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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Usually, all the games that come with splitscreen come with sacrifices, but only if you enter the feature. Mario Kart 8 (might not be the best example) is 60FPS solo, 60FPS in 2 player splitscreen, but any more players and it will be 30FPS.

It wouldn't affect people who play solo, so the defending is not really justified from a performance view. At least, not in my eyes.
I think if the game would support splitscreen, 343 would have to keep check that game is not an absolute mess in splitscreen which would result in downscaling of environments/effects and other stuff, and I don't think there would be 2 different campaigns.
What? Most defenders are on point, it is missing to push the performance which is good.

I saw at least a few comments in that topic literally saying that splitscreen is an extremely dated feature that's literally worthless, should be left in the 90's, and that anyone who wants it at all crazy (or harsher terms). Obviously it's not everyone defending it though. My wording was more for the sake of the lame hashtag joke, and a partial prelude to my next post.

The best part about that argument is that Bungie was headed away from splitscreen coop as well. Look at Destiny. That's where they would have taken Halo also, a bit further down the road.

lol yup. Some of the more intense 343i haters have some pretty extremely selective memories.


Some guy even said to cut the graphics, downgrade the resolution, lower the frame rate to get it in there. At that point it becomes, why?

I think if the game would support splitscreen, 343 would have to keep check that game is not an absolute mess in splitscreen which would result in downscaling of environments/effects and other stuff, and I don't think there would be 2 different campaigns.

And I think you are still misunderstanding this. Previous Halo games also cut FPS (Halo 4 drops to 20FPS in co-op, but probably not intentional) or graphics, but ONLY if you entered the game in splitscreen. Solo was completely unaffected by that.

I remember Fyre Wulff going into detail with differences between solo and co-op and how the games are rendered. I think it was in his post where he explained how 4K support would mean that each player of the 4 playing would basically have their own 1080p screen.

I'm obviously not an expert in this, but I know it's totally possible. It was probably just not worth the effort and ultimately 343i has their reasons why it's not included.

Frankies comment on that matter:

Anyway yes, it's a bummer but 60fps had to take precedence. It's not just aesthetics- the entire simulation is built on that framerate.

Completely understandable, but at the same time it's not. Frankie will probably not comment on wether 60FPS for solo and 30FPS for co-op is possible.


I can't wait for the inevitable news that the game has cosmetic microtransactions slips out. I wonder how many people will rage then...
I can't wait for the inevitable news that the game has cosmetic microtransactions slips out. I wonder how many people will rage then...

Tons. Tons. Which is dumb because they don't hurt anything, and assuming they're there, they're how we're getting free map packs, which is such a huge and important thing.


I can't wait for the inevitable news that the game has cosmetic microtransactions slips out. I wonder how many people will rage then...

Really don't see it as anything that would make people rage about it. People are very positive about buyable skins in CS, Dota or LoL. Also, people don't have to buy it and we are gettings maps for free. If anyone rages about that, they are dumb.

Only thing that would make people rage is pay2win microtransaction and I very much doubt it will happen in a main Halo game. It happening in Halo Online is a completely different story.


Really don't see it as anything that would make people rage about it. People are very positive about buyable skins in CS, Dota or LoL. Also, people don't have to buy it and we are gettings maps for free. If anyone rages about that, they are dumb.

Only thing that would make people rage is pay2win microtransaction and I very much doubt it will happen in a main Halo game. It happening in Halo Online is a completely different story.

I think you're overestimating the rationality of idiots on the internet.


I can't wait for the inevitable news that the game has cosmetic microtransactions slips out. I wonder how many people will rage then...
As long as maps are free who cares

@akai: I think we can argue to no end, but I still think environments, enemy numbers etc would have to be scaled back so splitscreen would still be playable.(nobody would be happy either if it drops to 15fps and 720p)


@akai: I think we can argue to no end, but I still think environments, enemy numbers etc would have to be scaled back so splitscreen would still be playable.(nobody would be happy either if it drops to 15fps and 720p)

True. As long as we don't have confirmation of why it exactly isn't included, we can just speculate.
Some people only play the game in coop or only care about playing coop with their friend or brother or son or whatever.
What is hard to understand there? You don't sound any better than the people you're complaining about with that lack of empathy.

(faux edit: this post became a bit longer than I expected and I should clarify up front that it's not specifically in response to you)

Come on, let's not be hyperbolic for the sake of defending the choice. Literally every single person I know in real life (myself included) and every one of my close online friends that plays Halo still plays splitscreen co-op, at least from time-to-time, to this day. Yes, I know that's just one person's story and of course I know you don't literally mean 9 people, but still. Lets not pretend that ability to play a game with friends when you're in the same room together is some bizarre anachronism, a relic of the past that simply must die because of how absurdly dated it is.

I definitely understand the technical and design reasons that led to the feature being removed, and I feel the reaction has been extreme and in some cases outright ridiculous. I think it's absolutely a shame that it's apparently all GAF can talk about on the gaming side (along with numerous other people and places online) when so much awesome news has come out. I also understand that the feature is not as widely used as it once was. But there certainly still is a place for it in modern gaming and to act like it's absurd that anyone could possibly be upset at the removal of the feature is, to be quite frank, dumb.

In general I think it's an absolute shame that splitscreen gaming is continuing to die. Even Nintendo's support has been spotty at best, with Mario Kart 8 capping out at 2 players and Splatoon relegating it to a tacked on, anemic side-mode. It's just sad that now-a-days if I hang out with friends my gaming options are quickly becoming limited to Smash Bros. and legacy titles. It's getting to the point where I literally have to be away from my friends if I want to play videogames with them. Being an adult my opportunities to hang out with my close, long-time friends are rare, so the proliferation of online functionality was awesome, because now I can "hang out" with them multiple times a week. It was a nice way to supplement, not replace, the occasions when I can hang out with them and play a shit-ton of vidyagames together. But now I can't start up a LASO mission and screw around with my buddy, or have more than one friend over to play Halo competitive splitscreen, which is a bummer.

Again though, I completely understand the decisions and circumstances that have lead to this being the case and I'm not about to rant on the gaming side about how "343i are completely inept and ruining Halo with this, bring back Bungie!". But I'm not going to support people on the other side saying splitscreen players don't exist anymore or that the feature is better off left in the 90's where it belongs.

These posts are fair and of course I'm exaggerating with the 9 people thing. It's a shame split screen co-op won't be there but it's not worthy of the ire being meted out in that thread. Fifteen pages which largely (from the few pages I skimmed) lack proportionality. 343 have said that it was cut to ensure the campaign maintains certain performance levels; what they are attempting in the campaign (which nobody has seen yet) could absolutely justify that. I'd venture that the majority of the playerbase doesn't use splitscreen for campaign and so that's an entirely defensible compromise to make compared with past examples e.g

Removal of campaign theatre for Halo 4

Reason given: Underused feature. Problems with QTE interactions.

Fair?: Even if it's not used by the majority, seemingly the only thing theatre's inclusion would affect would be QTE's which 343 later admitted to being a mistake. Furrowed brows en masse are therefore justified.

Removal of Grenade Launcher from sandbox

Reason Given: "Objectively underused".

Fair?: Underused because of its poor placement on maps and the complete lack of tuition on how to use it. Neither the campaign, multiplayer nor instruction manual instructed the user to the nuance of this weapon. Probably the most interesting weapon to use in Halo history and it was jettisoned from Halo 4, a game with a grossly bloated sandbox which featured multiple duplicates of essentially the same weapons with different skins. Outrage justified.

Then there's the guys that will tell you to go back to the previous Halo's multiplayer if something in the latest iteration is anathema to you. We know the population largely shifts to the latest game so to go back to a previous game is to endure smaller populations, longer search times, poorer trueskill matches and increased incidences of game breaking lag. But would it be fair to tell co-op split screeners to just play the older games? One could reasonably say to them "Look, 343 have just released every Halo campaign (barring Reach) ever made, in 1080p and 60 FPS. All in one package. All with splitscreen co-op functionality." If they go back to play these games there are no search screens frittering away gaming time, no lopsided matches, no shot evaporating latency. They play the same as they ever did but with better resolution and framerate.

Ultimately, it sucks for the people that genuinely get mileage out of the feature. It's just those people are both in the minority and if they had their way it would be to the direct detriment of the majority who never or seldom use splitscreen. I must say though, the amount of people in that thread who claim it's a deal breaker on a purchase is a real eye opener.

@ white rabbit on 4 player split with friends: I understand that nostalgia for friends in the same room gaming. Online gaming is fantastic but some of the human moment and camaraderie is lost when everyone's in a separate room. However, have you played 4 player split recently? Me and three friends set up 4 player double dash on the gamecube, big screen too. It used to be the pinnacle of gaming for us, now... I don't think I ever want to 4 way split ever again. Full screen comforts online have made it unacceptable now imo.


I'd probably never use Halo splitscreen again since me and my friends stick to FIFA for on the couch gaming.

But I can see how its disappointing. Splitscreen was a very classic Halo thing since CE.
Honestly, lack of splitscreen doesn't really bother me. I don't have anyone to play it with, and in any case, I have more fond memories of doing hotseat multi than splitscreen. Only had the one controller :p


Pretty sure with free map DLC prepare your #butts for microtransactions like never before. I mean the limited edition did say they'd give something that would enhance spartan combat. I'm guessing scopes, armors, victory poses, will be big. And if they do bring back Infinity, things like abilities cool down would be a given for those who want to pay. If the new mode itself isn't equal starts or balanced, the sky is the limit for what they could offer.


Since it's almost E3 time. If you guys are watching E3 on Twitch and are interested into joining our custom Twitch chat, then simply message me your Twitch username and I'll add you to the chat. Once you are added, you can invite anybody to the chat. The purpose of this chat is to have a convenient way to talk with other people, without having to deal with 100k other people in the chat or without having to use 3rd party tools as it's directly on the Twitch page.

Here's how it works in gif form. You can check your invite and if you are already added there: http://i.imgur.com/vrNiHWI.gif

Captain Friendo

Neo Member
Lack of splitscreen is nowhere near a make or break for me either although I think a lot of us are forgetting that there's still kids who splitscreen the new halo games with their brothers, sisters or friendos like a lot of us used to back in the day.


Since it's almost E3 time. If you guys are watching E3 on Twitch and are interested into joining our custom Twitch chat, then simply message me your Twitch username and I'll add you to the chat. Once you are added, you can invite anybody to the chat. The purpose of this chat is to have a convenient way to talk with other people, without having to deal with 100k other people in the chat or without having to use 3rd party tools as it's directly on the Twitch page.

Here's how it works in gif form. You can check your invite and if you are already added there: http://i.imgur.com/vrNiHWI.gif

I'd like an invite, Twitch username is the same my gaf name.
These posts are fair and of course I'm exaggerating with the 9 people thing. It's a shame split screen co-op won't be there but it's not worthy of the ire being meted out in that thread. Fifteen pages which largely (from the few pages I skimmed) lack proportionality. 343 have said that it was cut to ensure the campaign maintains certain performance levels; what they are attempting in the campaign (which nobody has seen yet) could absolutely justify that. I'd venture that the majority of the playerbase doesn't use splitscreen for campaign and so that's an entirely defensible compromise to make compared with past examples e.g

Removal of campaign theatre for Halo 4

Reason given: Underused feature. Problems with QTE interactions.

Fair?: Even if it's not used by the majority, seemingly the only thing theatre's inclusion would affect would be QTE's which 343 later admitted to being a mistake. Furrowed brows en masse are therefore justified.

Removal of Grenade Launcher from sandbox

Reason Given: "Objectively underused".

Fair?: Underused because of its poor placement on maps and the complete lack of tuition on how to use it. Neither the campaign, multiplayer nor instruction manual instructed the user to the nuance of this weapon. Probably the most interesting weapon to use in Halo history and it was jettisoned from Halo 4, a game with a grossly bloated sandbox which featured multiple duplicates of essentially the same weapons with different skins. Outrage justified.

Then there's the guys that will tell you to go back to the previous Halo's multiplayer if something in the latest iteration is anathema to you. We know the population largely shifts to the latest game so to go back to a previous game is to endure smaller populations, longer search times, poorer trueskill matches and increased incidences of game breaking lag. But would it be fair to tell co-op split screeners to just play the older games? One could reasonably say to them "Look, 343 have just released every Halo campaign (barring Reach) ever made, in 1080p and 60 FPS. All in one package. All with splitscreen co-op functionality." If they go back to play these games there are no search screens frittering away gaming time, no lopsided matches, no shot evaporating latency. They play the same as they ever did but with better resolution and framerate.

Ultimately, it sucks for the people that genuinely get mileage out of the feature. It's just those people are both in the minority and if they had their way it would be to the direct detriment of the majority who never or seldom use splitscreen. I must say though, the amount of people in that thread who claim it's a deal breaker on a purchase is a real eye opener.

@ white rabbit on 4 player split with friends: I understand that nostalgia for friends in the same room gaming. Online gaming is fantastic but some of the human moment and camaraderie is lost when everyone's in a separate room. However, have you played 4 player split recently? Me and three friends set up 4 player double dash on the gamecube, big screen too. It used to be the pinnacle of gaming for us, now... I don't think I ever want to 4 way split ever again. Full screen comforts online have made it unacceptable now imo.
I guess I would look on it with a different philosophy.

If something is important to someone but I don't care about it or care for it, I don't tell them they should not care or not like it. This extends to topics outside of this coop issue too, it's a general perspective on feeling marginalised versus being annoyed at those who feel marginalised. I'll give my perspective on it, but I won't get mad or frustrated because I'm not the one loosing something here, they are. Hell, if I'm someone who cares about 60 fps, I'm gaining something at the expense of what someone cares about.

The haves getting upset at the have nots for being upset is just silly. I'd recommend one just voices their perspective and focuses on the positives they care about (referring to jem being annoyed people are talking about the coop issue and not the reveal itself).

Local coop isn't a big thing for me anymore, as an affluent adult, and I do value 60 fps more now.
Local coop was very, very important for me as a lower middle class kid & teenager.
I respect both (and other) perspectives.

Note: I don't spare time for the truly unreasonable on either side. I reported that awful guy who said 'Fuck Off and Die, " in reference to 343, he's now banned.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I assume they are going to explain how Blue Team went from being dead in Chief's mind to fighting with him, right? I seriously hope 343 learned their lesson on storytelling from Halo 4, and are not expecting people just to know what's happening.
So I assume they are going to explain how Blue Team went from being dead in Chief's mind to fighting with him, right? I seriously hope 343 learned their lesson on storytelling from Halo 4, and are not expecting people just to know what's happening.
What do you mean exactly?
As far as people who play the games know, Blue Team don't exist, all of these characters are new.

So they'll likely show some clip of them training together as kids (the bell ringing I'd guess) and then have ancillary dialogue between them to build "relationships".

But yeah, will be interesting to see how they are.


Since it's almost E3 time. If you guys are watching E3 on Twitch and are interested into joining our custom Twitch chat, then simply message me your Twitch username and I'll add you to the chat. Once you are added, you can invite anybody to the chat. The purpose of this chat is to have a convenient way to talk with other people, without having to deal with 100k other people in the chat or without having to use 3rd party tools as it's directly on the Twitch page.

Here's how it works in gif form. You can check your invite and if you are already added there: http://i.imgur.com/vrNiHWI.gif

If you could add me, my username on Twitch is the same.
Honestly, lack of splitscreen doesn't really bother me. I don't have anyone to play it with, and in any case, I have more fond memories of doing hotseat multi than splitscreen. Only had the one controller :p

All of the friends I'll be playing Halo with have their own Xbox Ones. Splitscreen would never be used by any of us.

I'll always have fond memories of playing Halo CE and Halo 2 8 v 8 in college dorms with LAN cables running down the halls, but those days are definitely gone haha. Looking at the the present vs the past... I'll take the present every time.


So I assume they are going to explain how Blue Team went from being dead in Chief's mind to fighting with him, right? I seriously hope 343 learned their lesson on storytelling from Halo 4, and are not expecting people just to know what's happening.

Kinda like with me and Halo 2. I had no idea what was going on in the Arbiter's storyline. Who is this random elite? Why is he a prisoner? Who are these weird hairy species? Oh "brutes"? He's on trial? Who are these judges? Oh "prophets", wtf are they?

I had a better understanding with Halo 4, likely because the base story was much simpler than a religious war and I was older.


These posts are fair and of course I'm exaggerating with the 9 people thing. It's a shame split screen co-op won't be there but it's not worthy of the ire being meted out in that thread. Fifteen pages which largely (from the few pages I skimmed) lack proportionality. 343 have said that it was cut to ensure the campaign maintains certain performance levels; what they are attempting in the campaign (which nobody has seen yet) could absolutely justify that. I'd venture that the majority of the playerbase doesn't use splitscreen for campaign and so that's an entirely defensible compromise to make compared with past examples e.g

Removal of campaign theatre for Halo 4

Reason given: Underused feature. Problems with QTE interactions.

Fair?: Even if it's not used by the majority, seemingly the only thing theatre's inclusion would affect would be QTE's which 343 later admitted to being a mistake. Furrowed brows en masse are therefore justified.

Removal of Grenade Launcher from sandbox

Reason Given: "Objectively underused".

Fair?: Underused because of its poor placement on maps and the complete lack of tuition on how to use it. Neither the campaign, multiplayer nor instruction manual instructed the user to the nuance of this weapon. Probably the most interesting weapon to use in Halo history and it was jettisoned from Halo 4, a game with a grossly bloated sandbox which featured multiple duplicates of essentially the same weapons with different skins. Outrage justified.

Then there's the guys that will tell you to go back to the previous Halo's multiplayer if something in the latest iteration is anathema to you. We know the population largely shifts to the latest game so to go back to a previous game is to endure smaller populations, longer search times, poorer trueskill matches and increased incidences of game breaking lag. But would it be fair to tell co-op split screeners to just play the older games? One could reasonably say to them "Look, 343 have just released every Halo campaign (barring Reach) ever made, in 1080p and 60 FPS. All in one package. All with splitscreen co-op functionality." If they go back to play these games there are no search screens frittering away gaming time, no lopsided matches, no shot evaporating latency. They play the same as they ever did but with better resolution and framerate.

Ultimately, it sucks for the people that genuinely get mileage out of the feature. It's just those people are both in the minority and if they had their way it would be to the direct detriment of the majority who never or seldom use splitscreen. I must say though, the amount of people in that thread who claim it's a deal breaker on a purchase is a real eye opener.

@ white rabbit on 4 player split with friends: I understand that nostalgia for friends in the same room gaming. Online gaming is fantastic but some of the human moment and camaraderie is lost when everyone's in a separate room. However, have you played 4 player split recently? Me and three friends set up 4 player double dash on the gamecube, big screen too. It used to be the pinnacle of gaming for us, now... I don't think I ever want to 4 way split ever again. Full screen comforts online have made it unacceptable now imo.

I do honestly agree with you and completely understand why couch co-op has to be cut, but I'm still miffed that I won't be able to do splitscreen co-op with my brother, which we've done for every single Halo release. I don't think either of us is going to have enough money to actually buy another Xbone and copy of Halo 5, so this might be the first time that I have to fly solo Legendary on my first playthrough.


The only kinda' sad thing about split screen is that it's far more enjoyable these days with widescreen and high-def TVs than it ever was when we were squinting at a 20" CRT.


Yo Frank, why do you guys still run to the gaming press with your reveals instead of posting it on your site?

Kinda like with me and Halo 2. I had no idea what was going on in the Arbiter's storyline. Who is this random elite? Why is he a prisoner? Who are these weird hairy species? Oh "brutes"? He's on trial? Who are these judges? Oh "prophets", wtf are they?

I had a better understanding with Halo 4, likely because the base story was much simpler than a religious war and I was older.


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
What do you mean exactly?
As far as people who play the games know, Blue Team don't exist, all of these characters are new.

So they'll likely show some clip of them training together as kids (the bell ringing I'd guess) and then have ancillary dialogue between them to build "relationships".

But yeah, will be interesting to see how they are.

At the very least they need to do a cutscene showing them in training and on a few missions. We were lead to believe (even in the games) that Chief was the last Spartan II and now the game starts and there are 3 more?

I have no doubt 343 will do something, I just hope it gives a bit of background for us that have a bit of knowledge outside the game too. Blue Team has been MIA for a long time, where did they go? (Disclaimer, I've only read Fall of Reach and Ghosts of Onyx really).

Captain Friendo

Neo Member
You can't see it in the profile picture with his helmet off, but Buck actually has the ODST emblem painted lightly on the side of his chestplate.

Love seeing all the familiar stuff, like Buck and his general aesthetic, amidst the new.


At the very least they need to do a cutscene showing them in training and on a few missions. We were lead to believe (even in the games) that Chief was the last Spartan II and now the game starts and there are 3 more?

I have no doubt 343 will do something, I just hope it gives a bit of background for us that have a bit of knowledge outside the game too. Blue Team has been MIA for a long time, where did they go? (Disclaimer, I've only read Fall of Reach and Ghosts of Onyx really).

Honestly I'm not sure if it matters. The only stuff that really made it sound like he was the last or the only Spartan were the Halo CE instruction manual and just the fact you never heard or saw a peep about the others in the original trilogy. "Oh these guys trained with John" is probably as much background as most people would need.


Since it's almost E3 time. If you guys are watching E3 on Twitch and are interested into joining our custom Twitch chat, then simply message me your Twitch username and I'll add you to the chat. Once you are added, you can invite anybody to the chat. The purpose of this chat is to have a convenient way to talk with other people, without having to deal with 100k other people in the chat or without having to use 3rd party tools as it's directly on the Twitch page.

Here's how it works in gif form. You can check your invite and if you are already added there: http://i.imgur.com/vrNiHWI.gif
Add me same as gaf name Pls. Great idea!


The whole Split-Screen debate is pathetic.

Like some dude said he bought Splatoon, buy sold it when he realised he can't play Split-Screen Online Multiplayer with his son and they don't like taking turns.

He said he "expected more from Nintendo". Like, sure Nintendo are all about family, but they are also about performance.

I mean the Local 1VS1 runs at 30fps! That's with one Gamepad user and one TV user!

How could it possibly maintain 30fps online Splitscreen in a 4VS4 game?

Some even said that they wouldn't care if it ran at 15fps-30fsps as long as they can play with their friends in the same home.

You'd be a detriment to your team.

I'm sure 343i and Nintendo know best and if they could get Splitscreen working everywhere, they would.
I have no doubt 343 will do something, I just hope it gives a bit of background for us that have a bit of knowledge outside the game too. Blue Team has been MIA for a long time, where did they go? (Disclaimer, I've only read Fall of Reach and Ghosts of Onyx really).
Post Halo 4 Comic spoilers:

Fairly sure they help the Chief compose/kill the Didact. So he is well aware they are alive. I don't know if they'll even indicate the Didact survived for a while post Halo 4, 4's ending kind of ties up neatly with what actually transpired later.
The whole Split-Screen debate is pathetic.

Like some dude said he bought Splatoon, buy sold it when he realised he can't play Split-Screen Online Multiplayer with his son and they don't like taking turns.

He said he "expected more from Nintendo". Like, sure Nintendo are all about family, but they are also about performance.

I mean the Local 1VS1 runs at 30fps! That's with one Gamepad user and one TV user!

How could it possibly maintain 30fps online Splitscreen in a 4VS4 game?

Some even said that they wouldn't care if it ran at 15fps-30fsps as long as they can play with their friends in the same home.

You'd be a detriment to your team.

I'm sure 343i and Nintendo know best and if they could get Splitscreen working everywhere, they would.

They really just need to look at the bigger picture
I'm so sorry


Yo Frank, why do you guys still run to the gaming press with your reveals instead of posting it on your site?

I usually figure it's some sort of deal involving money since the article(s) in this case cost money for people to read.

Of course, there might just be higher exposure through the gaming press.
Post Halo 4 Comic spoilers:

Fairly sure they help the Chief compose/kill the Didact. So he is well aware they are alive. I don't know if they'll even indicate the Didact survived for a while post Halo 4, 4's ending kind of ties up neatly with what actually transpired later.

I think that the Ur-Didact will be back. The way he falls into the composer at the end of Halo 4 and what happens to him in the comics can be neatly synchronized to be the same end result for whatever form he takes when he shows up again. This will be a convenient means for both the expanded universe fans and those who stay strictly to the games. It's actually kinda genius.

Captain Friendo

Neo Member
I think that the Ur-Didact will be back. The way he falls into the composer at the end of Halo 4 and what happens to him in the comics can be neatly synchronized to be the same end result for whatever form he takes when he shows up again. This will be a convenient means for both the expanded universe fans and those who stay strictly to the games. It's actually kinda genius.
Was thinking just the same thing myself, actually.
Very interested how the game will start, from the comics chief and blue team are already together. It's going to be pretty jarring for the average fan who hasn't read the books.

I'm stoked that blue team are in though but I really don't know how it's going to work. Blue team is full of bad-asses - if they just feel like dumb ai that sort of follow you around and barely kill anything that will really ruin blue team for me but 343 can't possibly have kelly running around like a maniac distracting and killing everyone and Linda sniping everyone before you can touch them.

Seems like the series is turning into a squad shooter too which is good and bad. Glad they are trying it out though - it seemed to work well enough in odst and reach
I think you're overestimating the rationality of idiots on the internet.

It's GAF, someone is going to complain.

I found the whole thread to be ridiculous. Yes, Halo has a long history of this feature. I remember beating CE on Legendary with my sister and also playing with my friends in H2. However, Frankie stated the reason why this feature was cut and it's a reasonable design choice. You can't please everyone, so just make the best design choice for the overall game.


Neo Member
Honestly I'm not sure if it matters. The only stuff that really made it sound like he was the last or the only Spartan were the Halo CE instruction manual and just the fact you never heard or saw a peep about the others in the original trilogy. "Oh these guys trained with John" is probably as much background as most people would need.

I was thinking that having Locke be a point of view character allows the player to learn the back story in a more natural way as Locke will likely be briefed and told about past events.

I think they mentioned the Spartan IVs having better armor and I heard it speculated about them having ODST like vision abilities. I think that could be a good way to allow the player to learn more about characters' pasts: when the player meets a new character they get a dossier pop up on screen and can expand it to read more if they want.
I think that the Ur-Didact will be back. The way he falls into the composer at the end of Halo 4 and what happens to him in the comics can be neatly synchronized to be the same end result for whatever form he takes when he shows up again. This will be a convenient means for both the expanded universe fans and those who stay strictly to the games. It's actually kinda genius.

Mega Promethean Knight form?


Splitscreen multiplayer has always been weird.

Much prefer something that is more 2 player same tv friendly like fifa or fighting games or any kind of party game
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