I haven't been on these forums in a while. Since Finals and stuff.
But where did all this halo 4 hate come from...? its way better than reach ever was and I'm always playing it and having a blast...
What the "haters" mean to say is our slayer pro playlist was missing classic elements like map spawns, no sprint, timed weapons and Forge customisation options to build the settings they and MLG of old want. They aren't off base here either, I'm surprised the classic side of Halo 4 wasn't more classic. I too want such playlists to have those setting or customisation options even though my home of CTF objective still makes me very happy to play. Halo 3 ranked objective happy? Not quite but I'm looking forward to the next 12 months of Halo 4.
Where the "haters" go on a rant is thinking all of Halo 4 has to be like that. Infinity gametypes have a solid home in Halo 4, 343i just missed some playlist, maps and setting marks. Things like the real classic settings and smaller symmetrical maps but also not having Grifball in playlists from day one. Frankie posted in the latest 343i bulletin about Halo 4 outselling 3 or Reach in its early launch phases as well as apologising for some mistakes and a break down in community communication. We all look forward to the new year and hope Coming Soon now means much sooner rather than later.
Everyone agrees things like fileshare half broken suck, especially the most popular and web sharing/saving of files like Bungie.net of old. I also miss Bungie Pro rendering services. Halo 5 just has to have this stuff. The UI was a drastic change with some glaring omissions where the Reach UI felt refined a little more. Personally I find Waypoint far better on differing devices but the web version should load faster for game/player statistics and history. In game the roster didn't need an X for fly out but as time has worn on I find using the bumpers similar to the xbox dashboard bumper features allows me fast and easy access to most of the statistics I want. However it does seem like 5-10% of key statistics are missing or hard to find. Further simple features for parties have issues e.g. time left to join showing everywhere and game details of the party you are trying to join e.g. 12 mins left but score could be 590 vs 580 so you would wait to join. NAT and JiP issues are getting ironed out but Reach seems a bit better here.
Personally I very much like Halo 4, the cutscenes were just insane, the graphics took centre stage on old hardware resources, the story was a marked leap for me over 3, ODST & Reach. SPOPS has more potential but we're not holding our breath too much. Players complain too much about things like Boltshot but playlists and more custom settings will provide plenty of variety shortly.
Halo 5 looks set to benefit from new hardware resources, 343i Anniversary & Halo 4 production as well as larger open environments, next generation AI and more. Personally I hope 343i/MS pull a Halo 2 Bungie/XBL and go nuts with introducing core XBL services for the next generation e.g. rendering services, new premium XBL services for dedicated servers or host consoles and delivering features like spectator mode, streaming with commentary, potentially minimising coop input latency etc
MLG seems to have been given a mild cold shoulder with Virgin Gaming and Halo 4 with online tournaments. Personal preferences aside it seems to me MLG and Halo have been falling apart anyhow. I just hope 343i have left enough room to cater for many types of tournaments, partners and sponsors in an online and offline capacity. Personally I wasn't happy with the MLG settings V1 as they are very much classic MLG and not really designed to the mass market or a default player like me. Again personally I am happy to at least see Virgin Gaming using default settings for tournaments as I think it's really interesting to take the game "as is" or "as intended".
I don't understand the "hate" either, especially in light of recent news about The Walking Dead and Starcraft II feature/bug/communication issues. Helps me have some perspective on game development and the issues developers face. I'd still like the TU and next map pack to deliver big time though, wan't a fan of broken features, map pack issues and the latest map pack overall.
Welcome (back) and nice to have more posters on here who like/love Halo 4.
okay. Did people miss this post? Bergmann, I hate you for posting this. I laughed my ass off.
High road, something something. To me this OT should be a very marked improvement over OT13. If we can all have a quick laugh and provide more substance to our posts in general I think we can help Halo 4 head in the right direction for the sub-communities/settings.
:lol the haters. You're generalizing.
He used the word hate in his post so in my reply I used his description to kick things off, you know relevancy to the poster. Also there's plenty you've missed in my post mate.
Finally Australia has its R18+ rating for game sales, it has been a long time in the works and we used to only have MA15.