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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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The DMR was a beaut. So much character

Yeah, I much prefer Reach's design, scope & barrel. The front of the gun is bulkier too, which seems like a better balance in first person view than the emptier area and skinny neck of the scope in the H4 version.


What I mean is:

It doesn't feel like the scope is obscuring as much in Reach if that makes any sense. It's subtle but I think it just makes the scope look that much weirder in 4.


Yeah, I much prefer Reach's design, scope & barrel. The front of the gun is bulkier too, which seems like a better balance in first person view than the emptier area and skinny neck of the scope in the H4 version.


What I mean is:

It doesn't feel like the scope is obscuring as much in Reach if that makes any sense. It's subtle but I think it just makes the scope look that much weirder in 4.
Reach's DMR also isn't made out of aliases.
AR starts in the Beta made me ignore the 1st week completely...

lol, I remember when they swapped back to AR starts during the closing days of the beta.
we all just sorta deleted it at that point.

and now two of my friends are on the fence about never touching breakout because everyone is trying so hard to remove the BR.


lol, I remember when they swapped back to AR starts during the closing days of the beta.
we all just sorta deleted it at that point.

and now two of my friends are on the fence about never touching breakout because everyone is trying so hard to remove the BR.

If you're gonna do breakout it either has to be ALL BR's or NO BR's none of this ONE BR PER SIDE mularky. I don't think that shit played very well at all.

How about a pistol buff as well as a removal of BR's from Breakout?


I didn't like it at the time but I really appreciate the improved animation in Reach now. Much like Destiny I find how the player's weapon and arms move realistic and appealing. Much better than Halo 3. What was weird back then is that everything felt slower because of the movement speed and the animation (or maybe it was just the movement speed?). Regardless, I appreciate the work Bungie put into now.
Wow, Halo really is worse with radar. It's just a bunch of nade spam around corners
Fixed for accuracy.
Also, Funknown rejoice. Halo is saved:

If only the rest of matchmaking followed this "no-radar goodness" philosophy ;'[

Players think they want it, but they really don't. It's one of those things where the quality of matches sky rocket at the removal of something that was intended to be a crutch to help players.


Fixed for accuracy.

If only the rest of matchmaking followed this "no-radar goodness" philosophy ;'[

Players think they want it, but they really don't. It's one of those things where the quality of matches sky rocket at the removal of something that was intended to be a crutch to help players.

I want radar, because I can play mind games with other people with it.


Fixed for accuracy.

If only the rest of matchmaking followed this "no-radar goodness" philosophy ;'[

Players think they want it, but they really don't. It's one of those things where the quality of matches sky rocket at the removal of something that was intended to be a crutch to help players.
I phrased it that way specifically because I think radar is ok for bigger maps with bigger teams because it makes it faster to find action. It also makes it fun to drive vehicles around the map because you can actually patrol for enemies rather than just hoping for one to jump out in front of you. Neither of these are an issue in 2v2 games on smaller maps, so radar doesn't really serve a purpose there
I phrased it that way specifically because I think radar is ok for bigger maps with bigger teams because it makes it faster to find action. It also makes it fun to drive vehicles around the map because you can actually patrol for enemies rather than just hoping for one to jump out in front of you. Neither of these are an issue in 2v2 games on smaller maps, so radar doesn't really serve a purpose there
I find motion tracker just as offensive in large games because all you need is 1 or 2 BASE DEFENDER HEROES to literally just sit in the base and watch their motion tracker in an objective gametype while drinking tea. Couple that with the absurd amount of ammo they give you with Shotguns and it becomes a snoozefest.

And to be fair, let's examine what you're talking about. You're saying you need motion tracker to drive around the map looking for red dots to kill, but the maps are only so large and there are only so many places a Warthog can kill people, so what real benefit does motion tracker provide you with? If anything, it makes it less fun for Hog drivers because the enemies can see a big ol' Warthog heading their way on their overpowered motion tracker and make the simple decision to avoid it at all costs.

Motion tracker provides you with nothing that your eyes and some basic critical thinking can't do for you.
There are many other ways to bait people into traps other than hoping a lesser-skilled player chases a red dot.

Arena gameplay is definitely better without a radar. Far less standoffish.

I don't care either way on BTB though, it's quite nice to have in some ways as it makes finding people a bit easier.
Think about what you guys are saying. BTB is 8v8.. You seriously have difficulty finding people in an EIGHT on EIGHT? What the hell are we even talking about here lol


Arena gameplay is definitely better without a radar. Far less standoffish.

I don't care either way on BTB though, it's quite nice to have in some ways as it makes finding people a bit easier.

Isn't that unranked?

If it does have ranks then I'm down.
They're adding ranks for it in the next update I think. Might be the June update.


Not hyped for E3, but I'll stream or watch it just in case of any ninja betas or releases.

give me MGO and BTB betas plz
Ninja beta would be optimal. Let us stress test them servers!

lol. You're one of those people.
lol nah just havin a ball

I do. Show something that gets everybody talking.
But... what about having great reveals in the game that haven't been marketed to hell and back?


I find motion tracker just as offensive in large games because all you need is 1 or 2 BASE DEFENDER HEROES to literally just sit in the base and watch their motion tracker in an objective gametype while drinking tea. Couple that with the absurd amount of ammo they give you with Shotguns and it becomes a snoozefest.

And to be fair, let's examine what you're talking about. You're saying you need motion tracker to drive around the map looking for red dots to kill, but the maps are only so large and there are only so many places a Warthog can kill people, so what real benefit does motion tracker provide you with? If anything, it makes it less fun for Hog drivers because the enemies can see a big ol' Warthog heading their way on their overpowered motion tracker and make the simple decision to avoid it at all costs.

Motion tracker provides you with nothing that your eyes and some basic critical thinking can't do for you.

There are many other ways to bait people into traps other than hoping a lesser-skilled player chases a red dot.

Think about what you guys are saying. BTB is 8v8.. You seriously have difficulty finding people in an EIGHT on EIGHT? What the hell are we even talking about here lol
It's not a challenge to know where a Warthog is unless you have the game muted, so its appearance on radar is redundant anyway. I think it's more of an advantage to the driver.

Anyway, I guess I can't logically justify why it's good. It's just more fun to have in 5v5 or bigger in my personal opinion. I can easily see if I'm outnumbered before approaching an encounter or check if there are teammates behind me watching my back. Strategically avoiding detection on other players' radars by crouching or standing still adds to the meta game and is in itself fun to me. I'm not saying radar-less Halo isn't fun; like I said, I prefer CE without it. It's just a personal preference.

Bravo wtf man. What team is deciding this garbage? I know that you prefer BR starts, tell the people curating these playlists (which at this point is either a team of idiots or literally no one) to fix this shit.

Ugh. If people are on I might play some MCC but otherwise its Destiny and FIFA for me. Fuck. I just want to play some good Halo.

The weighting and vote variants are more than kind in this playlist, being a social unranked playlist I can understand some variants with AR starts. When does OBJ playlist become ranked?
and BR starts only

My Facebook liieesss

Tag worthy

Played about 5 games of objective. All games were on laggy, late nade p2p connections. One game ended early because the host quit. AR start Heretic failed to load. Flag return times on Halo 3 are so long that the enemy team went super neg but won by throwing the flag five feet each spawn then dying.

Other than that, enjoying the playlist.

Edit: AR oddball on Guardian failed to load after the heretic no load. Back to back.

I had one game fail to load last night and one blackout screen that came back to normal after 20 seconds mid game (skip to 14secs). Connection quality felt a bit better but more felt like I was just being matched with Aussies, which is great but most games I still noticed the grenade throwing latency as you mention.

I find motion tracker just as offensive in large games because all you need is 1 or 2 BASE DEFENDER HEROES to literally just sit in the base and watch their motion tracker in an objective gametype while drinking tea. Couple that with the absurd amount of ammo they give you with Shotguns and it becomes a snoozefest.

And to be fair, let's examine what you're talking about. You're saying you need motion tracker to drive around the map looking for red dots to kill, but the maps are only so large and there are only so many places a Warthog can kill people, so what real benefit does motion tracker provide you with? If anything, it makes it less fun for Hog drivers because the enemies can see a big ol' Warthog heading their way on their overpowered motion tracker and make the simple decision to avoid it at all costs.

Motion tracker provides you with nothing that your eyes and some basic critical thinking can't do for you.

There are many other ways to bait people into traps other than hoping a lesser-skilled player chases a red dot.

Think about what you guys are saying. BTB is 8v8.. You seriously have difficulty finding people in an EIGHT on EIGHT? What the hell are we even talking about here lol

Radar isn't just about finding or evading one enemy. Feinting, deceit routes, intel gathering and more become much easier for a solo player. There are times I'll be playing in a full party but I still go rogue and gathering intel on how many in a base, what presumed weapons they have based on their movements, the right timing to steal the flag to get away etc.

It's about information. I completely understand a no radar focused 4v4 Arena style game works and promotes teamwork and decision making where 2v2 CE with radar is shite etc. However there is plenty of maps and gametypes that work with radar exceptionally well. There are even more scenarios in party vs. solo play.

Here's a summary of my time with the objective playlist last night:

1. I saw between 4-6 regular friends playing MCC last night, which was a about average for the last 3 weeks. Two of those I haven't seen since Halo 3 days. I chose to just go solo OBJ last night to keep things quick and tight in matchmaking with the playlist I want.

2. I had 13 OBJ games last night. The Waypoint game history needs to default to a new filter type of "All gametypes", currently it only shows one at a time e.g. slayer or capture the flag. The new objective playlist flies in the face of these limited Waypoint game history statistics and filters. Basically as you can see in the below screenshot I had to cut and paste from 3 different game history filters just to see what I had played last night. I actually had to go through all objective modes to check the dates of the game. It's crap.


3. Quitters are now the major issue with the game, they affected, at a guesstimate, 50% of the games last night. Basically you can see in the summary kill statistics I either stopped killing an enemy team that was down in numbers and we were just finishing the game out or I was left on a team with only 1 or 2 players mid game. Ended up with 10 wins, 2 losses and 1 game that didn't load. Overall the system started with even teams, found Aussies to match and loaded just fine. I suspect the occassional loading issue may also be related to quitters/dashboard/party quit etc. Matchmaking toggles would have dealt with the issue where quit penalties are just treating the symptoms.

4. Matching with Aussie players takes awhile but there was a cycling of players between games and probably saw the same players every second or third game rotation. Really good matching by 343i here when searching solo. The latency wasn't terrible overall and I would class that "as I remember" H2/3 online. Dedis with H5 I'll be happy no P2P fallback stuff exists anymore.

5. The Waypoint game history is summary only and has zero focus on objective stats. The same with Post Game Carnage Reports, they're all focused on slayer stats. No wonder players lose interest in objective, they can't see how they perform in an objective mode e.g. number of flag steals, number of flag returns, killed carrier, time carried etc. Halo 4 made good moves in the medals in game and to a lesser extent the carnage reports too. The carnage reports and Waypoint game histories should be detailed and meaningful to objective modes.

6. Flag dropping/bouncing in Halo 2 is still awesome, skip to 14 secs.

7. Hit detection in Halo 3 is still wonky but pulled a triple for some OBJ fun.

8. Getting a Last Resort 1 flag game and stopping the enemy's last ditch effort is still great fun! However, getting sniped through walls in H3 is still shit (skip to 23secs).

9. Missed out on voting for H2 One Bomb on Turf but one has to be very happy getting to play H3 Multi Flag on Pit Stop instead:

10. I would like to see the objective playlist transition to being ranked at some point.

The next time we run a party through the OBJ playlist I'll do another summary of the experience. Overall I rate it as a good experience which I hope to see less quitters in and it's nice to see the objective roots of Halo getting the playlist they deserve. Thanks again 343.

Bravo wtf man. What team is deciding this garbage? I know that you prefer BR starts, tell the people curating these playlists (which at this point is either a team of idiots or literally no one) to fix this shit.

We need to have AR starts to cater to more casual players. BRs would alienate the majority of our playerbase

*ignores the fact that 3 people, and a dog that's chewing on a controller are the only players left*
just wanted to play midship with BRs but classic has plasma rifle starts and everyone in team hardcore votes lockout so they can play who can camp tower the hardest
Awesome, they put in Team Objective!

*Gets put with terrible teammates and gametype crashes twice*

Back to waiting for ODST and Relic...


I'm really excited for ranked Halo 3. Then I can spend the two days a week I don't spend playing Halo, playing more Halo. As a "Halo 3 kid"


I hope H5 has more detailed online stats. Just based on the beta I believe this will be true. Getting hit %, for example, was a cool step forward.

I hope they realize that requiring people to sign in to view stats means waypoint will never be used how they want, and that it's a huge negative. I can check my Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST and Reach stats quicker on Bnet still than using Waypoint.

Please tell me if it's gotten any easier. I one time logged in and it said something about granting an app access?
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