Youtube video? Halo Reach? Dongfest?No, really, google 343 playtesting.
Youtube video? Halo Reach? Dongfest?No, really, google 343 playtesting.
Option C: a cyanide capsule.Mixed reviews about these maps...
So guys, Isolation or Complex?
I'm going with Isolation.
Option C: a cyanide capsule.
Oh wow :\
I think I've found a new favourite. Oddball on Wreckage is pretty damn awesome, IMO
Option C: a cyanide capsule.
I have another glitch that I need to confirm. On maps where you spawn in tight clusters don't hold the use button. It happens on Adrift a lot at the beginning of matches when I appear I can see "Hold B to take armor ability" - Assuming it is a team mates ability. I haven't got to actually try it yet, because I forget to, bit I see it quite often.
Option C: a cyanide capsule.
Crimson Map Pack Glitch, go live under a rock already...[IMG]
make sure to wreck it consensually, bro.
I got to stop playing far cry 3 so much, I just saw a lone bluish-green shrub sticking out behind a boulder on Harvest that was super bright for some reason and I sprinted over to cut it down so I could craft the speed boost drug.
"Today all of you will be testing Halo 4."
Yes.Does anyone here have a 3ds? I might get one. Any recommended games?
Animal Crossing?
Does anyone here have a 3ds? I might get one. Any recommended games?
Animal Crossing?
Have they ever tested anything in this game?
I would actually like wreckage if it wasnt blinding.
0 points for crimson map pack. uh, ok.
*confirm purchase*
Crimson Map Pack Glitch, go live under a rock already...
There's a glitch/error on Wreckage on one of the rocks where you just jump through it also.
Crimson Map Pack Glitch, go live under a rock already...
you can just... walk into the rock? and you clip through?
does anyone involved with halo 4 actually play this game?
Where's my Halo Wars 2.
Jeeze. I can't even really argue that. Standoff is incredible.
Less is more.
Kid Icarus: Uprising, Ocarina of Time 3D, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Pushmo/Crashmo, Cave Story 3DS, Super Mario 3D land, Mario Kart 7, Kirby's Adventure 3D, Super Mario Land 2, Donkey Kong 94, Link's Awakening, Fire Emblem (coming soon and will be glorious).
So, 343 didn't make these? Why not? I can forgive it this time, but please do them all in house for Halo 5.
What gametype? I had none so far on Wreckage, and there was a lot going on, practically both teams, two full hogs, etc.Wreckage has terrible framerate problems. TERRIBLE. Why was it released like this?
Group therapy is still in effect in, just read the whole thread for today, what a shit storm.
Here's an overview of the map. Hopefully you can tell what's going on in the sea of white.
If not here's something with the Waypoint patented information overload.
The 1 is Rockets(Boltshot underneath), 2 is Sniper, 3 is BR, 4 is Carbine, 5 is DMR, 6 is AR. Those diamonds are grenade spawns. The orange is where the mancannon shoots you.
Here's red base. I added the lights to make the white less jarring.
Here's a view of the middle. The man-cannons go to the top of the base. Why? It becomes a control point. Something that most of the Halo 4 maps are lacking.
Here's a view of under one of the walkways. You can go under the center if you want. If you're playing Karl Slayer or NSNI a Boltshot spawns there, since it's power stupid to spawn players with them.
Here's another overview of this thing. Looks kinda interesting, I guess. Almost reminds me of a time when maps were simple and not about jagged rocks preventing you from getting onto the top ridge.
Here's a view of the longest sightline on the map. It's down the middle bridge. A rocket totally spawns in the middle, because it's all cool and stuff.
Here's a view from the top of blue base looking toward the end of the middle bridge. The red dots indicate where the random ordnance is in Infinity Slayer.
Which was your favorite? Top 5?lol, just read the whole thread for today, what a shit storm.
Why not have them do the rest of the maps for Halo 4 in house. Or have we already abandoned the notion that 343i did anything in Halo 4.
Which was your favorite? Top 5?
lol that was an excellent post. Mods must've been on a break... they're all still here.Definitely the kid who freaked out in all caps and Heckfu said he would show someone what the internet was with the post, hahaha.
A shoulder plsDo we report the glitches to 343 or do we support those that bought this map pack with hugs and a shoulder to cry on?
The game doesn't truly need Forge maps until Steely asks for them.Before the game came out I was all for NO forge maps in Matchmaking.
But fuck that, we NEED forge maps in some playlists.
Before the game came out I was all for NO forge maps in Matchmaking.
But fuck that, we NEED forge maps in some playlists.
Just got the map pack for free, never been a playtester before.
Do we report the glitches to 343 or do we support those that bought this map pack with hugs and a shoulder to cry on?
Double posting this in here and the Forge thread in case anyone is up for testing later this week.
I posted a few pictures of my map in the Forge thread, but here is the final version. It's called Intercession. Why? Because I couldn't come up with a name on my own, so I googled "Random word" until I came across something I like. There are three versions of it. One for my set of semi-competitive settings; one for Infinity settings; and one for no sprint no instant settings. It's a smaller map probably for anything 1v1 up to 4v4, since lord knows we need them at this point. It's actually symmetric, unlike that one that just came in Crimson out that claims to be symmetric or whatever. It's got some floating coliwalls to shadow one side so that way everything doesn't look like white. All the pictures are from my cell phone, since we don't have the ability to share pictures for some reason. Maybe it hasn't been outsourced yet, I dunno.
Comparison pictures between my design and Forge:
I dunno. I think it looks fun. Maybe we should try it sometime. They are in my file share. I'd link it, but well... You know.
GT: Karl2177
Map names:
Intercession (this is the one for Karl Slayer, which you can also find in my file share)
Intercession-static (this is for NSNI)
Intercession_Infinity (this is for Infinity Slayer)