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Halo |OT14| They call it Halo



Unconfirmed Member
HEY HEY HEY. Luigi's Mansion was awesome as all hell. Don't you be bad mouthing it.
Umm, that's up for debate, haha. My point, though, is that it was pretty underwhelming when everyone was hoping for SM64 2 at launch.

I don't think a Halo Wars 2 for Durango's launch would be bad, just similarly underwhelming.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
I really don't see Halo going free to play ever. I just don't see it working.

I said the same thing about RTS, then they went ahead and made the definitive console RTS.

For multiplayer games, at least in the PC space, F2P is where the money is. Hands down. Microsoft have already dipped their toes into the market. If they jump in, Halo is what they would use as it would make the biggest splash.


They should alternate between multiplayer only and campaign/multiplayer titles like this:

2013 Halo Arena/Tournament (multi only classic Halo style based on H2)
2014 Halo 5 (with the AA and perks etc)
2015 Halo Arena/Tournament 2
2016 Halo 6

Would be a good way to please both crowds.
I think they should stop cramming shitty Halo games down our throats and take 3 years to give us a good game.

Instead of throwing shit at us and attempting to fix it after release.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
They should alternate between multiplayer only and campaign/multiplayer titles like this:

2013 Halo Arena/Tournament (multi only classic Halo style based on H2)
2014 Halo 5 (with the AA and perks etc)
2015 Halo Arena/Tournament 2
2016 Halo 6

Would be a good way to please both crowds.

That sounds like a good idea actually. Too bad it makes too much sense.


Umm, that's up for debate, haha. My point, though, is that it was pretty underwhelming when everyone was hoping for SM64 2 at launch.

I don't think a Halo Wars 2 for Durango's launch would be bad, just similarly underwhelming.

Meh I wasn't. I really didn't like Mario 64. It was ok but it really felt empty to me. Could have used a lot more classic Mario enemies. Course Sunshine wasn't my favorite either. That's one reason I'm glad they came up with the New Super Mario Brothers series of games. Those just feel like Mario to me over the 3D ones.


tagged by Blackace
Generally, I think inferring they will continue a yearly release schedule through the transition to another generation is pretty fallacious in itself. There are so many factors involved, adhering to something like that and only putting out a half-baked Halo would be pretty counter-intuitive. I see Halo 4 720 edition being more likely, but porting old games for launch is a very bad look in general and makes it look like they're compensating for the lack of new-new games, so I really don't think they'll do that.

Though I do wonder if we'll see Halo 5 3 years from now, or two.
They should alternate between multiplayer only and campaign/multiplayer titles like this:

2013 Halo Arena/Tournament (multi only classic Halo style based on H2)
2014 Halo 5 (with the AA and perks etc)
2015 Halo Arena/Tournament 2
2016 Halo 6

Would be a good way to please both crowds.

If it's multi-only, why not do a rolling release? One game like TF2 that just constantly gets updates. I think that would work for Halo, be it for Infinity-style, or Arena style. Could just be the inverse of what I posted ^^


tagged by Blackace
They should alternate between multiplayer only and campaign/multiplayer titles like this:

2013 Halo Arena/Tournament (multi only classic Halo style based on H2)
2014 Halo 5 (with the AA and perks etc)
2015 Halo Arena/Tournament 2
2016 Halo 6

Would be a good way to please both crowds.
You would be heavily oversaturating the market with those releases, especially when you're explicitly trying to segregate the fanbase between nothing more than a holier-than-thou group and a casuals group. There's a reason no game company does this already, it's because it's an extremely inefficient use of resources and a terrible idea instead of just making a solid product that appeals to both and maximizing your sales that way like CoD does.


Having taken those screenshots of New Mombasa at night some time ago I got the urge to play ODST again after having not really played through it for at least a year. I’ve played it solo on Legendary in the past and while it’s been relatively challenging, especially without so many long range weapons, I did feel like it was a tad too easy at times. That’s why I decided this time around to play solo Legendary, just like before, but while only using human weapons. No Plasma Pistols, Carbines, Needlers or any of that alien garbage, just good old fashion human weaponry. Grenades are an exception to the rule. While I’m at it I’ll also take some screenshots and write about how I played through the levels.

I won’t be covering Mombasa Streets, so first up is Tayari Plaza, playing as Buck. Things start off with this little encounter:


Nothing much, a couple of Brutes and a sizable amount of Grunts for support. The Grunts are easily disposed of with some well-placed Pistol shots, but the Brutes proof to be a bit more challenging, especially in combination with some of the Grunt stragglers aiding them. Without any plasma weapons I’m having a tough time cracking the shields of even just a single Brute. Eventually I do manage to take down the shields of the Brutes with a combination of grenades and Assault Rifle fire, with a simple Pistol headshot to finish them off. Time to move on.

After meeting up with a couple of Marines I round the corner only to stand eye to eye with a pack of at least 5 Brutes.

I decide that the best way to approach the encounter is to get the high ground and see what I can do from there. Once up there I remember that there’s still two Plasma Grenades in my backpack, time to put them to use. You can see the results in the picture below: Two dead Brutes.

Those two were just lower class Brutes, though, so nothing much to celebrate about yet. I still have to deal with a golden Brute and his two companions, or so I thought. After taking cover for a bit I come out in the open to check on the damage that I had previously done and to assess the situation. What I found was a Power Drainer on the floor and two Brutes right next to it, without armor.

Pleasantly surprised I fire off two shots, quickly dispose of the one remaining Brute, and continue on my way. Skipping ahead a bit I run into this lot of Grunts and Jackals:

I had an easy time slaying several Grunts and Jackals until my Pistol made a clicking sound - it’s out of ammunition. Without a precision weapon it means I have to get up close and personal in order to effectively take of the opposition.

It takes a bit longer than it would’ve had had I still had ammunition for my Pistol, but without too much trouble I manage to clear the area. The Jackals in the back with Carbines proved to be quite the annoyance, though - nothing a couple of grenades couldn’t fix. Anyway, up next is the final ‘real’ encounter. A courtyard filled with several Covenant squads and Jackals with Carbines and Beam Rifles littering the balconies and rooftops.

Since Jackal Snipers are probably the most annoying thing since Drones I decide it’s probably best to try and take them out before anything else. I head into the structure on the left side in order to get a better look at what I’m up against. Having picked up some extra Pistol ammo it wasn't too much trouble taking out the Jackals from a distance. Luckily they don’t one-shot you anymore like in previous Halos – even on Legendary – so that makes for much less frustrating moments in that regard. Moving on, I dispose of most of the Grunts and Shield Jackals and try my hand at killing at least some of the Brutes for a start. While attempting to do so the Brutes that I’m fighting suddenly retreat without warning.

I follow them around the corner and discover their reason for retreat.

Two Hunters, a normal one and a golden variant, arrived to support the left-over Brutes. Now, I knew Hunters spawned behind the next gate, but normally this part of the level is much easier and I barrage through it. Because of this Hunters usually spawn either after I’ve killed everything else, or if I run up to the gate behind which they spawn. This time, however, they caught me off guard, resulting in several quick deaths right off the bat. After a number of tries I manage to separate one of the Hunters from his buddy. My Assault Rifle isn’t doing much though (Surprise there).

Time to get a bit closer.

Sadly, I’m not much more successful at close range. Time to look around in search for something to aid me in this fight. Because I usually don’t need to look around for more weaponry during this part I had forgotten about the Shotgun in the ammo rack in the opening area of the courtyard. To say the least it was much more effective at damaging the Hunter than the Assault Rifle was.

Using a combination of melee attacks and Shotgun shots I manage to take down the golden Hunter pretty easily as well. Having taken care of those two trouble-makers I move on only to run into some familiar faces:

The Brutes who fled the fight just 10 minutes ago regained their courage and decided to make my life miserable once again. The fight that ensued wasn’t exactly the most intense one I’ve experienced in Halo. Since I had no chance of taking them out up close with my Shotgun the only other option I had was to take them out from a distance with the Assault Rifle. One by one I stripped the Brutes from their armor. Luckily for me there was a spot from which they didn’t seem to react to make shooting the so taking them down wasn’t too hard. One funny moment towards the end, though, when the final Brute decided to take his own life by sticking a Spike Grenade to the wall right next to him. Made for a nice picture:

With that the mission comes to a close and I’m back on the streets of New Mombasa during night time.

I’m not sure if I’ll do another write-up of the others levels, but I’m thinking of at least taking screenshots of my play-through. Like with Halo 3 I’ve come to appreciate this game’s campaign more and more as time goes on. The encounters aren’t exactly Halo 3 level, but without the BR you really have to be creative in how you approach your enemy which really makes it stand out from the other Halo games and I like it.



Unconfirmed Member
If it's multi-only, why not do a rolling release? One game like TF2 that just constantly gets updates. I think that would work for Halo, be it for Infinity-style, or Arena style. Could just be the inverse of what I posted ^^
I want this so bad.


I really don't see that working. It would be too much work to redo everything. Plus, the Halo 1 PC pirates and demo players indicate that the majority of people only want to play Blood Gulch 24/7 rather than actually spending money on the game.

It's going to be a lot of work to remove Bungie's name and logo from Halo 1, 2, and 3. They'll have to re-render an awkwardly long video to mask the loading time where the logo used to be. That takes money.
Check and turn the signal to the right
Now turn to the right
Check and turn the signal to the left
Now turn to the left
Lammy was a weird spinoff. The high notes are way better than anything in Parappa, but half the stages plain suck while Parappa is fairly consistently good throughout.


I think that in Halo 5 they should introduce Cortana's AI replacement, his name would Dongblain. It would be magnificent.

I'll be your Dax, but i'ma use Blake's 7 as a stand in for Deepspace 9 if that's ok.
Oh god, Frankie's learned the Promethean language, shut down GAF now!
Grifball didn't saved Halo? I thought, it would bring back players.
Bit early to say that. Probably should have been included as part of the marketing push for SpOps 1.5 though.
Agreed! Is that the Terminal under that 3 prong room on Requiem?
Like the Big Booty Clean Faces mod for Skyrim on PC, I want a mod to remove the symbols and just have a clean version of that.
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