Thanks for the invite, Unknown, but I'm just now setting my alarms to jam on some nap time. I'll be on tonight after the big game.
Yeah don't ever feel bad for not accepting invites btw, I just spam them out so people always have me in their thoughts ;]
These are beta textures on spartans right not retail? They look amazing
The reflection on the blue cqb spartans thigh is so good
Agreed. I liked those a lot. Also look how far the Spartan is in the snow.
On a completely unrelated note, FrankerZ.[img][/QUOTE]
The Puppy Bowl is SOOOO damn cute!
[quote="HTupolev, post: 47251080"]Xbox Halo:
PC Halo: (Okay fine, it's a CEA cap, but the problem is carried over from HPC.)[/QUOTE]
Halo PC was fake as far as I'm concerned. Same with those H2 Vista cheevos.
[spoiler]Unless HiredN00bs or anyone else can get them for me <3[/spoiler]