who's that?
Richard Branson owner of Virgin Records.
who's that?
Yeah its definitely not a true 1:1 in that regard, but it definitely just further alienates myself and the type of game I want to play and watch.
I don't know what MLG Halo means for the franchise, but MLG COD exists and they seem hell bent on matching COD's output.
This was so funny I snorted when laughing.
So true.Definitely agree with you there. The MLG gametypes have saved Halo for me since the late Halo 2 days. The stock gametypes and settings were never great and have gotten progressively worse as the series went on. Map quality has also dropped. As far as maps and gametypes, I feel like it's slightly trending upwards. It's a little frustrating because with some changes Halo 4 could be flat out amazing.
I wish they recreated this exact image in Halo 4, with the ships and floating rock in the middle. Looks bonkers big.
It's more towards the fact that MLG has tried to support Halo since 2003, and with MS signing an exclusive deal (allegedly) with Virgin Gaming, it feels like a big slap in MLG's face.
Not only is the community, every Halo community, not entirely happy with some aspect of the game, but now companies aren't happy with the way licensing is being handled by the people in charge of the game.
And how does it affect the franchise? Well, that will be seen down the line with Halo 5 sales, and outsider support of the franchise after seeing how MS and 343 has handled potential business partners.
Sparth just posted some more artwork:
I wish they recreated this exact image in Halo 4, with the ships and floating rock in the middle. Looks bonkers big.
Well where would MLG be without Halo all these years? I would say that for the competitive Halo community it has been MLG or bust for so many years and so in that way MLG has supported this small community. I know it has supported me. But I've also given back to MLG, like so many others. Supporting content, playing in the playlist, attending live events as a spectator and competitor, playing Gamebattles and on and on. It's a two way street.
I do wish we had more details about this deal though. It all sounds really shady and twitter conversations don't really do a good enough job.
I've never been into MLG aside from watching some of the more hyped matches, but now I feel like an MLG playlist might be my only hope for saving my long-term relationship with Halo 4.
You know it'd be to easy to make a joke about how they could because it would involve just copy/pasting that jpeg.Sparth just posted some more artwork:
I wish they recreated this exact image in Halo 4, with the ships and floating rock in the middle. Looks bonkers big.
I can't wait to see how the Halo franchise takes advantage of next generation hardware.
why does Blops 2 get 5 maps for its DLC pack and we get 3 old ones
I can't wait to see how the Halo franchise takes advantage of next generation hardware.
Treyarch is 3rd party, 343i is 1st party. Why do you think it'd be the same?
Maybe the Halo franchise is supposed to sacrifice the Virgin in order for competitive Halo to be Reborn?
That's kinda what I'm getting at too, is that I'm not sure how much more the community and MLG can do... It's on the business side of things now that Halo isn't being allowed to be supported by MLG, even with 40,000 peak concurrent in Dallas for Halo 4, a sold out event, and the huge community rally and support after Reach.
It sucks for MLG, the Halo fans who've supported MLG, and the people who've supported the community.
The "Virgin Gaming Playlist" might have a name that gets taken the wrong way too...
I laughed. Halo in 2012.You know it'd be to easy to make a joke about how they could because it would involve just copy/pasting that jpeg.
Crimson map pack: $10, Call of Duty Map Packs: $15.Treyarch is 3rd party, 343i is 1st party. Why do you think it'd be the same?
the fact that Halo 4 didn't end on a cliffhanger.
It's kind of weird to see the relationship between MLG and the competitive community as I've been exposed to other e-sports over the years. For SC2 fans, MLG is just another event. It's about the players and the game, not the league. Although there are some events deemed more important than others. For example EVO for fighting games and GSL for SC2. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that, yea it sucks if MLG can't run a Halo event for whatever reason. However, I think Halo needs to build from the bottom up again. I'm happy to see AGL come up and do big things. TLN was awesome. We need more stuff like that.
That's where it comes down to 343 implementing the tools like a spectator mode to reduce the overheads of starting smaller leagues and tournaments such as those.
Crimson map pack: $10, Call of Duty Map Packs: $15.
I'm more surprised that MS didn't go for the $15 price point myself. That and the fact that Halo 4 didn't end on a cliffhanger.
The avatar.
Spartan Ops has more story too, and its told better. Doesn't mesh with the gameplay tho.We've got Spartan Ops for the cliffhangers!
Heh, it never balances out for me as I think all multiplayer maps should be free. Makes me wish Spartan Ops was more than it is, because I'd have no problem buying co-op mission packs while keeping versus maps free.I don't think they could justify $15 for 3 when the direct competition does $15 for 5.
When it's a comparison of $10 for 3, and $15 for 5, I think consumers are lead to believe that it balances out, cost-per-map wise, even though it doesn't.
It's kind of weird to see the relationship between MLG and the competitive community as I've been exposed to other e-sports over the years. For SC2 fans, MLG is just another event. It's about the players and the game, not the league. Although there are some events deemed more important than others. For example EVO for fighting games and GSL for SC2. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that, yea it sucks if MLG can't run a Halo event for whatever reason. However, I think Halo needs to build from the bottom up again. I'm happy to see AGL come up and do big things. TLN was awesome. We need more stuff like that.
I'm sure they are saving that encounter for the completion of the trilogy.
QTE were all the rage this year anyway.
Can we just go back to talking about Zelda and Bioshock?good games
Spartan Ops has more story too, and its told better. Doesn't mesh with the gameplay tho.
But seriously, I expected some nuggets in the story that would have fans salivating for Halo 5 on a new xbox. But Halo 4's ending feels pretty damn final, at least for the Chief.
Heh, it never balances out for me as I think all multiplayer maps should be free. Makes me wish Spartan Ops was more than it is, because I'd have no problem buying co-op mission packs while keeping versus maps free.
Join in Progress will never be a good addition to Halo, unless relegated to Social, because it consolidates that fiesta feeling that nothing you're doing actually matters, that this isn't a game against two teams, that it's an individual slog to personal glory that you can quit out on at any point, and thus join at any point. That the match is just there to service you. Ranked, or on a very fundamental level, competitive Halo should never be about that.
If you want a quick game of spunk bubble Halo with no hassles and minimal search times, you should just be able to opt for Social hoppers that include JIP, and many of the other countless additions that have ripped the very soul out of team play in Halo.
On another note, Psycho, I really don't understand your beef. Your complaint is that people are jumping and not firing, rather than jumping and firing, right? I'd rather the opponent not shoot at me. It's not as if jumping is any more effective if you don't fire, and most opponents jump anyway, it's standard procedure in Halo.
Yep, but 5 maps for $15 is a better deal per map, and you get more maps.Aren't COD map packs usually $15?
Merguson, refuses injections, hates fun.Eh, never liked Bioshock.
Good introduction.
Refused to inject myself with strange liquid. Died in that room of old age.
The end.
Halo 4's ending has me more excited than the Halo 2 cliffhanger, I just can't possibly think what they are going to do, even with Spartan Ops trying to set the story for Halo 5.
I've put these in quotes for politeness sake, but it's worth expanding that second image.
The didact thing was corny,he doesn't look like he fits in the Halo universe,same for the new enemies.
Eh, never liked Bioshock.
Good introduction.
Refused to inject myself with strange liquid. Died in that room of old age.
The end.
Would you just inject some weird ass blue liquid into your veins?Why did you refuse to inject the liquid?
They should have gone with Lego...I popped open a set of Mega Bloks Halo METAL SERIES earlier. Oh what a steaming pile of turd.
More pictures and opinion here.
I'm stunned to think that someone at 343 has signed off on this.
Would anyone be up for an ODST firefight sesh, somepoint in the next couple weeks?
I popped open a set of Mega Bloks Halo METAL SERIES earlier. Oh what a steaming pile of turd.
More pictures and opinion here.
I'm stunned to think that someone at 343 has signed off on this.
Some family friends are over. They're talking about how much they like big bang theory, kesha and Rihanna, and hogging the Xbox with Kinect games.
Does anyone wanna play Halo 3 or 4 later tonight?
Would you just inject some weird ass blue liquid into your veins?
Forerunner screendump. Thanks to Nowise, I remembered the Blind skull existed. 170 images or so in this one (I'll go back through it later tonight and remove the ones that are too similar to each other)
Thanks for doing this, such a beautiful game.