So what's everyone's take on this game? Love it? Hate it? Not sure yet? Personally I love it. I hear people saying its not halo. That's BS. So you want the same halo over and over then play reach or halo 3.
Seriously I love the ordinance drops. Don't see the problem. Seems like some people are whining because they can't own like they use to in other games.
My problem is not with the core gameplay but with the organization and handling of the playlists. I don't know what it is but something just seems off. I love the new gametypes but add some more classic gametypes as well. Or mix it up. How about multi team regicide. WIN. Also I'm not feeling the whole take out this playlist for another strategy. Just give us everything dammit. Lol now I'm complaining.
A lot of us here don't like it, not because we're necessarily purists, but the game is moving away from what we regard as core Halo principles.
Many of the people complaining are those who do "own" And its because the game breaks down at a higher level of play. There's a game going around. Infinity Slayer on adrift with 2 competitive, "pro" teams. The game was 0-0 until the last 2 minutes when it ended 8-7.
By ordnance drops, im not sure if you're referring to the global system, the personal system, or both.
Personal ordnance is a lot of fun, but it clouds the battlefield and introduces randomness since every time you get ordnance is a dice roll. You might get frags, speed boost, and needler. The other team might get Damage Boost, Rockets, Scattershot or something.
Global Ordnance is even more of a dice roll. You know a new weapon drops every 2 minutes, but it could be anything from a needler to a binary rifle. To make matters worse, it can spawn in a random spot on the map so someone may be lucky to be near its spawn point. Its just messy.
Then add in the entire perk system + some really powerful AA's and you removed the core halo principle of starting on even ground. Luck is playing more of a role in Halo since Reach.