Posted from my phone at work in a rush like I give a fuck what you think of my post.This post is a mess.
Posted from my phone at work in a rush like I give a fuck what you think of my post.This post is a mess.
I don't understand why they would waste the time and processing power on a set piece that you would never see unless you're specifically avoiding playing through the level.
This can't be true that there is no theater for campaign, what is with campaign runs?
With awesome screenshots?
This is better false information
Campaign Main Menu list:If possible in Theater of Disc 2 you can save campaign played games and possibly play it in the MP theater, but Idk for sure...Campaign, Infinity, HaloWaypoint, and Marketplace. Below it says Spartan Hub
You don't even have to go into the building for the battle to continue on without you. You can hang out there for as long as you can stand it, and you can grab a rocket launcher off a Marine and eventually stock it full with ammo as more troops land. The concept of it is great, but it's always the same repetitive fight and it gets boring super fast.The wacky thing about that entire encounter is that if you run in to the hangar and then turn back around and come back out to the beach there's a Pelican dropping off a few squads of marines to defend the facility from Covenant troops that are now being dropped off further down the beach (near your insertion point) by dropships.
There's a whole second battle that happens there and you get left out. I don't understand why they would waste the time and processing power on a set piece that you would never see unless you're specifically avoiding playing through the level.
That can't be right.No campaign theatre mode?
Heh - I'm not considered real 'press' by MS marketing; I'm not on that list. I was watching John Stewart when you wrote that note last night.No doubt old man winter, I mean Wu did too. He's hiding in his man cave as we speak delving into Halo 4 goodness with his unkempt hair and beard. Shunning his family as they plead for attention.
Or something like that.
What's wrong with that?
The joy of playing Dishonored is the sheer amount of stuff the developers put in that the average player may never find. Entire sub missions and the like just hidden off.
I hate the idea of a Halo that doesn't have stuff like that, hidden away waiting for you to find it.
No campaign theatre mode?
Not to spoil butthere isn't :/
Campaign Main Menu list:If possible in Theater of Disc 2 you can save campaign played games and possibly play it in the MP theater, but Idk for sure...Campaign, Infinity, HaloWaypoint, and Marketplace. Below it says Spartan Hub
Heh - I'm not considered real 'press' by MS marketing; I'm not on that list. I was watching John Stewart when you wrote that note last night.![]()
In other news... I like Reach. Seems like a lot of hate in the last few pages - just wanted to throw in my good feelings to counteract a bit.
Heh - I'm not considered real 'press' by MS marketing; I'm not on that list. I was watching John Stewart when you wrote that note last night.![]()
In other news... I like Reach. Seems like a lot of hate in the last few pages - just wanted to throw in my good feelings to counteract a bit.
Yup, Marty is a hard man to top. Not sure if I should wait until I hear the music in context or just buy it and then proceed to bitch about it.
Compromised as to be made to have those kind of graphics.That can't be right. They wouldn't cut theater from Campaign entirely. No way. It's far too important a feature.
Heh - I'm not considered real 'press' by MS marketing; I'm not on that list. I was watching John Stewart when you wrote that note last night.![]()
In other news... I like Reach. Seems like a lot of hate in the last few pages - just wanted to throw in my good feelings to counteract a bit.
That can't be right. They wouldn't cut theater from Campaign entirely. No way. It's far too important a feature.
That can't be right. They wouldn't cut theater from Campaign entirely. No way. It's far too important a feature.
No campaign theater and no party theater...
Well, shit.
I'm going to assume that Theater is linked to the Infinity disc, so you'll probably only be able to use it for the modes listed.Guys: let's not play Jump To Conclusions. We aren't assuming that Theater is multiplayer even though that's where it's listed, right?
Of course, I didn't intend to offend you?Didn't I just mentioned that this is probably possible in my previous post?
Didn't I just mentioned that this is probably possible in my previous post?Hm, sorry for me this doesn't confirm anything, you still could pull movies from campaign into theater.
I expected a fair amount of game type pruning, but Campaign theater is a baseline feature. It's like cutting online co-op at this point. If they really did get cut, it would be a fail of enormous proportions.I thought they wouldn't cut Assault, Juggernaut and all those gametypes because they were important to some people, but guess not.
Why would they have 2 theatre buttons?
Wouldn't it make more sense just to have the campaign clips show up in the Infinity theatre area?
Maybe Campaign Theatre is only with the purchase of the LE. Finally, a good reason to buy it.
Not really since disc switching can be required. At least I think so, you can just run multiplayer off disc 2 can't you?
Not really since disc switching can be required. At least I think so, you can just run multiplayer off disc 2 can't you?
As I explained before, even if Theater is a selection from Infinity Menu, I remember I wasn't able to see my clips from the campaign.
You're still able to get out of levels in Reach.Reach killed this with the additions of time out zones, reducing one's ability to explore the awesome environments. Now with 4, exploration is practically done with. Try to go where you are not supposed to and get killed by a countdown.
Nope, no remixes in-game.Anyone know if the remixed tracks feature in the campaign? Awakening is spectacular, and I totally see it fitting beautifully with some downtime segments.
Major Nelson confirms that Halo 4 will not be part of Smart Glass at launch.