I did and the only thing keeping me is how many of my friends play Destiny on the Bone.
I bought a 2nd Xbone for my wife to play Destiny on.
Perhaps not the best decision I've ever made, but at least I can play Xbone games upstairs as well?
I did and the only thing keeping me is how many of my friends play Destiny on the Bone.
It sucks for the ones who bought the console only to play MCC.
I did and I'm still excited for Rare's project but thats about it now that Phantom Dust is in a weird state.
Luckily I got it for $200 so Im not too bummed.
Well, I kind of did, more for H5 though.
Destiny, MCC, and Sunset Overdrive are the only games I have lol.
I bought a 2nd Xbone for my wife to play Destiny on.
Perhaps not the best decision I've ever made, but at least I can play Xbone games upstairs as well?
I was going to switch to Playstation after Halo 4, but luckily for Microsoft Killer Instinct was released and it is amazing!
Recently got back into playing it, the league thing is pretty cool. Still have to play around with season 2 characters though, pretty much only using Jago online.
And you people tried to convince me to choose the MCC bundle over ACU.
Definitely. ACU is absolutely terrible. 4, on the other hand...Well, to be fair, I think I'd rather sit in a MCC lobby indefinitely than play AC.
I really loved Unity, other than the performance issues I thought it was probably one of the best AC games I've played. Paris was just so damn cool.
I really loved Unity, other than the performance issues I thought it was probably one of the best AC games I've played. Paris was just so damn cool.
You say that, however other than performance issues, the stupid Initiates shit and people trolling about "girls being too hard to animate" I haven't seen any legitimate complaints about the game. It has the best assassination missions of the series, it also has the best open world. Yes it has the same issues as previous AC games like weak combat and iffy traversal however they're improved upon from previous games in Unity. Combat is no longer just a tap X to win game and the new up/down traversal is a massive improvement over previous systems.
It's a far better Assassin's Creed game than 4. Sure the boats were kinda cool but the rest of the game was terrible, so many awful tailing missions.
You say that, however other than performance issues, the stupid Initiates shit and people trolling about "girls being too hard to animate" I haven't seen any legitimate complaints about the game. It has the best assassination missions of the series, it also has the best open world. Yes it has the same issues as previous AC games like weak combat and iffy traversal however they're improved upon from previous games in Unity. Combat is no longer just a tap X to win game and the new up/down traversal is a massive improvement over previous systems.
It's a far better Assassin's Creed game than 4. Sure the boats were kinda cool but the rest of the game was terrible, so many awful tailing missions.
Is it on sale yet? I'll probably get it eventually.
Jem... please understand...
Busting your balls is basically a weekly tradition here at HaloGAF. XD
Obviously AC:U had a ton of launch issues, but I haven't played it honestly so I have no idea how it plays today.
AC is zzzzzzzz
Wake me up when it moves to feudal Japan.
Is it on sale yet? I'll probably get it eventually.
AC is zzzzzzzz
Wake me up when it moves to feudal Japan.
I mean, even I don't like the survivor perk...
Honestly, I don't like any perks and I don't like most AAs. I tolerate them so I can use thruster pack though. Also spawning with a boltshot is so damn annoying.
I really enjoy H4, however I acknowledge it has problems. You can like perks etc. however you have to admit they're distinctly un-Halo. I do think Legendary BRs is a genuinely good game of Halo though. Shooting just feels really good in H4; I seriously think it has the best feeling guns in the series.
For me at least the performance was so bad I just didn't want to play it. Running full speed down any street resulted in single-digit framerate and throngs of people popping in mere feet ahead of me. And frankly, beyond the veil of bugs and performance issues, I don't see anything noteworthy. It's a totally average AC game, one that happens to play a lot worse than all of its predecessors.The whole ACU thing just kinda annoys me because it's a genuinely good AC game and definitely a bit of a return to form yet it gets brushed aside because of the performance issues.
Still a right bugger's muddle though on any front of balance.I had no problems with the perk. It's not like big team was a ranked playlist in Halo 4, and I enjoyed the casual fun.
Is it on sale yet? I'll probably get it eventually.
Check your PM's.
Wow that is an amazing deal! is this site legit? lol
As soon as Halo 5 comes out MCC won't even get mentioned by 343 anymore.
I honestly can't believe that shit still doesnt work 6 months on.
When was the last time YOU were put in a 3v4 and had a -26 kid on your team?
Hey guys, Halo Reach is a really cool game and I've noticed the majority here does not love it as much as I do. I've been playing it from time to time in between the MCC and I really miss it and its heydays. Train of thought incoming:
The weapons and armor abilities added to the Halo sandbox really give you more ways to play the game. The Falcon is the coolest thing ever and the pro-pipe is better than the sticky detonator will ever be. Next to competitive tryharding, Halo for me has also been about doing cool stuff in the multiplayer like tricking people with a hologram (people never fell for this) or jumping of Spire and breaking the fall with a jet pack. I sound like an excited ten-year old but I fail to care at this point. Remember Highland and Breakneck? Those maps were the coolest and don't get me started on Forge World, although that map became bland after a while. I do admit that the DLC maps were much better than the stock maps (lots of them done my Certain Affinity right?). Armor customization was also really cool and stuff. Campaign-wise Bungie really tried developing characters, it is debatable however whether Noble-Team is actually interesting but Bungie really managed to put together an awesome and diverse campaign experience. (inb4 retcon)
Whether you disagree with the design decisions such as bloom, I think Bungie really succeeded innovating the Halo genre all the way to its limit, without conforming too much the mainstream shooter genre, which 343 is guilty of doing according to popular opinion (and mine!). It is also hard to believe that this same Bungie that made Destiny, which is in terms of content nothing like Halo.
Don't lynch me pls, this is what I feel man. Go tell me my feelings suck, I'll go back to lurking again.
Glad for you, enjoy the things you love. Enough time has passed that I can look past my distaste for Reach and embrace it as a stepping stone for this franchise, similar to Halo 4. Everything that happened needed to happen in order to get the vision back on track. No longer will we have useless weapons and painfully sluggish gameplay. No longer will the BR be the only weapon people use. No longer will Halo 3 fans rule this franchise with a floppy fist.Hey guys, Halo Reach is a really cool game and I've noticed the majority here does not love it as much as I do. I've been playing it from time to time in between the MCC and I really miss it and its heydays. Train of thought incoming:
The weapons and armor abilities added to the Halo sandbox really give you more ways to play the game. The Falcon is the coolest thing ever and the pro-pipe is better than the sticky detonator will ever be. Next to competitive tryharding, Halo for me has also been about doing cool stuff in the multiplayer like tricking people with a hologram (people never fell for this) or jumping of Spire and breaking the fall with a jet pack. I sound like an excited ten-year old but I fail to care at this point. Remember Highland and Breakneck? Those maps were the coolest and don't get me started on Forge World, although that map became bland after a while. I do admit that the DLC maps were much better than the stock maps (lots of them done my Certain Affinity right?). Armor customization was also really cool and stuff. Campaign-wise Bungie really tried developing characters, it is debatable however whether Noble-Team is actually interesting but Bungie really managed to put together an awesome and diverse campaign experience. (inb4 retcon)
Whether you disagree with the design decisions such as bloom, I think Bungie really succeeded innovating the Halo genre all the way to its limit, without conforming too much the mainstream shooter genre, which 343 is guilty of doing according to popular opinion (and mine!). It is also hard to believe that this same Bungie that made Destiny, which is in terms of content nothing like Halo.
Don't lynch me pls, this is what I feel man. Go tell me my feelings suck, I'll go back to lurking again.
I have to say, im sometimes that guy in your game.
The guy that goes way negative.
Im sorry, the matchmaking in this game is just terrible. Sometimes i play with people my skill and have a blast. sometimes people way below me. sometimes i feel like im playing with pros.
Its all over the board.
The best thing about Reach mp was the grenade launcher. Not really sure how they innovated Halo with Reach.
When was the last time YOU were put in a 3v4 and had a -26 kid on your team?
The best thing about Reach mp was the grenade launcher. Not really sure how they innovated Halo with Reach.
Don't get hit. Don't die. Cover your teammates and hold positions. When you spawn, immediately go to where your teammates are and cover angles they aren't watching. Put bullets into everyone even if you think they won't die, but understand that it takes several seconds for them to regenerate, allowing you time to be productive as they play it safe.I have to say, im sometimes that guy in your game.
The guy that goes way negative.
Im sorry, the matchmaking in this game is just terrible. Sometimes i play with people my skill and have a blast. sometimes people way below me. sometimes i feel like im playing with pros.
Its all over the board.
Well, I wouldn't say that. How many times must one run into a group of 4 people expecting things to change when all they're doing is giving free kills to the enemy team?I don't think anyone has anything against people who go negative.
Lucky you lolHalo 2 (and Halo 3 to a degree) had it right. I never had teammates, that had 0 kills or went -20+.But in the MCC? Happens like every 5th match...
Still a right bugger's muddle though on any front of balance.
Displays the motion tracker on the Grenade Launcher? Maybe even bring up a little holographic motion tracker out of the weapon or it can just be a slight zoom. Anything, really.But then what would be the ADS mode be?
Speaking of the Grenade Launcher, are there any objections to it returning as a hybrid of the Sticky Detonator? As in:
Hold RT for Grenade Launcher properties (bouncing off walls, release to explode)
Press RT for Sticky Detonator properties (press once to shoot Sticky Det., can stick on walls, press again to detonate)
I feel like that's the obvious design to bring the best of both worlds, but is it too obvious that they won't do it? Like the Keyes' Magnum; it makes too much sense that I doubt it will be in the game lol
Glad for you, enjoy the things you love. Enough time has passed that I can look past my distaste for Reach and embrace it as a stepping stone for this franchise, similar to Halo 4. Everything that happened needed to happen in order to get the vision back on track. No longer will we have useless weapons and painfully sluggish gameplay. No longer will the BR be the only weapon people use. No longer will Halo 3 fans rule this franchise with a floppy fist.
Halo 5 will hopefully be the sequel I've wanted for 10 years, but if not, there's always Halo 6.
Followed by "Buy Teh Haloz"What really happened during the MCC's development?
Followed by this
Followed by #Butts
That's another way to look at it, very well said.
I can't believe its been almost 5 years since the release of Reach and almost 8 since Halo 3. It makes you realize how invested you are in this franchise since it left me such vivid memories of me playing the game (with friends) and having fun.
Dank memes are for hippies
Greatness can be found even in the thickest Cambodian ass swampsTruly one of the greatest posts I've seen here in my short stint with HaloGAF
It'd be cool if they could bring BluePoint on the MCC. Those guys have level 80 port wizards.I used to write off Dwells posts as "old saltiness", but as the months roll on and the promise of a well-working MCC seem to diminish, his posts are starting to reverberate a little stronger now. I'm not at the point where I'm going to say 343i/MS have committed criminal acts with the release and support of the MCC, but it is beginning to become disgraceful.
At this point, I'd rather have the game be issued a proper recall and some dev team that isn't 343i and knows how to code multiplayer well should start work on the package almost clean-slate fresh/square one and re-relase the game sometime like Q2 2016. People ask me why I've been playing so much Destiny lately... well, much like Daeddy said, it's that I can't stand a broken game when my gaming time is semi-precious.
I'm into this. However it makes too much sense to exist. I'm pretty sure we've used up most of the alloted sense with the Thruster Pack and Keyes Pistol.Speaking of the Grenade Launcher, are there any objections to it returning as a hybrid with the Sticky Detonator? As in:
Hold RT for Grenade Launcher properties (bouncing off walls, release to explode)
Press RT for Sticky Detonator properties (press once to shoot Sticky Det., can stick to walls, press again to detonate)
I feel like that's the obvious design to bring the best of both worlds, but is it too obvious that they won't do it? Like the Keyes' Magnum; it makes too much sense that I doubt it will be in the game lol
Displays the motion tracker on the Grenade Launcher? Maybe even bring up a little holographic motion tracker out of the weapon or it can just be a slight zoom. Anything, really.
Ba dum TThat's what 343 has been saying since November.
The lack of consistency is what annoyed me about the perk, some people having it and others not. It was also rather annoying taking down a vehicle only to see the driver pop out of the vehicle and sprint away.I had no problems with the perk. It's not like big team was a ranked playlist in Halo 4, and I enjoyed the casual fun. And again, I'd have no problem with legendary if it let me keep infinite sprint and my thruster. That's pretty much all I want as far as the Halo 4 goodness goes.
Luckily Halo 5 is keeping those two things and making everything even starts once more. Which is great and a fair middle ground for people like me and old school fans who really want that legendary equal starts feeling.
Edit: I'm sad to see people still having issues after the patch. I'm having pretty decent luck every night with my team. But we play with the same group every night, we could definitely just be getting lucky.
The performance is definitely far better than that now. Drops are still pretty prevalent. However nothing under 25ish from my experience.For me at least the performance was so bad I just didn't want to play it. Running full speed down any street resulted in single-digit framerate and throngs of people popping in mere feet ahead of me. And frankly, beyond the veil of bugs and performance issues, I don't see anything noteworthy. It's a totally average AC game, one that happens to play a lot worse than all of its predecessors.