It definitely feels a lot "slimmer", if that makes any sense. Still, matchmaking doesn't seem to be all that much better.
And BTB is still plagued with quitters in Reach. I'm not sure why it isn't displaying DNF for those people, but I'm pretty sure I remember being outnumbered 5 or 6 to like 3. That's really not fun in BTB. It makes me appreciate JIP, from this perspective, anyway. Social gametypes like BTB absolutely require it, I'd say. The other one is from the game right afterward in Anniversary Classic, where my team mates almost instantly quit, and I was 4v1 the entire game. Luckily, Beaver Creek is easy to manage with that pistol and 4 completely clueless opponents. Scratch that, Waypoint doesn't seem to want to load any details on that specific game for some reason:!/?game=1186341760§ion=Competitive Wonderful!
Some people feel that if a game has too many cutscenes, talking, or too much linearity, then it is bad, or isn't worthy of being called a video game. Same people complain about The Walking Dead game, or Heavy Rain, for similar reasons. All three are fantastic games, in my opinion. Just goes to show the diversity of the medium, I'd say.