The roadway styling was also present in Reach with the btb scale maps other than a few forge ones.I also think that their approach to carving up the landscape with vehicle "lanes" hurt the BTB maps because many of them felt like I was hemmed in driving (Longbow and Meltdown particularly.) I think later maps improved on that issue.
Buy yourself a Halo pinata and invite even the most vague of friendly acquaintances. Perhaps a bouncy house with beer inside it. What's the adult equivalent of a Chuck-E-Cheese?Thanks bud, for my birthday celebration I am driving around town setting up Water, Electric, Cable and Bank stuff for my new apartment. #waitingrooms
Buy yourself a Halo piñata and invite even the most vague of friendly acquaintances. Perhaps a bouncy house with beer inside it. What's the adult equivalent of a Chuck-E-Cheese?
Congratulations on getting a new apartment.
So uh, this popped up in my Youtube sub feed:
Guessing its some sort of How-To / starters guide to Halo Online.
I really think the Destiny OT's should be split into two threads, an actual Destiny discussion thread, and an LFG thread. That would help people who actually want to discuss the game like me, be not so intimidated by the speed at which the thread moves.
Can u not get a perfection medal in big team slayer? Just went 16-0 and didn't get it...
Fuckin LOLThe adult equivalent of chuckle cheese? Hmm..
Large pizza, check.
Stiff moving old hairy workers, check.
Excitement around every corner, check.
Ball pit, negative.
Damn, close.
New apt will be great, my Halo Barbie dolls will roam free in my new extended man space.
Boy oh boy I haven't seen that video since it came out. Brings back memories.
Hunt for the Truth: Following the Trail of the Halo 5: Guardians Story
Join 343 Industries and special guests as they examine the compelling and prolific storytelling in and around Halo 5: Guardians. The panel will bring new insight into the mysteries surrounding the Master Chief and build connections between the stories that have been told so far, and sneak peeks of the stories yet to be told in game and beyond. Q&A session following.
Omg the salt on facebook/etc is glorious
Sweet, really looking forward to hearing more.SDCC panel on the 10th of july
From the SDCC schedule
There might be more Halo during that weekend, there are still two days that have not been revealed.
Good to know. Hopefully they get it up on YouTube relatively quickly. I seem to remember last year they were really slow about it..? idk. I don't think CC allows streaming either.SDCC panel on the 10th of july
From the SDCC schedule
There might be more Halo during that weekend, there are still two days that have not been revealed.
My Facebook feed is surprisingly positive, I'm proud of my friends.
I'm so sad that the LCE for Halo 5 wasn't all of Blue Team or something like that. The Chief and Locke one could be made out of solid unicorn shits and smell like my great grandma's lemon trees but it still doesn't make the actual statue any less disappointing. What are Chief and Locke even doing?
You get a great steelbook, though. You could put all kinds of things in it./ded
For real though... $250 gets you two awkward looking bookends.
They could have at least tossed some Redbull cans at their feet or something
You get a great steelbook, though. You could all kinds of things in it.
The image for the LCE doesn't even show off the fact that the statue can come apart and be used like that, which is like its whole main feature. It's like they keep showing the editions without having finalised things.
Using the Destiny TTK collectors edition as a comparison, all the digital in game stuff is shown off looking sexy as anything there. Whereas in the Halo one, its just a really boring logo. Doesn't do a good job of conveying the swag.
I won free tickets to the Indy HCS event. I will be there tomorrow. Pretty excited. Any gafers going?
Why so salty?Omg the salt on facebook/etc is glorious
Why so salty?
Edit: ohh, is it the gay marriage thing? The US loves to fuss about that...
Yeah, I've always found it kinda weird that so many people are bothered by it.I'm not salty, but 'Murica sure is
Fuckin LOL
I gotta expand my collection beyond my 3 iterations of Chief. I'm so sad that the LCE for Halo 5 wasn't all of Blue Team or something like that. The Chief and Locke one could be made out of solid unicorn shits and smell like my great grandma's lemon trees but it still doesn't make the actual statue any less disappointing. What are Chief and Locke even doing?
SDCC panel on the 10th of july.
2 of my team mates were afk for the entire game and a third gave up half way through as well.Team slayer on abandon has a better chance of ruining America than gay marriage
Why so salty?
Edit: ohh, is it the gay marriage thing? The US loves to fuss about that...
I gotta expand my collection beyond my 3 iterations of Chief. I'm so sad that the LCE for Halo 5 wasn't all of Blue Team or something like that. The Chief and Locke one could be made out of solid unicorn shits and smell like my great grandma's lemon trees but it still doesn't make the actual statue any less disappointing.
What are Chief and Locke even doing?
This isn't actually OT 24, I hope you guys know this.
It's illegitimate, just ask JC, he might know something about that word.
This isn't actually OT 24, I hope you guys know this.
It's illegitimate, just ask JC, he might know something about that word.
Just got a new Halo survey. Check your email P E O P L E O F V A R I O U S G E N D E R S
Just got a new Halo survey. Check your email P E O P L E O F V A R I O U S G E N D E R S
Size isn't everything, sometimes it's what you do with it. Too big hurts and while it initially seems like a good idea eventually you see if for the pain it is and want to avoid it
Would rather smaller but more perfectly formed maps than massive just for the sake of it maps
We got gay marriage before a Halo Reach playlist update.
lmaoWe got gay marriage before a Halo Reach playlist update.
MKBHD Halo fan.
I'm not salty, but 'Murica sure is
We got gay marriage before a Halo Reach playlist update.
Obama singing Amazing Grace but Halo 3 map DLC still up for sale