So, when are we getting that extended Spartan Ops trailer?
So, when are we getting that extended Spartan Ops trailer?
really random, but I'm really glad we got CEA. It's is so damn good. probably one of the best looking games I've ever played.
The beta brings me back to freshman year of college and getting my first xbox, exciting times those were.
My memory may be serving me poorly but worst characterization goes to the Reach crew minus Kat & Jorge.No thanks. ODST had the worst characterization and most unlikeable personalities in the entire franchise. 343's main team should be on it, they did at least a half-decent job with the main campaign's new characters.
choosing to eat at taco ball is the equivalent of choosing to beat off to erotic text stories.
It is truly easy on the eyes. It doesn't get enough credit.really random, but I'm really glad we got CEA. It's is so damn good. probably one of the best looking games I've ever played.
My memory may be serving me poorly but worst characterization goes to the Reach crew minus Kat & Jorge.
Which is a fucking shame to be honest. Reach had good features, not good, I can't believe people are nostalgic for Halo: Reach, good christ almighty.
Which is a fucking shame to be honest. Reach had good features, not good gameplay.
On CEA Graphics, I think it looks nice but they went on a color overboard. The graphics in space look laughably bad.
Reach MLG > Halo 4Which is a fucking shame to be honest. Reach had good features, not good gameplay.
Cool, I guess? I played it for two year straight with all the backward ass-shit it had. Halo 4 is the better game.At least I played that game for longer than two weeks.
Halo 2 > Halo 3 > Halo 4 > Reach for me.Reach MLG > Halo 4
Not that I'm going back, though. I'd rather go back to Halo 3 which is actually enjoyable even when you're not pooping on kids who played using their feet.
Space IS colorful!
I'm pretty sure that those colors aren't actually visible, they are color coded gases.Space IS colorful!
Not really, Canadian fast food is pretty overpriced and has a fraction of the options of US counterparts. Harvey's is more of an exception than a rule and even then, they're pretty nonexistent in Vancouver. I think we have one opening up downtown.Canada does fast food right.
I wish it did actually look like that to the naked eye.
I'm pretty sure that those colors aren't actually visible, they are color coded gases.
Reach MLG > Halo 4
Not that I'm going back, though. I'd rather go back to Halo 3 which is actually enjoyable even when you're not pooping on kids who are playing the game using their feet.
I honestly cant remember but did reach have an mlg mode upon release? If it did not, the comparison isnt fair, at least not yet.not really surprised by formal. Reach is a better Halo game than Halo 4 when you play it with MLG settings. "great core gameplay hidden beneath the new mechanics" can blow me. with the next map pack being gross brown Certain Affinity outsourced monstrosities it's probably better to cut losses and go back to Reach if you're still interested in Halo
I know, but I'm sure that's where their inspiration comes from for the Halo Anniversary space.
I'm pretty sure that those colors aren't actually visible, they are color coded gases.
It was actually more purple, get your colors right.It still looked off. It wasn't just a cool nebula, like it was all blue and bright, and blerghh.
It still looked off. It wasn't just a cool nebula, like it was all blue and bright, and blerghh.
So since people are cheating (modding) without skill ranks, can we just get skill-ranks back in the game?
This conversation is one of the few times I'm glad I live at college, where lunch every day is fast food. Taco Bell, Chik-fil-A, Pizza Hut, and Burger King. Every. Day.
Marry me.that's fucking gross. learn to cook.
that's fucking gross. learn to cook.
that's fucking gross. learn to cook.
that's fucking gross. learn to cook.
that's fucking gross. learn to cook.
what ? the modding happens just in custom games right? Or were Hackers really in MM?
Wait, what?nah people have been running into these guys in matchmaking.
Cook Out milkshakes.
nah people have been running into these guys in matchmaking.
hard to get headshots, when there are no heads to shoot at
nah people have been running into these guys in matchmaking.
hard to get headshots, when there are no heads to shoot at
Looks good what is it
Yep but there are some problems for my taste, some parts are too dark and in the video it seems like you can't throw grenades the lift up, they get stuck there in a loop. Also I think you can jump the golden lift down.
nah people have been running into these guys in matchmaking.
hard to get headshots, when there are no heads to shoot at
Marry me.
Yup. And you save so much money by cooking for yourself.
Yep, and I hope he works out or something.
Cooking is fun and you learn really cool stuff.
I can cook well enough. But even the best chef wouldn't be able to make stuff with no ingredients, no cookware, and no money or means to get that stuff.
$4?!?Double cheeseburger, 2 corndogs, and a large Cheerwine. $3.99
Best soda.Cheerwine
American fast food is ludicrously, ludicrously cheap.$4?!?
nah people have been running into these guys in matchmaking.
hard to get headshots, when there are no heads to shoot at
Why is this even a thing the engine can do
ps. i'm eating an entire 10oz bag of spinach to counter the diabeetus in here