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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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So I haven't played halo 4 multi-player since a month after release, and even then I didn't play it much because a mix of I didn't enjoy it as much and I was always busy.

Today I decided to jump into its multi-player for the first time since the via the mcc... And holy shit, I have been having a blast in it... Is something wrong with me halogaf?

I didn't realize all the changes that they made to h4 on the master chief collection! No wonder I am enjoying it!
Oh shit I guess I'm late to this party since I havent had time to play lately, but I'm told the most recent update broke a few things in H1. I havent had the time to try it myself, is this for real?

AR/shotgun no longer damage invisible players, knockdown powerups, or damage teammates.

6 months on, is it still amateur hour?


I'm hoping Trials of Osiris is as good as it looks. The big thing for me will be getting teammates that have a set of PvP gear.
The game type is definitely a step up, but the game's balance issues will make it a huge chore. Everyone will have a few winter's lie and it will suck.


The game type is definitely a step up, but the game's balance issues will make it a huge chore. Everyone will have a few winter's lie and it will suck.

Yup. It's really going to be ridiculous. And after 2 minutes or whatever and people have their supers, Hunters are going to be able to walk around the map and one shot everyone. Three hunters who take turns using supers each round will be unbeatable. Ugh


I've been playing alot of Halo 2 Anniversary lately for my remaining achievements, and man, this game is a very casualized version of Halo 2. Everything is so much easier then in Halo 2. The BR has a greater range then the DMR. Vehicles are incredbily easy to take out. Medals everywhere. Im not even sure if its possible to dodge a charged plasma pistol bolt. Getting sniped is really common in this game, and I doubt its the players that are getting better.

I love the way it looks though.

EDIT* Like why the hell is this a thing. My Ghost was in perfect health http://xboxclips.com/Nowise10/cee7a855-2406-4fa2-845e-86207e5d897b


EDIT* Like why the hell is this a thing. My Ghost was in perfect health http://xboxclips.com/Nowise10/cee7a855-2406-4fa2-845e-86207e5d897b

There's a little wheel behind the left wing. If you shoot that thing... It's a one shot kill and you will blow up... It's just ridiculous.


I'm only missing Killjoy medals for the last MP achievement. The other one I'm missing is the 4 Player on one console achievement. I don't think I'll have all achievement, by the time ODST releases. Pretty sure they add will other ones. Hopefully no MP this time.


There's a little wheel behind the left wing. If you shoot that thing... It's a one shot kill and you will blow up... It's just ridiculous.

I had no idea that existed. There is no way that was in Halo 2, was it? I can't remember ever it happening, atleast not mutliple times per match like in Halo2A.

I'm only missing Killjoy medals for the last MP achievement. The other one I'm missing is the 4 Player on one console achievement. I don't think I'll have all achievement, by the time ODST releases. Pretty sure they add will other ones. Hopefully no MP this time.

How did you get the legendary medals achievement, or the environmentalist? Is their a way to cheese them?


I had no idea that existed. There is no way that was in Halo 2, was it? I can't remember ever it happening, atleast not mutliple times per match like in Halo2A.

It was, but it wasn't this easy to kill a Ghost. It makes me believe, that it's literally a bullet magnet in H2A.

How did you get the legendary medals achievement, or the environmentalist? Is their a way to cheese them?

Yeah, there is.
Getting two 4 Player teams and trying to find each other in HCS on Lockout. :p

As for the Legendary medals. We were getting a shit ton of Steak medals in SWAT and other playlists. It's pretty dumb, that these medals are broken in all games, other than H2A and CE. They either don't exist (even when the medal system says they do) or they won't count.


"Highs better than lows"
-Tawpgun on the topic of MCC, 2015

Not my fault they re broke the game. I stand by that assertion (and backed it up with game logs) before the last patch.

I'd rather deal with nova bombs, golden guns, and fist of panics over random ordnance drops and instant respawns. But I like Destiny and really halo Halo 4 so it's probably just me lol

People play Destiny PvP?

Nah, but I'm sorta with Jem on this one. I think Launch Halo 4 was pretty close to as trashy as Destiny PvP, but Halo 4 still was better. Turbo legendary is definitely better.

Destiny PvP feels like an after thought and it gives off the feeling that things are balanced for fun instead of for actual balance. I gave Iron Banner a go last week and it was infuriating.

The Supers are just in fucking sane and you never know when someone gonna pop one. The shotguns are fucking absurd. They have more total kills than some primary weapons. That's stupid. Spawning with special ammo is d u m b. I feel like the Heavy gives you too much ammo, especially with a field scout weapon. You can hold on to HMG ammo for days.

And then every class has some kind of bullshit. Warlocks have that stupid pocket sand melee that gives them an overshield. Titans have the same thing but at least they need to actually kill someone to get the OS. But they also have fucking shoulder charge. Hunters and Warlocks blinking with shotguns is annoying as fuck. Dumb perks that buff your health while you're in a super.

It's a lot better in the 3 v 3 modes and I'm excited for Osiris because the no respawn will mean less blink shotgunning. And you can more or less predict when people will have their super since it will only happen once a game, twice if its a long game. Heavy also.

That being said, as a whole package, Destiny dumps on Halo 4.


Jem what the hell.

What are you doing

Talking about how H4 is better than Destiny. I mean I thought that was fairly obvious...

obviously joking? Yeah, I figured as much

Nope, completely serious.

I'm jumping on this train.

Talking about how H4 is better than Destiny. I mean I thought that was fairly obvious...

Completely agree with that statement. Halo 4 as a whole package was simply better and I don't understand how that can be argued when it actually had a story for starters...

Especially Halo 4 now, omg its actually really good in MCC with no ordnance drops and insta respawn and kill cam etc...

Frankly what people felt about the MP is clouding their judgment of Halo 4 as a package, and taking the time to re-play some of the levels will just remind you of how great a game ti was, the production values etc... Shooting the DMR just felt, AMAZING.


Yup. It's really going to be ridiculous. And after 2 minutes or whatever and people have their supers, Hunters are going to be able to walk around the map and one shot everyone. Three hunters who take turns using supers each round will be unbeatable. Ugh

You only get your super like 1 round out of the game. And heavy ammo drops in the same round I think. So that's the "hey crazy shit" round. Every other round no supers or heavy.

Of course there are still blink shotgun bullshit, etc.

At least destiny has worked since launch, as in, you can get games pretty quickly.


I think H4 has better PvP and a better campaign/story than Destiny, but Destiny had a more satisfying gameplay loop that hooked me harder than H4 did in 2012. Also Destiny's co-op PvE was easily better than Spartan Ops even though both recycled environments and threw the same enemies at you

Ew why are we mentioning Destiny again.
It's an enticing question. Halo's first non-Bungie game vs. Bungie's first non-Halo game (in recent years)


You only get your super like 1 round out of the game. And heavy ammo drops in the same round I think. So that's the "hey crazy shit" round. Every other round no supers or heavy.

Of course there are still blink shotgun bullshit, etc.

At least destiny has worked since launch, as in, you can get games pretty quickly.
Halo 4 "worked" since launch and had way more content than Destiny (which is sad because lack of content was one of H4's major problems) with a campaign that actually had some effort put into it.

MCC on the other hand...

I don't know which one is more shitty..Destiny pvp is garbage and boring , halo 4 is another garbage..Can't decide..
Look at it this way, Halo 4 mp may have been shitty (at launch), but at least it had more than 4 gametypes. And thruster pack.


When will Collection of Master Chief be release on xbox360 thank
Ayyyyy glad to see ya back

Now I'm not the only person who hasn't had a Bone


Posted in wrong thread but here goes,
Why does Halo3 in MCC MP only have two colours and not three for armour customisation and why does my armour display my correct insignia sometimes and other times show something else?


Not sure if true since I never played it, but I heard it took ~6 months to fix Battlefield 4. With MCC nearing that mark, which launch was worse?


Screw all the Destiny talk, everyone needs to go listen to Hunt the Truth right now.

It just keeps getting better and better.

Halo is dark as fuck, and shit is about to go down.


On a more negative note after the amazingness that was Hunt the Truth (seriously, go listen right now), the online cup this weekend is being ruined by DDOSers. People need to get a life...
Watched a Halo 5 montage with a "Arrival" remix, was reminded that I really liked that track, it has some cool remixes too. Would have preferred that as the main menu track as opposed to the high pitched yodeling that they went with.

I'm curious rather they bring back deployable equipment in Halo 5 now that all armor abilities are standardized. While I like the slower pace of Halo's combat, I always felt equipment in Halo 3 drew out fights a little too long, but with the faster pace of Halo 5 I could see it working pretty well. Gameplay is going to be crazy regardless, but there's a lot of potential for unconventional kills coupling spartan abilities and equipment.


Results from today. Only played 4 matches.

Playlist: SWAT
Game: Halo 2
Map: Ivory Tower
Gametype: Team SWAT
Final Score: 0-0 (personal score: 0k/0a/0d)
Comments: Game failed to load. #bust

Playlist: SWAT
Game: Halo 3
Map: SWAT Stop
Gametype: Team SWAT
Final Score: 50-45 loss(personal score: 18k/2a/15d)
Comments: I had a teammate with an imperfection(0 kills/ 15+ deaths). I didn't think it was even possible to get 0 kills in SWAT, but yet here we are. At one point I betrayed him because he was walking right where he died last, and it kept them from gaining a point while not having us lose a point. It still wasn't enough to keep him from losing it all for us. Terrible skill matching to say the least.

Playlist: BTB
Game: Halo 2
Map: Coagulation
Gametype: 2 Flag
Final Score: 1-0 victory (personal score: 17k/5a/7d 0 objective)
Comments: Teammate grabbed Sniper off spawn and got counter-sniped almost immediately. I grab it and use the ammo boxes in front of the base to control the enemy team. Teammate runs in to grab the flag and I defended him while the Warthog drove to get him. Good match.

Playlist: BTB
Game: Halo 2 Anniversary
Map: Bloodline
Gametype: BTB Team Slayer
Final Score: 81-77 defeat (personal score: 32k/3a/8d)
Comments: I can't carry that much. This guy named Vatuu had the enemy sniper, he managed to get me twice throughout the whole match, but I was able to get him at least 10 times. I was definitely at a higher skill than my opponents and they were a higher skill than my teammates.
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