I'm literally getting deja vu here. Seems almost exactly the thinking pre-Halo 4. 'Eh I'm glad this is Warzone only, if you don't want this you have Arena'. 'If you don't like Infinity, you always have Team Slayer to fall back on' etc.
Warzone is just shaping up to be ridiculously unbalanced even if people can unlock things eventually. I get that it's a new mode, let people go wild. But what's wrong with PvP/PvE but with regular weapons? I mean some people are gonna have silenced DMR's, AR's that can instantly melee kill like a sword, BR's that have much greater accuracy etc. Especially doesn't help that for who knows how long, Warzone is pretty much all you have if you don't want 4v4 Arena and even then, Arena is forced to have ADS, Sprint and the Spartan Abilities. I don't know, I don't think I'll enjoy Warzone beyond the first two weeks, and I'm almost certain going forward, Warzone gameplay, the REQ system will be standard going forward. It really is Infinity 2.0, more streamlined. /end rant