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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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lore nerd wise, what comic, book, podcast, artwork, grafitti, sculpture, interpretive dance or other medium described how Halsey, Fred, and friends made it off Onyx and back into the UNSC?

Because I remember the Halo 4 opening cutscene confusing me.

haven't read the book myself, but based on what I've heard the explanation is more or less "yeah so forerunner slipspace portals tied to human research facility because plot contrivance mantle of responsibility or some shit. there they're safe now. now that the characters you care about are out of harm's way, let's get to talking about jul 'mdama's indigestion and comparing halsey to every villainous figure in history!"


Speaking of MCC glitches


Experience the legend of the Master Chief


Jeez. Sometimes I wonder if they're better off redoing MCC altogether. Additional patches look like they bring additional problems with them.
haven't they been saying that for half a year
Every Halo game except for Reach (arguable because bloom) has launched with problems that needed immediate fixing, but took a while to release fixes:
Halo 2 -- Patch for dual wielding (RIP), grenades, terrible BR
Halo 3 -- Patch for the worst melee system experienced in this franchise
Halo 4 -- Patch for fileshare, Red X's, a lack of classic settings
TMCC -- The patch of life.​
There's more, but this is just a short, quick list. 'Tis the sad existence of a Halo fan.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Every Halo game except for Reach (arguable because bloom) has launched with problems that needed immediate fixing, but took a while to release fixes:
Halo 2 -- Patch for dual wielding (RIP), grenades, terrible BR
Halo 3 -- Patch for the worst melee system experienced in this franchise
Halo 4 -- Patch for fileshare, Red X's, a lack of classic settings
TMCC -- The patch of life.​
There's more, but this is just a short, quick list. 'Tis the sad existence of a Halo fan.

I know it was stupid, but I loved watching the result of 1 on 1 melee contests in Halo 3. Your biped would go flying away and usually shoot up into the sky before dropping - and sometimes your limbs would go in other directions, but stay attached.


Stupid, but fun.


No, it's a BR.

EDIT: That's weird, the image keeps getting small no matter what I do. Anyways if you look at the new BR you can see it's exactly the same

That's what I mean, thank you. I should have been more descriptive, sorry.
Here you go.

I think you're right, weird that they'd just cut it out like that. Especially for the box art. Then again wasn't there a game with box art which had an IGN watermark on it?


Thoughts following some MCC play sessions over the past few days:

  • Ranking does seem to have some impact on quitting.
  • Dedicated servers is bordering on a flat-out lie. I consistently pull host in Halo 2 Classic. Something to keep in mind as everyone gets hyped for Halo 5 and the dedicated server promises.
  • Uneven teams are still very much a problem. I could have sworn one of the prior patches made it so it would restart matchmaking if the lobby wasn't even, but that's not the case here.
  • The ranking system is beyond FUBAR and definitely not the original Halo 2 system we were promised. Losses seem to have no impact, quitting and dashboarding also seem to have no impact, and dashboarding at the lobby is very much a problem as a result. Despite many losses in a row, I'm yet to lose a rank.
  • There are still some fairly competent people playing, which is nice.
  • In Halo 3 (and possibly other titles), voice chat is not restricted to teams. I can hear the other team and all their call outs.
  • The "deathbine" that Frankie told us to chill out about that was in an "old build" and had "already been patched" is still very much there in Halo 2 Classic.
  • On that note, Plasma Rifle spawn on Midship is still very much a thing. Deathbine means you just plow people as they shoot plasma blobs in utter futility.
  • Playlist management desperately needs to be addressed. Just hand it over to HaloGAF. Hell, I'd even let jem do it.

It's just really sad. When you play a good game, you realize how amazing things could have been and it hurts to remember how that opportunity was blown.



Thoughts following some MCC play sessions over the past few days:

  • Ranking does seem to have some impact on quitting.
  • Dedicated servers is bordering on a flat-out lie. I consistently pull host in Halo 2 Classic. Something to keep in mind as everyone gets hyped for Halo 5 and the dedicated server promises.
  • Uneven teams are still very much a problem. I could have sworn one of the prior patches made it so it would restart matchmaking if the lobby wasn't even, but that's not the case here.
  • The ranking system is beyond FUBAR and definitely not the original Halo 2 system we were promised. Losses seem to have no impact, quitting and dashboarding also seem to have no impact, and dashboarding at the lobby is very much a problem as a result. Despite many losses in a row, I'm yet to lose a rank.

Your first statement contradicts your fourth. Your first statement is also backwards, it should be quitting's impact on ranking.

Uneven teams are now not caused by uneven matchmaking (for me). Its either players crashing during load or quitting as the match starts because its a map or game they dont want to play.
Attention Frank, Josh, David, Tashi, Melad, Grizz:

I just had a BTB game that started us in a FFA. The voting options were CTF on Sidewinder, Assault on Rat's Nest, and BTB Slayer on Terminal. The vote timer was at 0:00 when we joined the lobby. We tried to vote, but it loaded up Terminal regardless. It started the match as an FFA. I'd say that this is a high priority bug. Starting matches uneven isn't good, but not even loading the right settings is definitely bigger.


So, the latest Canon Fodder gives us the synopsis for Halo: Last Light, revealing it to more or less be a post-war murder mystery featuring a serial killer - possibly a Spartan serial killer, at that:

But, more importantly, we also got the cover art which appears to feature Fred (a lock), the aforementioned Veta Lopis (top-right), and Spartan Tanaka:

I don't know why 343 keeps on relegating all of the awesome armors to book covers - first that Elite permutation on Hunters in the Dark, and now Tanaka's. It's pretty much my favorite "completely original" Halo 5-era armor so far (my only other one so far has been Nightfall). Couple of awesome, awesome things to note:

- Seems to near-perfectly mix the old and new aesthetics of the MJOLNIR permutations
- Illustrates you can have Spartan armor conform to feminine anatomy without either making it seem like they'd have to be borderline anorexic outside of the suit given how many layers there are to the armor (Palmer) or without hanging gracious amounts of ass out the back (Reach). Her midriff seems a little too angular, but it's still nothing awful compared to some of the other stuff we've seen.
- Ties back into my first point, but the design meshes elements of both Bungie and 343-era suits in ways that are aesthetically and practically pleasing - note especially the plating of the abdomen seamlessly transitioning into the general codpiece area without having to resort to the space diaper or doing the really out-of-place looking "space jockstrap" thing most of the male 343 armors seem to have
- look at that shit
- look at how fucking cool that shit looks
- check out her fucking forearm plating and the definition on her knuckles
- she looks like she could fucking rip out an Elite's spine with that shit

/end fangirling

Why they are not wearing helmets anyway, I know its for showing but still.


Thoughts following some MCC play sessions over the past few days:

  • Ranking does seem to have some impact on quitting.
  • Dedicated servers is bordering on a flat-out lie. I consistently pull host in Halo 2 Classic. Something to keep in mind as everyone gets hyped for Halo 5 and the dedicated server promises.
  • Uneven teams are still very much a problem. I could have sworn one of the prior patches made it so it would restart matchmaking if the lobby wasn't even, but that's not the case here.
  • The ranking system is beyond FUBAR and definitely not the original Halo 2 system we were promised. Losses seem to have no impact, quitting and dashboarding also seem to have no impact, and dashboarding at the lobby is very much a problem as a result. Despite many losses in a row, I'm yet to lose a rank.
  • There are still some fairly competent people playing, which is nice.
  • In Halo 3 (and possibly other titles), voice chat is not restricted to teams. I can hear the other team and all their call outs.
  • The "deathbine" that Frankie told us to chill out about that was in an "old build" and had "already been patched" is still very much there in Halo 2 Classic.
  • On that note, Plasma Rifle spawn on Midship is still very much a thing. Deathbine means you just plow people as they shoot plasma blobs in utter futility.
  • Playlist management desperately needs to be addressed. Just hand it over to HaloGAF. Hell, I'd even let jem do it.

It's just really sad. When you play a good game, you realize how amazing things could have been and it hurts to remember how that opportunity was blown.


Dedicated servers are some of the worst lies ever! How certain posters have the balls to tell us that we "fallback to p2p occasionally" is beyond fucking insulting. I could put up with some of the shit that has gone down. But the fucking endless p2p games after we were promised dedicated servers is too much to bear.


I don't think it works all that well. My friends and I have been trying to play all night. We've managed a mere 4 games in nearly 2 hours. Every game, we have to have someone reset, or worse, hard reset. Some of us cant press B after a game to join the rest of us. Some of us have no-one on the roster. Some of us have static in place of graphic art for the game.

I just want to play Halo. Why is this so hard to fix? Why is it taking so long? Why does anyone think this is acceptable?

Gah. As a father, my game time is limited. I've spent half of it tonight sitting in a fucking lobby. Simply awful.





I'm replaying Quarantine Zone on H2A and noticing how similar some of the areas feel to patrol locations in Destiny. For instance, there are areas where you run in and out of old, crashed ships, much like on Destiny's Earth. There are also areas with big, glowing pits that hold a similar aesthetic to the Hive regions on the Moon. The end of the prior level, Sacred Icon, where you defend an area against waves of attackers with AI teammates feels just like one of the Public Events defending against the Hive. There are even caves from which numerous Flood spawn.
Maybe I'm losing my mind, but it's a moment in the game where you can really feel the shared roots of the two games.
I don't think it works all that well. My friends and I have been trying to play all night. We've managed a mere 4 games in nearly 2 hours. Every game, we have to have someone reset, or worse, hard reset. Some of us cant press B after a game to join the rest of us. Some of us have no-one on the roster. Some of us have static in place of graphic art for the game.

I just want to play Halo. Why is this so hard to fix? Why is it taking so long? Why does anyone think this is acceptable?

Gah. As a father, my game time is limited. I've spent half of it tonight sitting in a fucking lobby. Simply awful.






Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Yeah I got this 86mb update. for a second I thought its the big ODST one. But no :(
Keep in mind, this hot fix only addresses party issues for people with large friends lists (like me, couldn't party up for two months). Other issues hopefully will be addressed in the next patch.

On the note of this BR design, I never realised till now but I thought the BR design from the POV of the spartan looked a bit odd, like the little bit where you grip it is a bit too low but now I look over it again, I really like the new BR design.

Whats everyones opinion on the new weapon designs? Everything looks good (although I feel the pistol needs a bit of work to retain a bit more of that CE/3 retro design) except the Rockets, what they did with that is unacceptable.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I don't think it works all that well. My friends and I have been trying to play all night. We've managed a mere 4 games in nearly 2 hours. Every game, we have to have someone reset, or worse, hard reset. Some of us cant press B after a game to join the rest of us. Some of us have no-one on the roster. Some of us have static in place of graphic art for the game.

I just want to play Halo. Why is this so hard to fix? Why is it taking so long? Why does anyone think this is acceptable?

Gah. As a father, my game time is limited. I've spent half of it tonight sitting in a fucking lobby. Simply awful.




He leaves as quickly as he returned.

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