Navidson REC
It cost less to outfit and equip a ODST than it does a Spartan IV and they are missing.
They are also much more effective than Marines.
Its makes zero sense to not have ODST's on the infinity. They were on board the Spirit of Fire which also had a compliment of Spartan II's they have been at every single major battle and aboard every major ship the UNSC has had since their inception. Their occlusion for The PoA and the battle of Halo is only because of a oversight in canon.
The Infinity is the largest ship the UNSC has ever built their is no logical reason to not have a small platoon of ODST aboard.
Halo 4 missed a beat by not having an ODST squad and a ODST leader aboard who was personalized and shown in cutscenes. Hell it could of even been Buck's squad. Throw them on the ship they are not doing anything else and the Infinity is the only ship that was doing anything really its a time of relative peace for the UNSC.
I gotta agree. Especially the Buck thing is kind of a missed opportunity.
I seriously hope that 343 expands on everything with Halo 5: characters (old (Arbiter, Buck, Hood, ...) and new (Lasky, Osman, ...)), vehicles (including crazy promethean vehicles... and the return of the chopper, of course), encounter scale (bring back scarabs or something even more interesting!), and so on.
It has to happen.