User 73706
Sup guise.
I think visor colors are a perfect way to let people get creative with their colors even in team matches. In my opinion though, I'd do a few things:
-Make the lights on the armor actually glow and be dynamic like in Halo 3; all of them are just pure untextured white now.
-Make the armors simpler and rely on two basic colors for designs rather than adding in a bunch of black and white as well.
-Make the color configurations look something like this:
Armor Options
- Armor Primary (main colors; replace black with Steel)
- Armor Secondary (main colors; keep black in rather than steel)
- Armor Detail (the extra black and white bits present on the armor; allow players to use much darker muted shades or flat black and white on their character. Basically the default colors but brightness and saturation reduced by 50-75%. The details would be very faint on the armor, but still visible in team games.
- Armor Tech (Very basic, saturated colors; this would cover the visor color and lighting on the armor. Possibly allow for unlocks for gradients similar to Specialization visors)
- Under Armor (Several options between black and white. Compensate by making armor bigger and making ALL under armor a flat color rather than making some your armor color.)
Emblem Options
- Emblem Primary
- Emblem Secondary
- Emblem Background
- Toggle Emblem? [YES / NO]
- Display Emblem on Visor? [YES / NO]
Maybe add a better way to categorize the armors too. Either simplify them into some good core armors, OR pull another Halo 4 and give us a shitload, but streamline them more. For example, rather than doing them by just armor piece, do:
- Helmets
- Torso
- Shoulders (Toggle between left and right with the trigger buttons)
- Forearms
- Legs
- Armor Sets (This option allows you to view complete armor sets rather than individual pieces and change them accordingly. In turn, this would mean the majority of pieces would be complete sets.)
And then within each option, do additional categories, such as:
- Primary (The new armors, gained by leveling up.)
- Secondary or Alternative (Alternate armor skins, provided "free" with the Primary unlock.)
- Specializations (Armor sets obtained through specializations, which would be more common in Halo 5. However, they would be entirely cosmetic. Available from the start, much like Specializations ideally.)
- Milestones (Earned by Commendation unlocks or achievements. Requires unlocking.)
- Legacy (Old armors from previous games, such as Mark V or ODST. This option would have to be unlocked.)
- Exclusives (Pre-order bonuses, DLC, online specials, etc.)
Then, due to the increased storage capacities, do a total of:
Helmets: 125
Torso: 125
Shoulders: 125
Forearms: 125
Legs: 125
And then breaking them down by categories, totals (per armor piece) would be:
Primary: 25
Secondary: 25
Specializations: 25
Legacy: 25
Exclusives: 25 (Keep in mind this would occur over the game's entire lifespan. There'd be maybe 10 in-game exclusive armors and then tournaments, DLC, etc. would show up to fill in the rest.)