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Halo |OT 24| In Before the Locke

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Any idea when we are going to get some more details on the other Halo books coming out?

Namely, Last Light and the (presumably) shorter ones written by you and Joe Staten?

That reminds me, I should catch up on my reading. I feel like I should have consumed all the lore by now, but I haven't. So many vidyas to play, books to read, people to complain to... I'm never going to do it all.
Its weapons are powerful, but I think it's balanced by its weak defense. If you get a few players firing BRs at it or a couple of players in a Warthog, it'll go down fairly quickly because the pilot can be directly damaged.

I'm not sure how to account for the erratic movements you saw though. I haven't seen that before. Did it look glitchy like lag or something, or were they just constantly adjusting their position? Also, I don't think I've played against any players who were exceptionally great at piloting the thing, so that could be part of why it hasn't frustrated me.

The thing goes down to small arms, let alone heavies, fast.

Played some excellent Team Objective recently.

I'll upload a video of it later



Keep it clean.


Please remain calm and keep it clean.
So ODST is going to be free for everyone right? I know they said it's only for those who played before December 19th or whatever, but it's got to be free for everyone right?


Despite its faults, Bungie is doing work.

Halo could learn a lot from raid and prison of elders mechanics. Make whatever co-op mode they have other than campaign a lot more interesting than just lite story missions.

Toying the the idea of having loot in a Halo game. Rewarding you with cosmetic items. It's just a great way to keep people playing. You could even make it so certain playlists will only drop certain items (Yo I need 3 more for Team Objective, really want that Tashi player card) Would be an interesting way to incentivize the population into the less popular playlists. Maybe not loot, but I love the idea of some incentive to make people hop off SWAT and Team Slayer to play some objective.

Halo could also have a Trials of Osiris event. A multiplayer event that pops up every so often. Basically a tournament. You pick some map and gametype and you need to get this many wins without losing this many times on a single ticket. If you beat it you get an exclusive prize for the event. Tie it into the lore with having it be a tournament competition among Spartan's on the Infinity.

Halo 2 and Halo 3 both had tournament playlists to an extent that appeared for a limited time.

I'll play Halo just for playing Halo, because it's my favorite PvP shooter. But it would be cool if there was something happening in the game that pulled me and other friends in to play. (Spartan Tourney this weekend, lets dong / Special playlist this week etc.)
Despite its faults, Bungie is doing work.

Halo could learn a lot from raid and prison of elders mechanics. Make whatever co-op mode they have other than campaign a lot more interesting than just lite story missions.

Toying the the idea of having loot in a Halo game. Rewarding you with cosmetic items. It's just a great way to keep people playing. You could even make it so certain playlists will only drop certain items (Yo I need 3 more for Team Objective, really want that Tashi player card) Would be an interesting way to incentivize the population into the less popular playlists. Maybe not loot, but I love the idea of some incentive to make people hop off SWAT and Team Slayer to play some objective.

Halo could also have a Trials of Osiris event. A multiplayer event that pops up every so often. Basically a tournament. You pick some map and gametype and you need to get this many wins without losing this many times on a single ticket. If you beat it you get an exclusive prize for the event. Tie it into the lore with having it be a tournament competition among Spartan's on the Infinity.

Halo 2 and Halo 3 both had tournament playlists to an extent that appeared for a limited time.

I'll play Halo just for playing Halo, because it's my favorite PvP shooter. But it would be cool if there was something happening in the game that pulled me and other friends in to play. (Spartan Tourney this weekend, lets dong / Special playlist this week etc.)

Introducing a little "appointment television" stuff would be a great idea, honestly.


Despite its faults, Bungie is doing work.

Tawps, you're right on the money. A little bit of carrot-dangling actually goes a long way and many angles of Destiny are proof of that. The idea of cosmetic loot/rewards in Halo is absolutely fine by me. What if you could have things even like "armor stickers" (think Halo 2/3's emblems that appeared on your armor itself). Maybe limit it to like a max of three or something, but in a funny way you could have Spartans look like NASCAR drivers (or at least that main "hero" character from Mystery Men).

"Oh shoot guys, there's a Classic Arena Tourney going on this weekend (no Spartan abilities, no motion tracker), let's get on to dong!"

The same could be said about the PvE activities. Spartan Ops would have gotten a bunch more play if you knew there was a shot of some unique reward for finishing it at the end, or say a guaranteed reward for finishing all 5 missions of a given episode that week.

Sample Stickers:

"Get Shrek'd"
"-1th Place"
"Team Pro Pipe"
Loot is problematic, for me.

On the one hand, I love loot games, especially MMOs. I play them a lot, and I like getting loot.

On the other, I see games where loot is the main reason for playing, above and beyond mechanics. Some games (Destiny, even if sub-Halo [imo], Wildstar, Diablo) manage that better than others (Korean grind MMOs etc).

Loot changes games, for better and for worse. Halo 5 won't, in all likelihood, have the same addictive pull Destiny has in terms of solo play outside of comeptitive multiplayer. You don't play Halo levels over and over again (although speedruns and scoring and co-op do help this) as you do patrols or Strikes on Destiny, even as those things are rote, relatively simplistic (that fucking tank, jesus wept) and repeated over and over again. That doesn't mean one is the better game - that's dependent on your own views and preferences - but it does mean loot games have the regular pull other games do not.

It's swings and roundabouts, and loot imo damages and improves games in different ways. Customisation is clearly popular, but that can be managed without 'loot' smashing its way through every game system to become the #1 motivation for playing. I'd far rather have a Firefight that was tuned for high-scores, survival et al, than story missions OR grindable loot giving stuff, for instance.

I realise nobody is suggesting a full loot system, but it's been a gaming thing that I've been thinking about on and off, hence the blurb.

That said, ticketed tournaments are a great idea.


I have been saying that Halo needs some kind of loot based replay value for a long time. Spartan ops with limited lives and boss battles would work well in Halo. With the level of competition Halo 5 has this fall it will need replay value other then PVP.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
I am done with all campaigns, need ODST now, then reach to keep me busy till Halo 5 drops.

I have been saying that Halo needs some kind of loot based replay value for a long time. Spartan ops with limited lives and boss battles would work well in Halo. With the level of competition Halo 5 has this fall it will need replay value other then MP.

I was wondering the same, it can't just be campaign and MP. Something on line with firefight, but don't know how well boss battle would fit in Halo lol


Junior Member
I have good feelings that we will see Spartan Ops as a truly fleshed out mode in Halo 5 with proper enemy scaling and good rewards. Oh, firefight can come back too k thanks.
I have good feelings that we will see Spartan Ops as a truly fleshed out mode in Halo 5 with proper enemy scaling and good rewards. Oh, firefight can come back too k thanks.

Why not have spartan Ops with who types of gameplay. Objective and "Horde" waves.

Or just take a feather out of BlaxkTusk's cap and do something like Gears Horde 3.0.


Yeah I could see performance-based drops and such working in the context of a new Spartan Ops. Or maybe just turn your points into a currency to buy stuff yourself, so it's less about number of games played and more about how you do in those games.


I am done with all campaigns, need ODST now, then reach to keep me busy till Halo 5 drops.

I was wondering the same, it can't just be campaign and MP. Something on line with firefight, but don't know how well boss battle would fit in Halo lol

Boss battles as in fighting 3 scarabs at the end of a mission. Something on those lines. I asked a co worker that dose not like Halo if they would play H5 if it had loot based missions similar to Destiny and he said "hell ya". People like the carrot.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
we have wormsign the likes of which god has never seen.

Hey Frankie, I've been trying to find games in the MCC for the past week and haven't been able to find anything. It doesn't matter what play list I can't find anything. I can't even connect with friends.

That's super weird and likely more to do with your connection than the game. I would try

1. Hard reset box (10 second power button press)
2. Renew lease on router
3. Reset router/modem.

Are you in a normally populated continent?


Junior Member
Why not have spartan Ops with who types of gameplay. Objective and "Horde" waves.

Or just take a feather out of BlaxkTusk's cap and do something like Gears Horde 3.0.

I would be happy with 343 channeling Mass Effect 3's MP Coop mode. Changing objectives that keep you on your feet and help utilize the entirety of the play space. Very fun mode.

PvP modes increase skill rank and PvE modes like Spartan Ops get you XP and cosmetic gear. Obviously make sure sure PvP awards XP for gear, but definitely reward your players who tend to stay away from PvP. That would be awesome.


we have wormsign the likes of which god has never seen.

That's super weird and likely more to do with your connection than the game. I would try

1. Hard reset box (10 second power button press)
2. Renew lease on router
3. Reset router/modem.

Are you in a normally populated continent?

as opposed to a continent populated with wierdos




I have good feelings that we will see Spartan Ops as a truly fleshed out mode in Halo 5 with proper enemy scaling and good rewards. Oh, firefight can come back too k thanks.
Hopefully they take what they learned from Spartan Ops and apply it to making a better experience. I like match-made co-op PvE and it has the potential to be really great in H5


Junior Member
hm... I suppose for the sake of 60fps, it'd be simpler to scale the enemy stats rather than #s, or was that what you were thinking?

Enemy numbers. I rather fight fewer tough enemies than loads of dumb ones. If they scale enemy numbers per encounter based on number of players I'll be happy.


Enemy numbers. I rather fight fewer tough enemies than loads of dumb ones. If they scale enemy numbers per encounter based on number of players I'll be happy.

Well, it basically means they have to consider the worst case scenario if they want to stick to 60fps (4players + enemies), so the easiest would be to scale the A.I. difficulty, which doesn't have to mean stupider, but moreso the stats (health/shields/dmg).


Or rather, if you have the numbers scale with 4 players, you're stressing the engine that much more.


So what I'm more or less proposing is that co-op has different enemy stats than fighting solo sort of like an MMO scaling. I mean, let's face it. Legendary 4p is a joke with 4x the firepower per enemy. :p Smarter doesn't do them much good if they're dead much faster, but it shouldn't be a grind like MMO fights. They need more health/dmg so that the AI has a chance to do something and be threatening compared to a solo player (for example).

Throwing more enemies into the mix works, but again, there's the performance consideration given the fixed HW.


we have wormsign the likes of which god has never seen.

That's super weird and likely more to do with your connection than the game. I would try

1. Hard reset box (10 second power button press)
2. Renew lease on router
3. Reset router/modem.

Are you in a normally populated continent?

Well the thing is, my NAT type is Open and works flawlessly for every other game I play on my xbox, FIFA 15, Madden 15, Battlefield: Hardline, etc. but lately TMCC just isn't working.

I tried all of the steps suggested and no change. Ill post a video later so you can see whats going on. There is also one other thing that may be affecting it, which I can't say on here but you can feel free to PM me if you care to.

Edit: Also live right outside of Chicago so the population shouldn't be an issue.


What is tough though, bullet sponges aren't great, overwhelming numbers with fuel rod cannons aren't either.

They need new enemies, better variants and much better level design, encounters and objectives. I think splitting into groups of two and going on seperate objectives then meet up or help at other points as four would be cool. Some level affecting changes and not hold this area, press this button and hold this area. Mix some Invasion objectives in there, get the package, protect the carrier, transport the package, go from ground to air assault, escape, infiltrate, goes to hell if spotted, change of objective and tactics.
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