So why did Arena fail in Reach, and why would Halo 4's ranking system work? From what I see, it doesn't fix anything Arena did wrong and only makes it worse by hiding the main point of ranking (the actual ranks) outside of the game.
If people don't see what they get from playing ranked playlists, I don't see how Halo 4's ranking will be any better than Arena.
My proposed way to ad a decent ranking system to Halo 4 would be:
-Always show someones skill rank and tie unlocking stuff (no gameplay relates things, just armor and skins) to leveling up
-Have 3 or 4 ranked playlists: (Infinity) Slayer, Doubles, Objective (Flag, King of the Hill and Oddball) and maybe MLG/Slayer pro
-Add better ways to detect boosters and derankers and punish them really harsh. If sexism can get you perma banned, so should boosting, cheating.
This way, you concentrate the people who want to play ranked in certain playlists, add an incentive to rank up and possibly make it harder for cheaters/boosters/derankers to ruin to fun for everyone else.
I do want to know why specifically the current approach is chosen by 343. Can't the detection of cheaters etc. not be made tighter? Or would there be too many duplicate playlists?