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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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No worries, I meant tonight (Friday night). Driving back from DC today.


Bah gawd is the band going to get back together tonight?


This #HuntTheSignal thing would be a lot better if this guy didn't keep spoiling puzzle answers on Waypoint. He got banned for calling the rest of us "fuckheads" for keeping things secret (it IS a competition with only 1 (team) winner)...

Then he made a new account and kept spoiling. Worst part is, he didn't get the answers himself. Someone else keeps being dumb enough to share answers with him.
This #HuntTheSignal thing would be a lot better if this guy didn't keep spoiling puzzle answers on Waypoint. He got banned for calling the rest of us "fuckheads" for keeping things secret (it IS a competition with only 1 (team) winner)...

Then he made a new account and kept spoiling. Worst part is, he didn't get the answers himself. Someone else keeps being dumb enough to share answers with him.

I'm a bit pissed about it too, but I'm not sure if it's just as bad as everyone being dicks and not even hinting.


I'm a bit pissed about it too, but I'm not sure if it's just as bad as everyone being dicks and not even hinting.

There wasn't really much we could say about the passcode to the Rings that wouldn't blow the doors wide open on the next few parts.

Telling people that it was in fact a 12-chacter code, and javascript tricks to extend the timer, were adequate hints as far as I was concerned.
I just can't understand why AR or SMG starts are still a thing. There must actually be people that have fun like that, that's the only possible explanation but it's so hard to believe.

What, you don't see the fun in watching a teammate and enemy charge each other only for the battle to end in simultaneous beatdowns?


So, popped in MCC for the first time in over 3 months. Played with my casual buddy and queued for some BTB playlist:

First search: Took under 30 seconds for a full 7v7 match.
Game: Halo 3
Map: Longshore
Type: BTB Slayer w/ BR starts.
Even teams? Yes!
Dedicated servers? Most definitely. Played beuaitfully, no lag, great hit registration, quality opponents. Won 100-86 or something. Had several sprees and went +20 or some shit.

Second Search: Took under 30 seconds, again, full 7v7 match.
Game: Halo 3
Map: Avalance
Type: Multi-flag CTF
Even teams? Yes!
Dedicated servers? Again, definitely dedis, played amazingly smooth. Had a rampage and several sprees. Ended up tieing the game because we were down 6v7 due to a rage quit for a good flag stop.

Overall game performance for the afternoon (2 games, will play more tonight): A+. Dedis, quick search times, even teams.
Overall enjoyment: A+. Definitely having my buddy over tonight to queue BTB all night. Hopefully this goodluck continues! Halo 3 BTB is still a fucking blast. Sniping is so much more fun than I remember and the BR isn't THAT horrible when on dedis.

Some clips from Avvy CTF:


+ a few more whenever they get uploaded to Xboxclips


No worries, I meant tonight (Friday night). Driving back from DC today.
I'll probably get on tonight as well. It'd be nice to get a good party going.

So, popped in MCC for the first time in over 3 months. Played with my casual buddy and queued for some BTB playlist:

First search: Took under 30 seconds for a full 7v7 match.
Game: Halo 3
Map: Longshore
Type: BTB Slayer w/ BR starts.
Even teams? Yes!
Dedicated servers? Most definitely. Played beuaitfully, no lag, great hit registration, quality opponents. Won 100-86 or something. Had several sprees and went +20 or some shit.


Overall game performance for the afternoon (2 games, will play more tonight): A+. Dedis, quick search times, even teams.
Overall enjoyment: A+. Definitely having my buddy over tonight to queue BTB all night. Hopefully this goodluck continues! Halo 3 BTB is still a fucking blast. Sniping is so much more fun than I remember and the BR isn't THAT horrible when on dedis.
I'm pretty envious that you got BTB on Longshore. I think I've maybe played a single 4v4 match on that map since it came out. Also, I agree that H3 has the best BTB. There's just so many great maps for it. 8v8 can't come soon enough
So, popped in MCC for the first time in over 3 months. Played with my casual buddy and queued for some BTB playlist:

First search: Took under 30 seconds for a full 7v7 match.
Game: Halo 3
Map: Longshore
Type: BTB Slayer w/ BR starts.
Even teams? Yes!
Dedicated servers? Most definitely. Played beuaitfully, no lag, great hit registration, quality opponents. Won 100-86 or something. Had several sprees and went +20 or some shit.

Second Search: Took under 30 seconds, again, full 7v7 match.
Game: Halo 3
Map: Avalance
Type: Multi-flag CTF
Even teams? Yes!
Dedicated servers? Again, definitely dedis, played amazingly smooth. Had a rampage and several sprees. Ended up tieing the game because we were down 6v7 due to a rage quit for a good flag stop.

Overall game performance for the afternoon (2 games, will play more tonight): A+. Dedis, quick search times, even teams.
Overall enjoyment: A+. Definitely having my buddy over tonight to queue BTB all night. Hopefully this goodluck continues! Halo 3 BTB is still a fucking blast. Sniping is so much more fun than I remember and the BR isn't THAT horrible when on dedis.

Some clips from Avvy CTF:


+ a few more whenever they get uploaded to Xboxclips

Mine from two days ago.

Team objective

5 matches.

Flag on Assembly and flag on Midship, both ended prematurely after 2 mins. Midship also split the party up.

Crashed during loading screen

One bomb on Zanzi, 3rd round, boots everyone into their own individual games.

1 flag on Ghost Town went fine.

BTB, two matches, was fine.


Hopefully they get rid of the betrayals via vehicles that's such a chore to deal with.
I kind of agree. I don't like the idea that a teammate could just charge through a melee in a hog and selectively kill enemies while sparing allies, but it would be nice not to accidentally betray the idiots who run in front of you


I kind of agree. I don't like the idea that a teammate could just charge through a melee in a hog and selectively kill enemies while sparing allies, but it would be nice not to accidentally betray the idiots who run in front of you
That's quite fair point as there probably should be consequences for betrayals to at least keep them in check but I doubt they work that well when they're present anyway.
Spaceman Spiff LIVES!

On Halo 5's friendly fire (or lack thereof): like a lot of casual-friendly options, I think it should be tied to average rank of a match. If it's higher than, say, Silver 3, turn on FF.

Hey everyone =)

I agree with that on paper. However, turning on friendly fire when you hit a certain rank might just feed the trolls and derankers.

Turn it on and ban people CSGO style so they don't ruin more critical skill based matches.
The thing is though that with friendly fire enabled, you can kill your teammates but have it count as enemy kills if they put most of the shots in. I'm sure we've all died from teammates spamming nades into CQC fights or shooting us in the back only for the enemy team to get points for it lol
The thing is though that with friendly fire enabled, you can kill your teammates but have it count as enemy kills if they put most of the shots in. I'm sure we've all died from teammates spamming nades into CQC fights or shooting us in the back only for the enemy team to get points for it lol

This totally never happened last night. Not once. I wouldn't dream of it....


Neo Member
It's getting ridiculous. I was betrayed like 7 times today...

Others didn't bother to respond.

At the very least melee betrayals should be removed, but I don't think that would even solve the larger problem, which is how easily a game is ruined when one moron on your team is following you around trying to shoot your with his BR while you're trying to snipe. This pretty much takes two people out of the game making any 4v4 slayer match effectively 2v4...and MCC really doesn't need any more 2v4 matches.
The thing is though that with friendly fire enabled, you can kill your teammates but have it count as enemy kills if they put most of the shots in. I'm sure we've all died from teammates spamming nades into CQC fights or shooting us in the back only for the enemy team to get points for it lol

Obvious solution: betrayal assists
Reach's boot message was the best.

Often I would wait until the final few seconds of the game to boot the offender, even if they had betrayed me at the start.



Reach's boot message was the best.

Often I would wait until the final few seconds of the game to boot the offender, even if they had betrayed me at the start.


Wait, how could you defer the prompt that long?
Doesn't the message take up like 50% of your screen?

This totally never happened last night. Not once. I wouldn't dream of it....
Couldn't even get one good match last night ;'[ but was still fun. Those NZ guys though lol, good sports.

That last crash made me think my monitor changed inputs. Surprised we played as many matches as we did given the party issues.. Should play some BTB tonight if enough people are on.

Obvious solution: betrayal assists
That would actually be a helpful medal lol, similar to Comeback Kill. Solid idear, m8

"Hey assbutt, you helped the enemy kill me ___ times! Cut the shit!"


People just can't be trusted with the ability to damage teammates. I'd rather deal with the cheap tactics no friendly fire encourages than deal with bad sports on my team shooting at me or throwing poorly thought out grenades near me to maybe get a kill


It would be nice if NeoGaf didn't have friendly fire.
Oh snap

He's back ladies and gents!

Spaceman Spiff LIVES!

On Halo 5's friendly fire (or lack thereof): like a lot of casual-friendly options, I think it should be tied to average rank of a match. If it's higher than, say, Silver 3, turn on FF.
Hey everyone =)

I agree with that on paper. However, turning on friendly fire when you hit a certain rank might just feed the trolls and derankers.

Turn it on and ban people CSGO style so they don't ruin more critical skill based matches.
I approve of both these methods

The thing is though that with friendly fire enabled, you can kill your teammates but have it count as enemy kills if they put most of the shots in. I'm sure we've all died from teammates spamming nades into CQC fights or shooting us in the back only for the enemy team to get points for it lol
Perhaps they could set it so certain weapons don't count as betrayals.

Explosive weapons won't count towards a betrayal, but if you do more than 50% of the damage with a automatic, single shot, or melee weapon it'll count as a betrayal so you'll either be banned or kicked. Add in penalties so that players are highly discouraged from being dick bags to each other in competitive games.
Just realized that was Funk, #REKT.

I do what I can to put the riff raff in their place.

Are you sure you aren't winning with that 300ms host advantage? Because that's what it feels like on the receiving end.

Definitely wasn't host. Dedi maybe? Doesn't matter. These guys were legit bad, connection or no.

Also, I love how non-US people assume the connection's only bad from one end. Even with host, playing against AUS/NZ/EU/Orichinagis is a horrible experience. It's not a one way street. It think the advantage comes from us just having more experience playing other US peeps so we actually learn to play "real halo" instead of learning to combat latency.


Calm Killer

In all media, only true fans who consume every book, film, game, or pog collection deserve to know what's going on.
I have been trying to play Halo MCC since the hotfix that came out.....a week ago? I have had 1 game connect in Match Making in 2 hours of trying. I just sit at the Find Game screen. Searching for more players.... Players Found...... Connecting Session....Connection Failed Repeat. I had no issues with anything in the game prior to this hotfix. Groups worked fine for me. Matchmaking was fine. Anyone else reporting this? What should I do? I literally cannot play Matchmaking at all.

Here is the clip of what happens repeatedly.

http://xboxclips.com/Calm Killer/7e73e8b7-a817-45f0-9c44-74284b06cfb0/embed

I just had my first mid-match crash with MCC. Plenty that never started? Sure. Mid-Game? Nope.

CTF on Exile, which I think is one of the most under appreciated maps. Me and my 'Goose driver had just scored the first point like bosses, and then...

*farting noise*
^note: use your best judgement re: farting noise
God this game is frustrating. Why can't we have a ranking system in all game types, it's been over six months! It feels like every other game I play I'm with a team who are either a.) terrible b.) quitters c.) afk or d.) all of the above. I wish I could uninstall this until ODST comes out, but it took me over 12 hours to install in the first place so I have to stick it out.

Halo 5's ranking system better be on point.
God this game is frustrating. Why can't we have a ranking system in all game types, it's been over six months! It feels like every other game I play I'm with a team who are either a.) terrible b.) quitters c.) afk or d.) all of the above. I wish I could uninstall this until ODST comes out, but it took me over 12 hours to install in the first place so I have to stick it out.

Halo 5's ranking system better be on point.
Halo has never had visual ranks in all playlists, not sure why you were expecting it.
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