the giants win the pennant! the giants win the pennant!
You a real Giants fan Tunavi? Not one of them front-running, bandwagon, closet fans right? If so, feels so much better to be a REAL Giants fan.
the giants win the pennant! the giants win the pennant!
LOL. I am going to be the hipster journalist. Every games will not be better than 3/5.You could always write articles for nickels to get to play games as a "job" and never review anything lower than a 7/10 or a C- or a 3/5 or a 75/100.
You Americans had plenty opportunities compared to Germany to play the game. So.I'm jealous of all you that have actually had the chance to play the game... or, see it in person...
DID YOU OR DID YOU NOT PLAY/SEE THE GAME IRL!?!You Americans had plenty opportunities compared to Germany to play the game. So.
Trying to get Reach screenshots from Waypoint is a pain in the ass. It doesn't matter how good your site looks, if it doesn't work properly it's still crap.
Hope they fix it for Halo 4.
You a real Giants fan Tunavi? Not one of them front-running, bandwagon, closet fans right? If so, feels so much better to be a REAL Giants fan.
but it'll be the Saturday or Sunday before Halo 4 comes out.
Nah, he's from pretty close to the bay area.
Born and raised 20 minutes north of SFYou a real Giants fan Tunavi? Not one of them front-running, bandwagon, closet fans right? If so, feels so much better to be a REAL Giants fan.
Easy way to sexycate Reach screens:
Transform > 30% x 30%
Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen
Image > Adjustments > Hue and Saturation > Up Saturarion to 25
It's what I used for my Reach BTB screenshot story in an older OT.
Anyone else think of stuff that 343i haven't flat out said yet on their website?
You near Novato?Born and raised 20 minutes north of SF
Anyone else think of stuff that 343i haven't flat out said yet on their website?
Yeah, we played their team back when i played high school football hahaYou near Novato?
deja fucking vu Skill-based searching - will full teams be matching teams of randoms?
Waypoint Site Update for Halo 4
Specializations for Standard Edition owners
How both Disc ONE & Disc TWO work
Official list of all gametypes playable in Halo 4, which are in, which aren't, what is new, what's been changed, including King of the Hill.
Playlist information - will it all search via skill, info on search restrictions, player sizes, etc.
File Browser information, file share information
Custom Game options for all gametypes, a detailed list of them would be appreciated so we can plan ahead for launch.
List of all vehicles in Halo 4, what's in Campaign, what's in Multiplayer, what are they capable of?
Information on pre-order skins, a lot of websites are advertising skins and armours, we don't know if we get both, if they will work on all armours and all that stuff.
Information on Custom Challenges, will they return for Halo 4, will they be purely app based again or will they show up in-game on the Challenge interface?
Information on EXP caps, like the credit cap in Halo: Reach, will it return, is it higher, does it exist?
Does Fast Track work in custom lobbies outside of Matchmaking, does it work in Spartan Ops?
Information on Commendations, are they in Spartan Ops, Campaign, Multiplayer, Customs?
Will we have an in-game Service Record, similar to Reach?
Have you thought of ways to give other players the pre-order skins and stuff?
Does the Rocket Launcher lock on similar to Halo 2 & Reach, if so, what is it capable of locking onto?
ATLAS, is it returning, if so, what will it work in, Spartan Ops included?
On the topic of ATLAS, are Forge maps supported if it is included.
A complete list of what can be forged for Dominion, what can & can't be placed?
A list of all information of all Forge pallets, what items are in, what is returning from old games that isn't known, information on map exclusive items.
How will split-screen work over Xbox LIVE or multiplayer in general, is it four player split screen, is it playlist based, can players control this in customs?
Has the split-screen performance improved from Reach?
How frequent will Matchmaking Updates occur, will then be monthly, weekly, bi-weekly?
How will Forged maps be handled in terms of Matchmaking integration.
How will the Community Cartographers system work for Halo 4, will I still have to contact them to have my map considered for Matchmaking, or is there alternative ways to contact the Matchmaking team directly?
Is Megalo functional with Halo 4, or some sort of gametype script engine, if so, will we learn of its capabilities.
How will banning work in Halo 4? Is the quit ban in, what are the ban times for first, second and third time offences?
Anyone else think of stuff that 343i haven't flat out said yet on their website?
You've done this before and I think it was Wu that commented that they don't have to flat out say EVERYTHING about the game. We can find out literally almost that whole list day 1.
deja fucking vu
Damn, never knew this.To get this as your Dashboard theme, do the following:
* Put the image onto a USB
* Put the USB in to your Xbox
* Press the Guide button and go to Media > Picture Viewer
* Find your image and press Y
List of stuff
Damn, never knew this.
Is there an ideal resolution/screen ratio/amount of black space at the bottom?
Some of that has been answered, some of it will not be answered prior to release, and some of it is good stuff that I'd like to see answered.
Congrats on not posting Frankiedealwithit.gif 35 times today.
So i'm kind of in love with the didact symbol and decided to make an xbox background.
Enjoy guys!
Skill-based searching - will full teams be matching teams of randoms?
*Repeated Stuff*
Anyone else think of stuff that 343i haven't flat out said yet on their website?
Is there a trading spreadsheet or something? I can just give up my powerup emblems to you, since I'm thinking of just keeping the non-exclusive buffalo/cross to stand out, but some sort of trade would sweeten the deal.So I added myself to looking for Raptor and Forest (plus the combat knife/assassin emblem), and added myself to the trading for the Oceanic armor, I'll have multiples of those.
Anyone not want their Gamestop Powerup Emblems? Cuz I would love to take that emblem off your hands.![]()
Yeah, and it still comes off as unrealistic at best, and entitled at worst. At least he didn't say "thinks 343 needs to show us" this time.Yeah... Didn't he post the same exact thing before...?
Yeah, according to leakers, it's the same as it was in Reach.So there's confirmation that there are no changes to theater?
You can't just wait two weeks? BTW, haven't you posted this before?
Is there a trading spreadsheet or something? I can just give up my powerup emblems to you, since I'm thinking of just keeping the non-exclusive buffalo/cross to stand out, but some sort of trade would sweeten the deal.
Posted it before yup, just hoping to see if anyone could add to said list, if anything.
I could wait two weeks, but I honestly won't be that interested in buying the game fully if it just another Reach matchmaking system with no skill-based searching.
Yeah right.
So jealous at press for getting Halo 4 already. I cannot wait to get my copies at November 6th.
Ten whole days huh, yeah I can see how the lack of incentive is really driving you away two years later.Was expecting that sort of attitude from someone like you, tell me, what is the point in playing the game online when it is just pure pub stomping over and over? I haven't even played a game of Reach online in about ten days now, there is no incentive to play it.
I could rent it purely to get Campaign & Spartan Ops done, then just re-rent every time there are new seasons of Spartan Ops if there are.
K, I'll be on in a minute.
Anyone buy that for a second?
How dare you not post the 5+ minute trailer of epicness!
Very excited to see it, saw Argo a couple of weekends ago, if you don't see that, then argo fuck yourself. Fun time of the year for films.
Is this movie gong to be good? Metacritic is at 44. However, I learned never to listen to reviews, I liked Advent Rising :-/
Ten whole days huh, yeah I can see how the lack of incentive is really driving you away two years later.Just joshing, I don't care. 10 days isn't a whole heckuva lot though.
To have fun?Was expecting that sort of attitude from someone like you, tell me, what is the point in playing the game online when it is just pure pub stomping over and over? I haven't even played a game of Reach online in about ten days now, there is no incentive to play it.
I could rent it purely to get Campaign & Spartan Ops done, then just re-rent every time there are new seasons of Spartan Ops if there are.
Yeah, according to leakers, it's the same as it was in Reach.
Made my own custom background (used some random Halo 3 image) if anyone wants it. Looks pretty nice on the 360.
Made my own custom background (used some random Halo 3 image) if anyone wants it. Looks pretty nice on the 360.
Was expecting that sort of attitude from someone like you, tell me, what is the point in playing the game online when it is just pure pub stomping over and over? I haven't even played a game of Reach online in about ten days now, there is no incentive to play it.
I could rent it purely to get Campaign & Spartan Ops done, then just re-rent every time there are new seasons of Spartan Ops if there are.
Can you post a pic of how that looks on your screen? Didn't know you could make custom backgrounds anymore (or I just didn't bother to try lol)..
I swear each time a talents/zoojoo gets banned, someone else jumps in to fill their place...
To have fun?
Btw. happy birthday Tunavi
I've been here for a while.