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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Tier-two weapons – like the shotgun – are more powerful, so 343 Industries wants to control how many of them are on the battlefield at any given moment. This means that as soon as someone picks up one of these tier-two weapons, another one won’t spawn until that weapon is out of ammo and the player holding it swaps it out for something else. However, as soon as that gun has been ditched, another tier-two weapon appears on the map a second later.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the sniper work like this, too? I remember people just holding on to the snipers in that Sniper Spot of Coagulation and it just wouldn't spawn as long as it had ammo in somebody's hand
Halo 3's spawn system could work this way. If you set the Runtime Minimum equal to the Runtime Maximum on a weapon, a new one would spawn in when the old one despawned or when a player dropped an empty version of the gun.


Halo 3's spawn system could work this way. If you set the Runtime Minimum equal to the Runtime Maximum on a weapon, a new one would spawn in when the old one despawned or when a player dropped an empty version of the gun.


also on halo 2 it was map specific. some maps would respawn snipe, some wouldn't

Easily the best halo gif ever created.
Don't have FB but if I did that would be a reason to purge those "friends"

This, I don't understand how people happen to have all these racist / homophobic / AR starts / sexist / not racist but / classist / whatever the fuck "friends" but still hang on to them because "they're still good people" or whatever. Fuck that.

This, I don't understand how people happen to have all these racist / homophobic / AR starts / sexist / not racist but / classist / whatever the fuck "friends" but still hang on to them because "they're still good people" or whatever. Fuck that.

If differing opinions cause a "friendship" to end you we're probably shitty friends to begin with imo.

With that logic I'd have to stop being friends with my old man just because he doesn't agree with gay marriage (or homosexuality in general)


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
If differing opinions cause a "friendship" to end you we're probably shitty friends to begin with imo.

With that logic I'd have to stop being friends with my old man just because he doesn't agree with gay marriage (or homosexuality in general)

that's just like, your opinion man


How do I get past the downloading latest data screen in MCC... Someone gave me the game and well I heard its a bit broken but I've been sitting at this screen for 15mins.


How do I get past the downloading latest data screen in MCC... Someone gave me the game and well I heard its a bit broken but I've been sitting at this screen for 15mins.

Press B and try opening the matchmaking screen again usually works.

If it doesn't quit the game and reopen it.


It's great day for progression in 'Murica.

Facebook friends are kinf of like the crew of the Enterprise.


For real though... $250 gets you two awkward looking bookends.

They could have at least tossed some Redbull cans at their feet or something
Those are bookends? I was wondering why they looked like bookends. Holy shit that makes way more sense now.

343 why are you making your super ultra collectors edition something only like 20% of the Halo community will have any use for? Unless of course that 20% is the peeps who would buy it in the first place. I doubt that's the case though. That's crazy.

Honestly if it would have been bookends of this

I'd drop... All the moneys.lol

John and Kelly on one side
Fred and Linda on the other

Such a hard sell on Locke :/

Hopefully when Locke sacrifices himself gray ninja style saving chief from under the guardian in the epilogue we can move past this and go blue team all day err day.
Day 0

Would buy

Make Locke's team cupholders with glowy lights or something. They'll gaurd your drinks with the latest technology.

Will wait for the articulated 9-12" tall action figures. Walletto-am-cry.

One of them is abutt the butts with riflebutt.
Probably because there's more to a person than their societal opinions.

Oh yeah, totally.

I mean, my homophobic, racist, sexist buddy from high school can whip up a mean lasagna. He's such a warm person. Really lightens up the room. At the end of the day, who cares what he thinks? There's so much more to him if you ignore his hateful bigotry - especially that lasagna recipe. I mean damn.




Oh yeah, totally.

I mean, my homophobic, racist, sexist buddy from high school can whip up a mean lasagna. He's such a warm person. Really lightens up the room. At the end of the day, who cares what he thinks? There's so much more to him if you ignore his hateful bigotry - especially that lasagna recipe. I mean damn.
Do you think you can be friends with someone and/or care about them without supporting their political opinions? Not trying to be snarky by the way.
Oh yeah, totally.

I mean, my homophobic, racist, sexist buddy from high school can whip up a mean lasagna. He's such a warm person. Really lightens up the room. At the end of the day, who cares what he thinks? There's so much more to him if you ignore his hateful bigotry - especially that lasagna recipe. I mean damn.

Yeah, society's willingness to engage in social compromise on a proverbially atomic level these days is borderline insulting. I mean yeah, my barber hates the Jews and I'm pretty sure his wife didn't get that shiner from falling into a doorknob, but if you strip away the malice and prejudice, it turns out he was pretty good at running track back in the day! I mean, who can't appreciate that? The one instance out of context I can understand establishing a relationship with someone like that would be the workplace, but even then you have people getting fired these days for spouting all sorts of dumb shit and showing their true colors on social media.

On the Halo side of things:

MKBHD Halo fan.


I've never been a fan of that particular Chief image, but he rocks it well.


Had a really good night of Halo tonight. Got a bunch of team doubles games in. When it works, it works so well.

Do you think you can be friends with someone and/or care about them without supporting their political opinions? Not trying to be snarky by the way.
Is being a homophobe really just a political view? Disagreeing with someone on how the economy should be handled is fairly different to disagreeing about whether or not someone should have equal rights based upon their preference of gender.

Edit: Damn, I forgot to take a picture of my drink for tonight. Was a pale ale from a Yorkshire brewary, not that most of you will know where Yorkshire is. Pretty good.
Do you think you can be friends with someone and/or care about them without supporting their political opinions?

When their "political/societal opinions" are directly hateful and prejudicial to other people that I care about... Probably not, no.

"Yeah I think 'X people' are beneath me and shouldn't have the same rights as me, but that's just a 'political opinion', man. It doesn't mean I'm a bad person."

Ehhh... Yeaaah... It kinda does tho
Do you think you can be friends with someone and/or care about them without supporting their political opinions?

With proper context I can empathize with someone in some fashion without holding them privy to my interests as long as it's an instanced / individualized occurrence, but asking for my personal respect and/or maintaining a relationship with someone with skewed views is pretty uncommon in an actual setting where we're talking a friendship and not a business partnership or something. Then again, my immediate family's also extremely progressive and my mom's never considered "settling down" to give up on staying hip (in terms of things like racial or identity politics, the way a lot of older and seldom younger people do, e.g. "everyone's too sensitive these days," "it's so confusing keeping up with what you want to be called," etc.), so I've never had to cut anyone out of my life that I was particularly attached to.

EDIT: to clarify, I don't mean this in the sense that if people disagree with me I immediately dismiss them - if we're talking strictly political ideologies or religion without bringing commonly associated baggage into it, that's cool - but when you've got viewpoints that actively act to the detriment and subjugation of others such as racism and homophobia, yeah, no, I don't play.


Man. Snipers isn't fun in Halo 4. There's just something about the recoil on the Sniper in combination with the flinch when shot that makes actual sniping contests not fun.
Man. Snipers isn't fun in Halo 4. There's just something about the recoil on the Sniper in combination with the flinch when shot that makes actual sniping contests not fun.

Yeah sucking at a game isn't fun.

Jk. I agree, it's odd feeling for Halo. Glad it's gone in 5.
To prevent “snowballing,” we have REQ Level and Energy systems in the game that govern the deployment of REQ items. This ensures that a player can’t keep spamming REQs and providing their team with a sustained advantage. We also replenish energy at a fixed rate rather than tying it to individual or team accomplishments. So while the REQ content that a player deploys may give them a temporary advantage, it doesn’t accelerate the rate at which their energy replenishes. And of course while it is possible to deploy powerful REQs by spending energy, the opposing team always has the opportunity take it away and use it against you.

Hmmm... interesting.

For Warzone: Each playlist will rotate through a variety of maps – there won’t be a vote or veto system used.


It’s hard to define in traditional Halo terms because the situations in which you face the AI are so varied. You may be fighting 1:1 against a Boss (good luck!), or 6:1 against a simple Soldier or Grunt. Generally we are striving for something close to Heroic in terms of feel, but where the bosses are much tougher than the standard enemies. This is especially true of Legendary Bosses – these are formidable foes that require coordination across the team in order to take them down.

Also, good.

We allow people to enter matchmaking for Warzone with up to 12 people in a party, so it is possible to put together a 12-person squad to take on the world.

Get ready HaloGAF.

Warzone features Pelicans in intro to the mode but there will be no pilotable UNSC aircraft in the mode at launch.

No Hornet or Falcon confirmed :( (at launch)

We have no plans for a PvE-only version of Warzone, but this is something we may consider post-launch if there is enough enthusiasm from the Halo 5 community.

Please? There's gotta be a way to shoehorn Firefight into there... :(


Will Warzone pick random maps, or veto, or a vote system?

Each playlist
will rotate through a variety of maps – there won’t be a vote or veto system used.
So if I read this correctly even Arena will have no Vote or Veto. I am happy about that if true. I really want to play all the maps.
So strictly PvE Warzone derivatives aren't off the table. Awesome. Hopefully the community is loud enough in that area to get the ball rolling down the line. There's definitely a lot of possibilities with Warzone and I'd love to see as many of them as possible explored.
Suggestion: Flood Warzone map where one team is the Flood. Your opening cutscene has you crash-landing onto the map in a Pelican like in the opening to High Charity.
AFK players are going to be kicked! Amazing.

Works great in Destiny. AFK players are booted very early in a match and replaced within seconds.

Suggestion: Flood Warzone map where one team is the Flood. Your opening cutscene has you crash-landing onto the map in a Pelican like in the opening to High Charity.

Yeah, and have Flood AI running around too. If they kill you, you're Flood now, too. That would be a crazy mode.
Works great in Destiny. AFK players are booted very early in a match and replaced within seconds.

Yeah, and have Flood AI running around too. If they kill you, you're Flood now, too. That would be a crazy mode.

You'd have to seriously outfit the human team to balance it, though. Maybe since you were playing as the enemies you could have some human bosses on the map like Mantises, that'd be neat.

That or make it a four-way fight with some Covenant / Sentinel stragglers early on.
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