God, Destiny PvP is such a pile of dog shit. Why do i subject myself to this torture?
God, Destiny PvP is such a pile of dog shit. Why do i subject myself to this torture?
Phat loots? I mean, you did get thunder lord for being a BK the other day
AgreementI love them how they float using a flying ball in the cutscenes. sorta reminds me of Megaman zero artstyle fusing with metroid prime artstyle
ThisA Power-Up suit that has a set duration (or until it gets destroyed by players) that self destructs after a limited time. Could be explained that it's just a prototype suit that hasn't been manufactured to endure extended use. Reason for the set duration like any other Power-Up is so that it can be OP, then after a minute or so, it'll detonate like a Titanfall nuclear explosion with the titans.
Possibilities are endless, really. Tons of mech/battlesuit ideas better than the slow-walking Mantis.
And while we're on the discussion of new vehicles:
Hoping we get some new Promethean/Forerunner hotness.
Didact basically has Gravity GauntletsProblem with forerunner/promethean vehicles is, do they make sense? These are people who can materialize in and out of thin air, why would they need any sort of vehicle? Maybe someone who knows the lore could explain better. I still don't know how Didact has telekinesis powers?
So stupid that the XB1 isn't backwards compatible. I'd go buy Reach again in a heartbeat.
The first time you acclimate back to 30fps is pretty painful, but it doesn't take that long, and it gets easier to make the switch once you've done it a few times.I want to replay it, but it's hard to go back once you've played the others in 1080p60.
I'm gameGot my first tattoo today for May the 4th. Looks pretty good I think, would anyone be interested in pictures? Planning on getting a Halo one soon to match my Star Wars one lol
NerdGot my first tattoo today for May the 4th. Looks pretty good I think, would anyone be interested in pictures? Planning on getting a Halo one soon to match my Star Wars one lol
I rather not have another black eye.All this talk of Reach has me wanting to play it so bad again. Get it ported to Master Chief Collection damn it 343.
Pretty much the Prototype suit and it makes me wonder if 343 will do something with it. I hope they do. Better than the walking turret that is the Mantis.
A Power-Up suit that has a set duration (or until it gets destroyed by players) that self destructs after a limited time. Could be explained that it's just a prototype suit that hasn't been manufactured to endure extended use. Reason for the set duration like any other Power-Up is so that it can be OP, then after a minute or so, it'll detonate like a Titanfall nuclear explosion with the titans.
Possibilities are endless, really. Tons of mech/battlesuit ideas better than the slow-walking Mantis.
Got my first tattoo today for May the 4th. Looks pretty good I think, would anyone be interested in pictures? Planning on getting a Halo one soon to match my Star Wars one lol
upper right arm. Love it
Reach was the last Halo game my high school friends and I all played together. I kind of miss it for that, since I don't think I'll be able to convince any of them to buy a 'bone for MCC and 5 and they all have PS4s already.
Looking at some of the Prometheans concept art, this one stuck out and makes me think Space Samurai. I'm actually kind of into it but it isn't really good material for common enemies imo.
Looking at some of the Prometheans concept art, this one stuck out and makes me think Space Samurai. I'm actually kind of into it but it isn't really good material for common enemies imo.
The "Space Samurai" concept seems like it'd be a neat equivalent to a Zealot in terms of rarity and strength. Maybe forgoes insanely high shields in favor of extremely durable armor, can fly around, cast magic missile, etc.
Speaking of Reach who saw this article on a trick crew taking 5 years to get into a room?
[url=http://kotaku.com/halo-players-spent-five-years-trying-to-get-into-an-emp-1702095860?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow]Kotaku source article and video.[/url][/QUOTE]
It's so beautiful! I love this mission so much. Most beautiful mission in the entire series, off the top of my head.
Reach is the only Halo my old Xbox buddies will still play anymore really. It's funny how everything turned out considering the backlash Reach got for so long. Despite its issues with slow base movement and bloom, it's always been a pretty cool game with a lot of content and some fun ideas. Especially apparent with the benefit of hindsight.Reach was the last Halo game my high school friends and I all played together. I kind of miss it for that, since I don't think I'll be able to convince any of them to buy a 'bone for MCC and 5 and they all have PS4s already.
Looks great dudeupper right arm. Love it
Blue team to have Power Rangers/Voltron style combination confirmed?I like how the designs just keep getting bigger and bigger. Maybe it's time for a mecha combiner. ;D
I'm not sure a timer is the answer. Perhaps just limited ammunition?
This would really be a cool way to go about it as I could totally see one of those guys as a high commander or something. You could make fighting them really awesome too. Like a miniboss of some kind.The "Space Samurai" concept seems like it'd be a neat equivalent to a Zealot in terms of rarity and strength. Maybe forgoes insanely high shields in favor of extremely durable armor, can fly around, cast magic missile, etc.
I'm liking this ideamm...
#2 Looks like a scary ghost priestess who floats around very slowly and ominously with ridiculous shielding, like a hunter-type. Maybe it should teleport into your face just to freak you out >(as opposed to H4 knights teleporting away like cowards).
Actually, I wonder how the Flood would respond to cavitation using ultrasonics a.k.a. banshee attack.
#2 looks like a scary ghost priestess who floats around very slowly and ominously with ridiculous shielding, like a hunter-type. Maybe it should teleport into your face just to freak you out >(as opposed to H4 knights teleporting away like cowards).
Got my first tattoo today for May the 4th. Looks pretty good I think, would anyone be interested in pictures? Planning on getting a Halo one soon to match my Star Wars one lol
upper right arm. Love it
The first bit where you're storming the beach is amazing (soundtrack is fantastic too). I wish it was a bit longer as I found the space combat pretty dull.It's so beautiful! I love this mission so much. Most beautiful mission in the entire series, off the top of my head.
The first bit where you're storming the beach is amazing (soundtrack is fantastic too). I wish it was a bit longer as I found the space combat pretty dull.
As for the flood, I doubt that it would have much if any effect on them given that their biology is an extremely adaptive one. Most of their senses seem to rely on telekinesis basically though so perhaps a banshee blast would interrupt that? I'm not sure what the effects of high frequency sound waves on the nervous system are.
I guess if it can break glass...
The first bit where you're storming the beach is amazing (soundtrack is fantastic too). I wish it was a bit longer as I found the space combat pretty dull.
Can they patch out the Halo 4 lobby music, but patch in some ODST themes?
Still think the lobby music needs to completely stop, when you search for a game.
Can they patch out the Halo 4 lobby music, but patch in some ODST themes?
Still think the lobby music needs to completely stop, when you search for a game.
Can they patch out the Halo 4 lobby music, but patch in some ODST themes?
Still think the lobby music needs to completely stop, when you search for a game.
Would be great if there were a soundtrack page where you can tick off what songs you want to have played in the menu.
Got my first tattoo today for May the 4th. Looks pretty good I think, would anyone be interested in pictures? Planning on getting a Halo one soon to match my Star Wars one lol
upper right arm. Love it
I liked the space combat because it was something different for a change. Should have been in multiplayer!
The space combat was just long enough. Any longer it would have been waaay too stale. It got repetitive defending the same location wave after wave. The mechanics were good but not worth the time to wrap it in a multiplayer mode.
The space combat was just long enough. Any longer it would have been waaay too stale. It got repetitive defending the same location wave after wave. The mechanics were good but not worth the time to wrap it in a multiplayer mode.
Would have needed more to it, aye.
I was going to make a Destiny post about its lack of space.. anything, let alone combat/traversal, but I didn't want to be the first one to bring that game up again.
Thanks Impala, I knew I could count on you.
DOA5LR has the option to choose what song plays for what menu. It's pretty great.
Would have needed more to it, aye.
Speaking of Reach who saw this article on a trick crew taking 5 years to get into a room?
Kotaku source article and video.
Exactly what I was thinking, though it could have used page/tab sorting for each game. Too much to scroll through. >_>
Damn what a waste of time lol
Could still be a possibility through DLC, but I could see why they would avoid it with MCC's online issues.Uhh, I wish firefight was in. One of the games I was proud to get 1000/1000 in. Dat vidmaster
I didn't even realize they had sound weapons.Based on how sound works in-universe with the small amount of information we've been given, sonic weaponry is uncommon but not unheard of within the UNSC. In particular, ONI carries a handful of Hard Sound Rifles for assassination missions which fire "concentrated sound waves" that leave little to no external indicators of damage such as burns or powder markings, instead obliterating internal organs and causing lethal hemorrhaging. Considering the Flood already liquefies, displaces, "corrupts," etc. most internal organs and redundant physiology in the unorganized stage such as the changes seen with the Combat Form, it may not prove very effective - that being said, it's possible the sound waves could rapidly excite the "internal stew" of the host to such a degree that it would more or less liquefy smaller, more decomposed targets.
Even if sonic weaponry was incapable of damaging the Flood by rapid decomposition, it's likely a "directed" shot from a sound-based weapon would kill Infection forms almost instantly, meaning sonic weapons would be extremely effective in dispatching Combat Forms and "neutering" Carrier Forms. The more developed the Flood becomes, its dependencies are spread out through a wider variety of forms with much more durable biology, however - meaning that sonic weaponry would likely only be effective against the initial, uncoordinated stages of the Flood. Attempting to harm Pure Forms with it would probably be ineffective.
The space flight combat definitely would've needed more fleshing out to work as its own thing, but it does have a lot of potential.The space combat was just long enough. Any longer it would have been waaay too stale. It got repetitive defending the same location wave after wave. The mechanics were good but not worth the time to wrap it in a multiplayer mode.
The space flight combat definitely would've needed more fleshing out to work as its own thing, but it does have a lot of potential.
It's unfortunate Bungie didn't do anything with it. At all. In a later game. One that has space ships. See where I'm going with this?
Haha, yes. That was easily my biggest disappointment early on when we knew little about Destiny. As soon as they said inter-planetary travel was all cutscenes and fast travel, I became sad.
Your "ship" is easily the worst implemented "feature" in destiny. The cosmetic purpose is useless because it only shows up when you are choosing a destination. And, after you complete a mission you HAVE TO return to your ship in order to go back to the same planet you were just on or go back to The Tower. That extra step unnecessarily introduces two new load times rather than just the one.