Two of the most bland, generic guys in the game?NOPE. Johnson then Buck a close second.
Best characters were Arbiter and the Prophet of Truth (Michael Wincott version).
Two of the most bland, generic guys in the game?NOPE. Johnson then Buck a close second.
I'll think about it when logging into Waypoint on my phone to check your CSR in about a month.
Those of you halo 2 downers haven't given any good explanations towards why you think the campaign is the worst.
Was its Overall Story? Weapons/Vehicles Sandbox? Campaign Level Designs? What??
You don't like backpacks? If you like them, can I jump into yours for a few matches?Shiiiiiiiiiit.
Doubles tomorrow! Who's gonna be my partner?
Those of you halo 2 downers haven't given any good explanations towards why you think the campaign is the worst.
Was its Overall Story? Weapons/Vehicles Sandbox? Campaign Level Designs? What??
Hey, 343, don't forget to patch the announcer not working in film clips in the upcoming TU. It makes multikill clips look like lifeless, dead garbage. Thanks!
Now play Halo 2, which is still the most linear in the series. Most of the game was a hallway and the walls were painted differently.
As long as you don't rewind, the announcers voice always comes through. It's annoying I know, but you can skip backward as much as you like but if you don't rewind you should be good.
Bobba Fett was mysterious. I like Nathan Fillion and all, but his character in ODST talked enough for any mystery to be out (he was also a main character unlike Fett). He was dull and generic as much as Carter in Reach.
Now lets look at Bobba Fett. Awesome armor that no one else has. Doesn't need anything special, just his fucking pistol and jetpack he rarely uses in the original trilogy. He's a mercenary and has no allegiance. Talks to no one if it's not business. That's the qualifications for a badass.
Now let's look at Buck. Standard ODST armor. The most generic white male in the series. Gives orders. Well...that's about it really. I can't even remember one quote from that guy because everything he said was so plain.
Last day to play the Community Forge Test even though Dominion, Regicide, Team Regicide, Oddball, and Crimson DLC have less people on.
Quick question - is there any way I can get into testing lobbies for maps potentially getting into Matchmaking other than just waiting until a CC posts on GAF looking for players?
No idea what you two are on about, but the announcer works fine for me, even when I rewind and all that stuff.
If you have a film clip recorded from before the 1.2 TU, the announcer won't talk, that was fixed in 1.2, all clips recorded post 1.2 will play the announcers audio.
Paypal Tashi.
Did they fix it? I didn't know that. Was it in the patch notes? But originally, I found if I didn't rewind, the announcers voice came fine. It could also help that I haven't really made a clip or video (no reason to) since December. None of my friends still play the game and I have no one to show anything to.
I just tested it out again then, it worked fine after rewinding and all that stuff.
Bobba Fett was mysterious. I like Nathan Fillion and all, but his character in ODST talked enough for any mystery to be out (he was also a main character unlike Fett). He was dull and generic as much as Carter in Reach.
Now lets look at Bobba Fett. Awesome armor that no one else has. Doesn't need anything special, just his fucking pistol and jetpack he rarely uses in the original trilogy. He's a mercenary and has no allegiance. Talks to no one if it's not business. That's the qualifications for a badass.
Now let's look at Buck. Standard ODST armor. The most generic white male in the series. Gives orders. Well...that's about it really. I can't even remember one quote from that guy because everything he said was so plain.
I don't think it's the worst by any means. I think all of the Halo campaigns are great (Reach was the most lacking, but still good).
I do have complaints about Halo 2 though. Imagine just playing CE, maps that are open-world and it feels your own adventure, and a new world to explore was a plus. Now play Halo 2, which is still the most linear in the series. Most of the game was a hallway and the walls were painted differently.
The Halo 2 story, sandbox, and everything was on par (except the ending). The mission design wasn't bad or anything, it was just disappointing to what I grew used too. Basically, if Halo 2's campaign wasn't a sequel to CE, I would have enjoyed it a lot more.
+10Miranda keyes best male actor
I love Halo 2, perhaps the best and most fun I had with any multiplayer game in a long time, but the campaign was a let down for me. I judge games by how they make me feel, how they play.
Halo 2's campaign left me pissed at the end. Be Master Chief, fight on High Charity etc. One of the shortest levels, and you leave Cortana and then it switches to Arbiter etc. You could tell the game was slightly rushed.
Compare it with Reach. Some would dislike the campaign, but no one can say it didn't end well. I'll compare halo 2 to mass effect 3. The ending pretty much ruins the excitement. It's like eating a bowl of soup, the best soup you've ever had. You drink all the way until the end and then you see there is a turd at the bottom. Now no matter how good the soup was, your mind stays on the turd, and it ruins what you thought the soup tasted like.
Poor analogy I know. If I had to rank campaigns, and this primarily on how I was left feeling, my mindset, how much I dissected the information and thought about it etc. I'd rate my campaign experiences as H1>H3>Reach>ODST>H2>H4
Now of course your list will differ, we're all fans and we all don't like the same things.
Constructive explanations, including Shoguns opinions of what broke the feel of Halo (switching character plots, boss fight, "Not Finishing The Fight", etc.)CE had the same problem of reusing areas though. It just seemed capable of much larger open areas. Could be the limits of the Xbox by the time they got to Halo 2.
Halo 2 doesn't get too bad till the Sacred Icon mission. Until then its pretty fantastic and the areas are mostly different. Delta Halo is my jam. Outskirts and Metropolis are pretty tightly put together as well. You don't move through too many similar areas, just the tunnel road.
Once you reach Sacred Icon and you jump through those chutes and fight flood repeatedly in the same hallways is when the design problems show up. Then the same problem happens with Chief once he gets to High Charity. I recently replayed Halo 2 and my play speed slowed down once I got to those set of missions.
That said, Reach at least had varying levels. They all felt different. And its probably the campaign with the least amount of reused areas. How you feel about the encounter design is a different story. I don't have much of a problem with it. More the "DMRs everywhere aspect that gets old. Why wouldn't I use the best precision weapon in the game when its just lying around everywhere. You are given access to every gun, but you don't HAVE to use them.
Yes dude... There's lots of other communities that run tests on these maps with CC's. Not here to advertise though so PM if you want details.Quick question - is there any way I can get into testing lobbies for maps potentially getting into Matchmaking other than just waiting until a CC posts on GAF looking for players?
Up for me! Try restarting your the Halo 4 server down?
Yes dude... There's lots of other communities that run tests on these maps with CC's. Not here to advertise though so PM if you want details.
Also, we're cooking up something that will help with this very issue. Think it'll be up tomorrow.
Up for me! Try restarting your Xbox.
I swear, he just says stupid things to get attention. He also claims Fuse will sell 5 million copies.
Looking at the 'favourite game trailers this generatin thread I see a lot of mentions of the live action trailers.
But I must say, I genuinely forget about the Halo 3 recon trailer, such a great trailer in itself.
This is still my favorite Halo trailer, and undoubtedly my favorite trailer from this generation. Nothing else has gotten me more hyped for a game.
That's my favorite as well.
That trailer also brought down the XBLM for a few hours, good times.
That's my favorite as well.
That trailer also brought down the XBLM for a few hours, good times.
Yup, it's a classic. Shame the moment in the game isn't an ounce as interesting or effective.This is still my favorite Halo trailer, and undoubtedly my favorite trailer from this generation. Nothing else has gotten me more hyped for a game.
240 fps? Not even high end PC's can do that with many if any modern games. Obvious bull.
Campaign only, keep it out of MP.Halo 5 should just not have the AR.
Only graphic cards in Quad SLI/Crossfire configuration. And maybe the GTX690.
Edit: And that's too expensive, so it's most likely bullshit.^^
Starry Night trailer was the best.
Does anyone know if we're ever going to get a normal BTB playlist? I like BTB, but only when there are objectives involved. It's just too chaotic with slayer.
We have no idea.Does anyone know if we're ever going to get a normal BTB playlist? I like BTB, but only when there are objectives involved. It's just too chaotic with slayer.
Paypal Tashi.