I pre-ordered this game digitally when it first released to pre-order...bad, bad mistake. Never again. Ever.
Also, I wish MSFT were more like Amazon in regards to customer service.
Back when the Xbox One was launching, Amazon did an amazing customer service deal for those who pre-ordered the Day One editions.
Long story short, leading up the week of Xbox One launch, Amazon emailed their customers who were on the preorder waiting list that week saying that Monday morning there were going to be X1 preorders available at 7AM, limited quantities of the Day One Edition. I luckily was able to get one. I had chosen 1-day shipping so that my Xbox would be at my door the day of launch.
Then I get an email on Wed evening from Amazon saying they apologize to everyone who preordered the Day One edition that week, they made a mistake and were only going to have standard edition consoles. For the troubles of this...they gave everyone $50 cash back as a refund. So...now my Xbox was $450.
Then I get a text update telling me my Xbox wasn't going to be here till the following Monday...not launch day. I called up Amazon, told them the whole point of over night shipping was to get it on launch day. Their rep apologized and said they would be willing to give me an Xbox One game of my choosing. So...that's another $60 free, plus they refunded me the shipping fee.
For the price of a PS4, I was able to get an Xbox One game plus the Xbox One with Kinect (though I have that thing unplugged and stowed away).
Think about what we have been through with MCC...and we're getting a freakin multiplayer map, a in-game jpeg emblem, and $8 for a free month of XBL??
That's basically a slap in the face to those who purchased this game well before it released.