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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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I already addressed this a few posts up. To reiterate though, I disagree that canon should necessarily be the primary driving factor behind design. Established design principles and franchise identities shouldn't be changed for the sole sake of being more "futuristically accurate", especially when you're talking about iconic designs. Also, if you wanted to make human technology more realistic for the time period, you'd basically be dumping literally everything except for slipspace technology and smart AIs, because it's all deliberately anachronistic. For example, equivalents to Spartan augmentations and MJOLNIR armor (outside of perhaps energy shielding) are things we could expect to see by the end of the current century, likely decades sooner.

Humans have always been "dated" in Halo to 1) drive aesthetic, gameplay, and technological advancement differences between humans and the Covenant and Forerunner, and 2) provide players (and readers and viewers) familiar concepts to latch onto to more easily understand the world and insert themselves in it. If you start making every bit of human tech too "futurey" you lose the division between familiar human concepts and literally alien ones, and suddenly everything is "alien".

You make some good points but I want to pry a little more into this discussion. I feel as there are some things that can be done to gve the humans a more futuristic look fitting for the time period without altering the iconic designs a whole lot.

Let's take scopes for example and the big talk of ADS. I believe it was in the game manual for Halo CE that the reason why the pistol had a scope was because they had a technology called "Smart Scope". Now I feel like this was a perfect opportunity to show how humans have evolved. From a gameplay perspective we wouldn't have ADS but instead the classic scope as we are used to with other halos but it could be tied in to the lore that there is an attachment on the gun that is a small camera which links to the Spartans visor. So essentially nothing changes gameplay wise. However, guns like the BR would no longer have a scope but instead a small camera where the scope would be.

This is just one example and I could go into more but I'm typing on my phone and don't feel like it. lol

Let me know what you think.


Ok Madness, you and Reddit did it all.

I never said that. I said that it's the communities that did it. It's just funny how much you say don't care, and yet it bothers you the most Ram. I mean you keep saying it's inconsequential to you what happens with the designs, that it doesn't matter, but you have to keep making fun of or discrediting the people who do care or speak out.


I believe it was in the fame manual for Halo CE that the reason why the pistol had a scope was because they had a technology called "Smart Scope".
"Smart Scope" is Halo 5 marketing speak for "ADS."

The Halo 1 manual uses "smart-linked scope." It treats it as an attribute, not a branded technology.


Woo, Halo 2 feels S L O W after playing Destiny for so long.

I'm just fucking with you Madness.

Glad the stream works good tho!

I know, I'm just saying. They have to completely model the SPNKr again, redesign it, put it into MP. I don't think they would have done that if we just accepted the new design. Otherwise why even change it right?

Related note, stream works great. Good video and sound quality.


"Smart Scope" is Halo 5 marketing speak for "ADS."

The Halo 1 manual uses "smart-linked scope." It treats it as an attribute, not a branded technology that requires capitalization.

Yes I understand that and it can be confusing but I am not referring to the Halo 5 Smart Scope. I was trying to think of ways to bring the humans in to the year 2500 without changing up the gameplay or the iconic look of the weapons too much.

A great example of guns that work for humans and feels like its in the future is the Spartan Laser and Rail gun. While we may have that technology now the fact that a single person can wield them with such mobility really makes me feel more immersed.

To be clear I am not saying I don't like the look of the rocket launcher or the BR I'm just saying from a sci-fi perspective it feels as though humans don't seem to add up when it comes to their technology. Slip space travel yet we still use bullets? Energy shields on armor but we still drive ATVs with combustion engine? Don't you think we would at least have some form of electric vehicle?
I'm glad I'm not the only one, I thought the E3 demo was slap-happy. It was so over the top it came off like a parody.

Precisely. I mean, over the top can be lovely (Mad Max, Halo), but everything in uncharted just looks floaty and silly. It's hard for me to supress my disbelief with that one. The writing was just cliche and boring too (banter between Drake and older dude).

I totally understand why someone might enjoy it, but I just can't take the series seriously. Nathan Drake is a freaking cockroach--he just doesn't die or get hurt.


Junior Member
Precisely. I mean, over the top can be lovely (Mad Max, Halo), but everything in uncharted just looks floaty and silly. It's hard for me to supress my disbelief with that one. The writing was just cliche and boring too (banter between Drake and older dude).

I totally understand why someone might enjoy it, but I just can't take the series seriously. Nathan Drake is a freaking cockroach--he just doesn't die or get hurt.

Have you ever played Uncharted? Cause look is different than feel.
And a video game not taking itself too seriously? Just awful.
Strim is back up, had to drop it in quality, lol.


You streaming via a capture card or the built in capabilities?

60 FPS on a 30 FPS stream is coming out strange and not as smooth as it should, I feel. Maybe it's just late and I'm seeing things though.
Have you ever played Uncharted? Cause look is different than feel.
And a video game not taking itself too seriously? Just awful.

Hello Mr. Antagonist. Yes, I have played Uncharted.

Thanks for making a straw-man argumentative remark out of what I said. Actually, thanks for ignoring what I said entirely.

I have a different opinion than you? Just awful.


Junior Member
Hello Mr. Antagonist. Yes, I have played Uncharted.

Thanks for making a straw-man argumentative remark out of what I said. Actually, thanks for ignoring what I said entirely.

I have a different opinion than you? Just awful.

Whoa sorry there chief. Just asked a simple question no need to start name calling. My bad buddy.
Bungie should just go all-in and get some Stargate-styled headdresses as DLC.


And the new $20 DLC will be.....


I wish the community wasn't so asshole-ish now. It's as if griefing and being a troll are expected. It was always there, but went out of control with Reach and Halo 4. Surely there has to be a way to counteract it without having to resort to friendly fire off, which just changes the nature of encounters and flow etc.
I wish the community wasn't so asshole-ish now. It's as if griefing and being a troll are expected. It was always there, but went out of control with Reach and Halo 4. Surely there has to be a way to counteract it without having to resort to friendly fire off, which just changes the nature of encounters and flow etc.

Implement a system which instantly punishes players for friendly fire in the first fifteen seconds of a match. That way there isn't grieving over starting power weapons anymore. Being more strict about betrayals in general would help, but I'd imagine the line between purposeful and accidental betrayal is sort of blurred.


Destiny pvp is just exhausting after a while.

Thorns, long range shotguns, supers, etc etc

Halo 2 shrine ctf was a great palette cleanser


Unconfirmed Member
Destiny pvp is just exhausting after a while.

Thorns, long range shotguns, supers, etc etc

Halo 2 shrine ctf was a great palette cleanser
It's terrible is what it is. Like, I can manage to enjoy it, but good god there is so much at fault with it. Even basic stuff like ADS and losing hip fire accuracy when jumping drives me crazy. I uninstalled it a month ago and haven't looked back.


It's terrible is what it is. Like, I can manage to enjoy it, but good god there is so much at fault with it. Even basic stuff like ADS and losing hip fire accuracy when jumping drives me crazy. I uninstalled it a month ago and haven't looked back.
Yep. Destiny has many problems, but those accuracy penalties are the worst. That random spread bullshit (when airborne, especially) is so stupid, IDK why Bungie wants to sabotage their own game with that shit. I tried getting back into Destiny when HoW launched (after a 6 month hiatus) but I uninstalled it after just one week. That game's way too annoying for me.

As much as I hate ADS in Halo 5, at least 343 is not introducing any of that shit, keeping it mostly cosmetic (I still want a classic scope option though)
Yep. Destiny has many problems, but those accuracy penalties are the worst. That random spread bullshit (when airborne, especially) is so stupid, IDK why Bungie wants to sabotage their own game with that shit. I tried getting back into Destiny when HoW launched (after a 6 month hiatus) but I uninstalled it after just one week. That game's way too annoying for me.

As much as I hate ADS in Halo 5, at least 343 is not introducing any of that shit, keeping it mostly cosmetic (I still want a classic scope option though)

It's really odd. If Bungie just made the ADS cosmetic/made hip-firing viable, they could make their game so much freer, open it up... rather than demand people track bunny hopping extreme with a slow-ass scope. Bizarre.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I'm glad I'm not the only one, I thought the E3 demo was slap-happy. It was so over the top it came off like a parody.
I want that truck crashing through a wall constantly to be a new meme. Fucking gorgeous game though
So, like every ping ever...?

Sure, if you're one of those anti-parsec commie bastards

Oh, and I'm not racist, but I feel like if we have to stick to some new dumb term for Elites like hinge-head, it should be slack-jaw. It makes more sense, and it could tie into the whole slacker thing, e.g. "well, i don't think aliens ain't do no work, ain't not no how"


I want that truck crashing through a wall constantly to be a new meme. Fucking gorgeous game though

Pretty much, I'm pretty sure it had a slip space drive on board. Because it was physically impossible to be in all the places it was.

Edit: So now that UC4 is 30 SP/60 MP. The vast majority of posters are completely fine with it. I feel like that's a bit hypocritical, or maybe I'm just so jaded by our saltines that I can't accept some communities are okay with whatever


Pretty much, I'm pretty sure it had a slip space drive on board. Because it was physically impossible to be in all the places it was.

Edit: So now that UC4 is 30 SP/60 MP. The vast majority of posters are completely fine with it. I feel like that's a bit hypocritical, or maybe I'm just so jaded by our saltines that I can't accept some communities are okay with whatever

As judging by CoD campaigns, there are plenty of people who would be fine with spectacle-driven campaigns over consistency with multiplayer, which I find horrifying. I've always been a 30fps guy when we had these discussions but consistency has always been more important, because otherwise you will be making half your game feel like crap for the sack of a few more effects on screen and nicer press shots.
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