I swear these Team Slayer players don't even know what they are voting for. They just look at the screen, see Halo 3 in the middle, and go, "Nothing could possibly go wrong."
Orbital is not a good map*, and Team Slayer means AR starts. Stop picking it.
Also, why the hell is the voting in Team Slayer the same every time? It should not be H2/A in slot 1, H3 in slot 2, and CE in slot 3 every time. It's stupid. Change it up.
Is the Sword on H2C glitched? More often than not when I hit someone it acts like a normal melee.**
*Orbital isn't that bad.
**You're probably getting sword parried, if you melee at the right time you can parry a sword, you still take a crap ton of damage but it won't kill you outright. Tad easier to do in reach.