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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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I am loving MCC past few days, almost every 1-2 games at least 1-2 guys with mic's who know call outs, most of them pretty nice partied up with them after... Still lost some games but whatever.

Got a nice 20 kill Warlock game! Anyone been having a positive time in MCC?



Goddamn 30 fps though.

I actually want to play reach, but cant be bothered to find and hook up the 360 and then also deal with what I recall 30 fps to feel like.


Literally first comment I see is "Take Sprint out of Halo. Stop copying CoD."

Like, ffs, they're not gonna do that. I don't like Sprint and would rather see it removed, but 343i ain't doin' that shit no time soon.

Maybe not for 5 but who knows, maybe down the line the fad will die and it'll be possible. At least, maybe no-sprint could get equal waiting in MM or at least a few playlists.


Literally first comment I see is "Take Sprint out of Halo. Stop copying CoD."

Like, ffs, they're not gonna do that. I don't like Sprint and would rather see it removed, but 343i ain't doin' that shit no time soon.

You don't stop complaining just because it won't lead anywhere. Why accept something you don't want and are vehemently against? Sure you can say you're pissing into the wind, but if you stay silent you're in complicit agreement then. It's why I'll always say ADS was useless. We'll never see a Halo again that doesn't have ADS until maybe virtual reality/oculus shit happens and you need the screen real estate. But I won't stop saying it either.


You don't stop complaining just because it won't lead anywhere. Why accept something you don't want and are vehemently against? Sure you can say you're pissing into the wind, but if you stay silent you're in complicit agreement then. It's why I'll always say ADS was useless. We'll never see a Halo again that doesn't have ADS until maybe virtual reality/oculus shit happens and you need the screen real estate. But I won't stop saying it either.

Because at the end of the day, the thing you're complaining about is a video game. It's not the first game, it won't be the last game.


Don't worry guys. There's always Halo 6!
I don't think so. They're likely moving to the "Title: Subtitle" naming scheme like every other long-running franchise is doing to avoid scaring off the mainstream with big numbers. Halo 5: Guardians is just the transition year, like Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, mark my words.
Halo 6 will be titled Halo:
The Undiscovered Country


Is it not enough that 343 have made sprint a toggle? Hell, if we ever get a fleshed out custom browser then playing classic style Halo won't even be an issue (and even without that I'm sure they've thought about classic playlists for H5). So why are there some that are still bitching so hard about a feature of a game that isn't going anywhere. I understand making your voice heard so the devs know what's up, but we are far past that point. They already know. They've also reiterated multiple times that they won't be budging on this.

Haha, yes. That was easily my biggest disappointment early on when we knew little about Destiny. As soon as they said inter-planetary travel was all cutscenes and fast travel, I became sad.

Your "ship" is easily the worst implemented "feature" in destiny. The cosmetic purpose is useless because it only shows up when you are choosing a destination. And, after you complete a mission you HAVE TO return to your ship in order to go back to the same planet you were just on or go back to The Tower. That extra step unnecessarily introduces two new load times rather than just the one.
It's really just a complete waste of time and space
. Really would love to know what the hell happened to that glorious game that had me hyped enough to purchase the Ghost edition.

Why would you want to waste time flying to planets. Wouldn't even make sense from a gameplay and realistic perspective.
You could easily make it enjoyable

Allow in atmosphere flight across a vast area so you can organically get around to destinations without feeling like you're stuck on a race track. Create borders you can't fly past and it explain it by saying that you'll get shot down by enemy whatever's instead of the bullshit that is being "devoured" by the darkness. This ain't no edgy 90's comic book. Make it so players can fly out of orbit to get to other parts of the planet and if they want to go to a different planet, they just fly away from the current planet until a prompt pops up. Or even better just fly out of atmosphere and then (assuming when flying it was a cockpit cam) have a button that pulls up the available planets to fly to.

Select a planet and then warp to it in a cool FTL animation. Then once you arrive at a planet it will highlight the available points you can fly to on the planet that aren't heavily controlled by alien baddies.

Space Magic is the only realism you need.

Thanks for the link dude

I look forward to watching this

Goddamn 30 fps though.

I actually want to play reach, but cant be bothered to find and hook up the 360 and then also deal with what I recall 30 fps to feel like.
30 fps... of REACH

Feel free to hit me up if you ever decide to play it again. The FPS isn't all that bad anyway ;p

Maybe not for 5 but who knows, maybe down the line the fad will die and it'll be possible. At least, maybe no-sprint could get equal waiting in MM or at least a few playlists.
I think the problem here is in people thinking that it's just a fad.

It's not. This is a deliberate design choice that 343 wants in their game and have designed multiple mechanics around.
I am loving MCC past few days, almost every 1-2 games at least 1-2 guys with mic's who know call outs, most of them pretty nice partied up with them after... Still lost some games but whatever.

Got a nice 20 kill Warlock game! Anyone been having a positive time in MCC?
Played on the weekend with a few friends and it was really fun. too bad the enemy team quitted a lot of times, but we had also some very good close matches.
I loved classic HCE, H2 and H3 back then, but honestly I absolutely prefer playing H4 or H2A in MCC. They clearly have the best netcode of them all. The three classic games feel like having a random chance to hit the enemy a lot. Also I can't stand the H3 BR, since you rely too much on the spread on midrange.
I also like the speed of Halo 4 and the punch you feel when firing the DMR/BR. But good thing they made runaway with sprint useless in H5, this and personal loadouts and other stuff really are out of place.


Has 343 said anything about this 'hotfix' which is meant to come this week?

Also the Beyond forums are a weird place...

Apparently voting for AR starts on Standoff is sociopathic.
Halo 3's creation is the single most offensive thing in this franchise and we should all feel bad for supporting it.

Really bad.


Has 343 said anything about this 'hotfix' which is meant to come this week?

Also the Beyond forums are a weird place...

Apparently voting for AR starts on Standoff is sociopathic.
It is.
Halo 3's creation is the single most offensive thing in this franchise and we should all feel bad for supporting it.

Really bad.
You are wrong.
Halo 3 besides its slow movement is fantastic
You are wrong.
Halo 3 besides its slow movement is fantastic
My friend:
You have indirectly been supporting/enabling sociopaths. All of us have, and it's part of the reason why we are where we are today: In Halo's 7 Rings of Hell.

I just realized that if I were to ever work on Halo, which would be never lol, I would be one of those people they hired for Halo 4.. you know, the ones they said were huge Halo fans, but later said they hated Halo, so they changed it (although I wouldn't have, Trust Me™). I'm telling you, 343 has the right people for the job and might pull off some high quality work with Halo 5, feels we're not fully expecting.
#NoMotionTracker and hopefully a CGB for Halo 6.
But Halo 3 will always be the worst and most unforgivable, despite my occasional enjoyment from it as a guilty pleasure ;b


Halo 3 is both the best and the worst Halo.

It has a terrible BR and the movement is just so. damn. slow. However it also has some of the best moments you can get in Halo, it's just fun. As Unknown says, guilty pleasure.

I'm very surprised the Star Wars ADS thread hasn't blown up with H5 hate yet.



I somehow made a Phantom despawn while playing Regret earlier. No idea what happened. Played that level hundreds of times

That's the god despawn glitch. Usually only triggered, if you kill the enemies fast enough, get to the 1st Gondula early and look quickly at the location the Phantom will spawn. It's explained wrong in the video as it has nothing to do with the dialogue.

For some reason, it also despawns occasioanally. People are unsure, why it despawns when you play through it normally.


That's the god despawn glitch. Usually only triggered, if you kill the enemies fast enough, get to the 1st Gondula early and look quickly at the location the Phantom will spawn. It's explained wrong in the video as it has nothing to do with the dialogue.

For some reason, it also despawns occasioanally. People are unsure, why it despawns when you play through it normally.

Yeah on my last Regret run it despawned randomly without having to get to the gondola. I've also had it on occasion just not drop the Hunters at all and fly off.
Halo 3's creation is the single most offensive thing in this franchise and we should all feel bad for supporting it.

Really bad.

I've actually grown to dislike Halo 3 more since the collection, I never got to play Halo 2 online as I still had dial-up and I've come to really love the BR in that game. Halo CE I played a fair amount of LAN parties and it's still awesome. But, oh man the Halo 3 BR is the biggest piece of shit, if you have host or you're on dedicated servers it's manageable, but most of the time you're fighting the game and not your opponent. The campaign is still probably my second favorite and I still like the multiplayer, just in comparison it doesn't hold up to CE and 2.
Halo 2 multi is a god damn travesty. Halo 3 more or less feels like what Halo 2 was supposed to be in the multi front.

Also, having recently gotten SSB4, I can safely say it's exactly what I wanted out of a sequel: it takes the meat of good stuff from Brawl (in terms of general improvements to the engine, "standardizing" characters conceptually, etc.), gets rid of the bad stuff like how choppy and slow some of the play can be, brightened everything up and got rid of the grimdark filter Brawl's assets were run through, and you can customize just about everything you'd want to. I mean granted, there's some weird fringe stuff I may have wanted that would be nice (certain playable characters, etc.) but there's more than enough content there to keep me happy with it for the rest of the generation. People that were expecting Melee 2.0 are lunatics and their complaints hold no weight.

H5G actually seems to be heading in a similar direction - a lot of it just hinges on customization at this point, imo.


Guys. Guys.

Halo Bubblegum trading cards


Halo 2 multi is a god damn travesty. Halo 3 more or less feels like what Halo 2 was supposed to be in the multi front.

Smash bros

H5G actually seems to be heading in a similar direction - a lot of it just hinges on customization at this point, imo.
Well the customization front seems to be in good shape if 343 continues what they've been doing.
Please god let them do

I think Halo CE MP is the devil's work (seriously, the pistol is... argh). Opinions eh.
Fucking lol


I think Halo CE MP is the devil's work (seriously, the pistol is... argh). Opinions eh.

The netcode killed CE imo. The fact that I had three unscoped 3-shots in a row from cliff to base on Blood Gulch was the sealing deal. Makes the game not challenging at all.
Halo 2 multi is a god damn travesty. Halo 3 more or less feels like what Halo 2 was supposed to be in the multi front.

Also, having recently gotten SSB4, I can safely say it's exactly what I wanted out of a sequel: it takes the meat of good stuff from Brawl (in terms of general improvements to the engine, "standardizing" characters conceptually, etc.), gets rid of the bad stuff like how choppy and slow some of the play can be, brightened everything up and got rid of the grimdark filter Brawl's assets were run through, and you can customize just about everything you'd want to. I mean granted, there's some weird fringe stuff I may have wanted that would be nice (certain playable characters, etc.) but there's more than enough content there to keep me happy with it for the rest of the generation. People that were expecting Melee 2.0 are lunatics and their complaints hold no weight.

H5G actually seems to be heading in a similar direction - a lot of it just hinges on customization at this point, imo.

Thats a bit of a weird comparison because a lot of SSB success can come down to the facts they release one per generation, so the feeling of getting old and boring is not a problem because it releases every 5 years +

I would never be satisfied with a Halo every 5 years +, it's an FPS in the end and I do like it to be continuously changing in both story, graphics, mechanics, gameplay, map backs etc...
Halo 3 is fkn awesome.

No one knows how to aim so I just dong.

Did the MCC hotfix come in yet btw?

Some days ago when i played H3, i got so many amazing connections,probably was on Dedicated Servers all the time. I still love H3 so much.

And its so satisfying to out'br someone that comes from H2 or any other Hitscan Halo, that cant handle Projectile based weapons :D

And dont get me started on Sniping, feels so great too when you hit a headshot in H3.

Something like this feels so awesome:
https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/xJumPeR JumPzZ/video/1633662


You people are all insane, Halo 3 is God teir. I absolutely love the projectile BR, I know it sucks because of a typical connection, but LAN in Halo 3 has always been a freakin' blast.


Remind me to read the text before posting next time.

Leaving it though, fuck it.
You got it breh

Thats a bit of a weird comparison because a lot of SSB success can come down to the facts they release one per generation, so the feeling of getting old and boring is not a problem because it releases every 5 years +

I would never be satisfied with a Halo every 5 years +, it's an FPS in the end and I do like it to be continuously changing in both story, graphics, mechanics, gameplay, map backs etc...
I'd prefer they keep mainline Halo's to a 3 year dev cycle at least. Don't need yearly release syndrome ruining Halo (you could argue it already has :p).
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