the latest Canon Fodder gives us the synopsis for Halo: Last Light, revealing it to more or less be a post-war murder mystery featuring a serial killer - possibly a
Spartan serial killer, at that:
But, more importantly, we also got the cover art which appears to feature Fred (a lock), the aforementioned Veta Lopis (top-right), and Spartan Tanaka:
I don't know why 343 keeps on relegating all of the awesome armors to book covers - first that Elite permutation on Hunters in the Dark, and now Tanaka's. It's pretty much my favorite "completely original" Halo 5-era armor so far (my only other one so far has been Nightfall). Couple of awesome, awesome things to note:
- Seems to near-perfectly mix the old and new aesthetics of the MJOLNIR permutations
- Illustrates you can have Spartan armor conform to feminine anatomy without either making it seem like they'd have to be borderline anorexic outside of the suit given how many layers there are to the armor (Palmer) or without hanging gracious amounts of ass out the back (Reach). Her midriff seems a
little too angular, but it's still nothing awful compared to some of the other stuff we've seen.
- Ties back into my first point, but the design meshes elements of both Bungie and 343-era suits in ways that are aesthetically and practically pleasing - note especially the plating of the abdomen seamlessly transitioning into the general codpiece area without having to resort to the space diaper or doing the really out-of-place looking "space jockstrap" thing most of the male 343 armors seem to have
look at that shit
- look at how fucking
cool that shit looks
- check out her fucking
forearm plating and the definition on her knuckles
she looks like she could fucking rip out an Elite's spine with that shit
/end fangirling