Was hoping for a playlist consolidation. Oh well, 20+ lists here we come!
(I do like the rotation idea)
"We are going to keep things fresh by cycling around playlists you've always had in reach"
The problem was never the amount of playlists in reach, it was the amount of redundant and branched playlists.
One week ill be able to play something I like, one week I won't.
I think the answer is a hybrid system
Big team
Double team
FFA = oddball, regicide, slayer, king of the hill (pls bring back headhunter and juggernaut kthx)
Slayer special = snipers, swat, slayer pro
Skirmish = king, dominion, flag, oddball, grifball (pls bring back 1flag and assault kthx)
Infinity = straight slayer
Creative = infection or whatever
Then have a spotlight playlist which focuses on a single gametype to highlight
And remov map voting damnit