You got it breh
I'd prefer they keep mainline Halo's to a 3 year dev cycle at least. Don't need yearly release syndrome ruining Halo (you could argue it already has).
So I'm finally listening to hunt the truth and it blows my mind that he pronounces ONI as Oh-En-Eye
I've always just said it as Oh-Nee.
My pronunciation >>>
I'm down with this. Make an ODST hybrid style of games based on Fall of Reach.I agree, and I think they will be aiming for that 2.5-3 year cycle for the main Halo titles. I don't know if they're going to keep having a Halo every year, the way I see it every 3 years expect 2 Halo games.
Which I would be fine with if the other Halo game was a bit campaign focused ala ODST.
So I'm finally listening to hunt the truth and it blows my mind that he pronounces ONI as Oh-En-Eye
I've always just said it as Oh-Nee.
My pronunciation >>>
Halo 3 BR is a fucking travesty. It is literally random and even on LAN feels like I'm spraying enemies with an air soft gun. And that is probably the biggest gripe with Halo 3. The projectile non hit scan system they used for H3 was awful.
The CE Pistol is the best weapon in the series for a reason. It takes an insane amount of skill to get good with and you are not punished at range. The Halo 2 BR is alright. I think the DMR is the 2nd best weapon, and from what I've played so far of H5G the weapons there are challenging and fun to use.
CE Pistol has some spread too. But you wont notice it that much.
Its fine to me that the BR wasnt good on all ranges in H3. That is balancing to me.
That Hitscan crap is beyond annoying.
CE Pistol is predictable and if you are good will land your shots every time
Halo 3 was random which means anyone can be good with it.
Same case for the BR. Changes with a higher distance, but that's why it's actually balanced. You can't kill people across maps with it.
Same case for the BR. Changes with a higher distance, but that's why it's actually balanced. You can't kill people across maps with it.
I don't know how being a POS at range means it's balanced but okay.
But thats what was frustrating, there was no spawn weapon for everyone to use which helps with range, thats why DMR/Lightrifle are great. H3 starts with 1 sniper pissed me off to no end when I could see the enemy, but no way to fight him.
We should make the AR not a POS at range. It'll be balanced.
I don't know how being a POS at range means it's balanced but okay.
I don't know how being a POS at range means it's balanced but okay.
We should make the AR not a POS at range. It'll be balanced.
So, you want a weapon that can people kill across BTB maps like the DMR?
Also, the BR range is pretty nice. People are exaggerating, when they talk about the BR spread.
Are we talking about BTB? 4vs4 was always fine in terms of distance. I really didn't like Reach's and 4's BTB, where people would shoot you across the map.
Yes. That is literally available for every Halo except Halo 3. Halo 1, 2, 4, Reach, and 5 all have weapons that can kill across map.
Anyone wanna join my team? I just need two more people.
It's been spelled out and pronounced traditionally in various pieces of Halo media; ODST uses "oh-nee." Chances are "O.N.I." is just what the general populace knows it by.
Well that's just EFF-YOO-BEE-AAAAY-ARE.
ONI Chan! ^_^Big Brother is watching ಠ_ಠ
Talking MCC online? Yeah invite me GT Wollveren (if not that team nvm lol)
Yes. That is literally available for every Halo except Halo 3. Halo 1, 2, 4, Reach, and 5 all have weapons that can kill across map.
So I'm finally listening to hunt the truth and it blows my mind that he pronounces ONI as Oh-En-Eye
I've always just said it as Oh-Nee.
My pronunciation >>>
Amazing clip from Ninja:
Are we talking about BTB? 4vs4 was always fine in terms of distance. I really didn't like Reach's and 4's BTB, where people would shoot you across the map.
I don't have a One yet but from what I can tell they basically made the MCC H1(PC) pistol act like hitscan, so now it's a buff over both the Xbox and PC versions of the gun, ramping up it's power off spawn even more.
Amazing clip from Ninja:
Amazing clip from Ninja:
Original Halo 1 balanced it by having to lead the pistol shots.
Halo 2 is a broken collection of deadlines and restarted builds
Halo 3 re-introduced Halo 1's leading.
Reach's DMR should have had a 2x scope instead of 3x. Bloom was supposed to counter the hitscan and reduce the kill speed on distant targets.
Halo 4's DMR was just straight broken. They nerfed it in later patches.
I don't have a One yet but from what I can tell they basically made the MCC H1(PC) pistol act like hitscan, so now it's a buff over both the Xbox and PC versions of the gun, ramping up it's power off spawn even more.
I thought you were Ram for a second, well at least you two have one thing in common...
You're both bad at Halo.
Me and Ram had titanium spines this one game in H5 watch out bro, don't want to get us both angry
Sooooooo, when's that 'hot' fix coming for Halo 3 maps still being radar jammer filled, shield door infected, attic spawn diseased, mauler maligned 2007 turds with bust weapon placements and AR locked objective starts?
Also, BR starts for Halo 3 in the rumble put playlist now forge is fixed?
Usually a spawning weapon should be good enough to defend yourself off spawn, but not let you kill things across the map. The reason a map exists is to move around it. If you want to reduce map movement, you play on smaller maps.
You give everyone a gun that has too much range, nobody moves and nobody has any reason to move to pick up weapons. Then it turns into a grindy killing floor like Reach BTB.
If you can shoot perfectly across all the maps in the game, what's even the point of bigger maps?
Make it fire beam rifle shots at full auto. Ship it.
You must have never played Halo 1
Can't speak for ProvenDeadly, but I've seen these same tired arguments for what, 10 years now? Are you going to listen to someone telling you that Armor Abilities are good for Halo? "No? Thought, so..."I expected something like this. Why do you even bother, if you can't provide valid arguements? Did you read his other post? Did you read any of the other responses you got? No? Thought, so...
Probably not muchWhat are the chances of the flashlight return in H5? I think with all the tech 343 are putting into their lighting engines, they're really be able to set some amazing moods.
Probably not much
Which is sad because flashlight is great. Still though, perhaps they will put it in to help show off their lighting engine?
The tech they put into their lighting engines is exactly why we didn't have a flashlight in Halo 4. Kind of hard to have a high-quality directional light when your engine only supports point lights with basic diffuse reflections.What are the chances of the flashlight return in H5? I think with all the tech 343 are putting into their lighting engines
Can't speak for ProvenDeadly, but I've seen these same tired arguments for what, 10 years now? Are you going to listen to someone telling you that Armor Abilities are good for Halo? "No? Thought, so..."
People saying you can "easily" use the Pistol are crazy. People saying you can snipe people "across maps" are crazy unless they're talking about Wizard or Hang 'Em High in which case no shit, it's the only ranged weapon in the game lol. I'm sorry but Tombstone was terrible in Halo 2 because you couldn't kill crap from any range because of how long it took to kill people (BR spread, good strafe, less range than Pistol, etc.).
I'm going to try making some clips/gifs later and post them here.
I'm going to try making some clips/gifs later and post them here.
26th Century Technology including FTL travel...
We get a flashlight that lasts for 30 seconds.
There comes a point where you grow tired of recycled discussions. Sometimes you want to have them, but other times you don't. Fyre has been part of those discussions many times, much like many of us here, so for him to say that still is kind of crazy when you have soooo many CE fans explaining to you otherwise.Listening and having a discussion are two different things. I can provide reasons, why I think that's not the case, which I do all the time usually. He simply quit the discussion with "Did you ever play Halo 1?".
Anything is easy against people who don't know how to play a game. Come on lolAlso, it actually is easy, at least in the MCC based on my experience of CE. You play against complete noobs most of the time and can easily snipe people across the map on Hang 'Em High. I'm sure that wouldn't be the case, if True Skill/Ranks would actually work and I'd get more competetive enemies. That's comming from someone, who isn't really that good in CE.
Point of that clip was to show how I was spawn killed, then I was fortunate enough to spawn kill them right after. I described this in my post. The way I see spawning in CE is like the Wild West; you better be ready to draw your Pistol and start shooting shit! Quick reaction times are vital to success in competitive CE. It's just a different game and you have to accept that, much like how I've accepted Halo 3 as my guilty pleasure ;b Now if we're discussing which game is ideal as a foundation for future Halo games, then that's an entirely different discussion.Just post the clip of you three shotting two scrubs walking in straight lines after you spawned behind them. That'll show us dat CE skillgap!
I think we should all just agree that everyone else is wrong and that Destiny sucks.
lol we don't even have hover boards. Why are there no hover boards in Halo!?26th Century Technology including FTL travel...
We get a flashlight that lasts for 30 seconds.
Co signedI think we should all just agree that everyone else is wrong and that Destiny sucks.