Hey I had fun playing Halo 4. Should have been a killtac though.
holy shit tunavi, your name is tuna 6...
Hey I had fun playing Halo 4. Should have been a killtac though.
Yup, that one!The wall which blocks off Sarge's seat (beer & hoagie as well) is one of many invisible items. There's an entire invisible ceiling is built from 4x4 Blocks and Coliseum walls which prevent the ball from glitching through the natural ceiling. They lose their structure(?) when you embed them into the surrounding geometry. You can do this trick in other areas as well, like the roof of the Impact base.
Ironically eough, Devin posted on Facebook the other day his HDDVD collection and it brought many lols to the greater internet.
So many bad movies, so much wasted money.
It's ok though, because I sold the whole lot of them today for $50.00 so I like to think I came out on top after all.
CC's and/or Bravo
Add those fancy Red & Blue lights on Haven across all of Matchmaking, not just the Doubles variant.
Same goes for Adrift <3
I've vanished from the leaderboards, despite playing more games than the guy ranked 224th in Spartan Ops.
Just going to assume I was labeled as a cheater - yet Gamesager, the biggest stat padder in Halo is sitting nice & cosy in 7th place.
Ha! Just loaded up Forge to add lights on some other maps as I read your post.
Ouch. What did you do? Go AFK?
I've actually moved down the leaderboards, though my score is the same, it seems rather than removing players they've inserted some advice me. :
So many bad movies, so much wasted money.
It's ok though, because I sold the whole lot of them today for $50.00 so I like to think I came out on top after all.
Heh - also, on Dispatch, there are Trait Zones to make a certain jump possible, would it be possible to add just a small jump up there instead or make it a little more obvious that the gravity is modified for that part?
Never AFK'd intentionally in Halo 4, including the Infinity Challenge week.
? There should be no trait zones on Dispatch. We discovered one in testing but it didn't effect playing movement or jumping at all. What jump are you talking about?
Oooh, never mind, just checked out the actual MM variant - there isn't one.
I swore the MLG version had one to make a jump possible, looks like it is possible without it now.
Are you thinking of Shutout? I know the elbow to snipe 2 jump used to be possible but is not possible in matchmaking.
Are you thinking of Shutout? I know the elbow to snipe 2 jump used to be possible but is not possible in matchmaking.
IGDA Seattle is proud to present two top artists from 343 Industries, Vic DeLeon and RJ Ranola, joining us as this month's speakers to discuss the environmental art of one of the biggest, and most beautiful, games of 2012 — Halo 4.
So many bad movies, so much wasted money.
It's ok though, because I sold the whole lot of them today for $50.00 so I like to think I came out on top after all.
Nope, Dispatch, the one on Impact.
I do remember seeing a Trait Zone on the MLG variant when I looked at it, I just assumed it was for that jump.
I still don't know what jump you're talking about.
Oooh, never mind, just checked out the actual MM variant - there isn't one.
I swore the MLG version had one to make a jump possible, looks like it is possible without it now.
holy shit tunavi, your name is tuna 6...
Halo 4 Review
Halo's campaign has always been an element of controversy within the gaming populous. Halo CE back in 2001 was an overwhelming breath of fresh air. The fledging xbox brand grew overnight into something worthy of attention because of a single game. I still remember my first ever time playing Halo. I was shopping for a Gamecube as an Xmas present and Me. My father and his friend went to Toys'R'Us, at the end of the games isle stood a Xbox pod running Silent Cartographer. While my father and his friend shopped for my sisters presents I stood and played. I leaped out of a dropship followed some marines up a beach depleting my assault rifle rounds and switched to the pistol. Upon first firing the weapon I knew it was something special. These shielded opponents who took excessive amounts of AR bullets dropped like flies when I shot them with this. While it looked like a sidearm it was clearly a primary weapon and unknown to me something that would go down in infamy. Needless to say at that moment i was hooked. My gamecube present turned into an Xbox and christmas could not come soon enough.
It was a few months into 2002 when I had some friends over for a sleep over that I first tried multiplayer. After flying a tank around on GTA3 and racing around on Gran Turismo we decided to try out Halo Multiplayer. We set-up a Slayer game on Sidewinder and started playing. It was insane we played this game type on this map until The Early/Late hours on the morning and after that my Halo addiction was apparent. Id spend hours per night playing in single player "training" for multiplayer with my friends.
Life went on until 2004 and Halo 2. If i recall it was the first game I ever preordered. I left school at lunch time made my way into the town centre. Played Slayer on Beaver Creek at the station set up running the game grabbed the game and went back to school. I remember people surrounding me in class just to look at the game case. I played the game that night and made it to the battle with the heretic leader. I was playing heroic and I got my arse handed to me and went to sleep. I awoke early that morning and hammered away at the game defeated the heretic leader. Went to school came home and played none stop till the end. Id finished the game and with no friends around and no internet I had nothing to do. So i started it again playing it to completion. This became a common occurrence. For the next few months my life was spent playing Halo 2 campaign over and over in any free time i got. I visited a friends house frequently because he had Xbox Live and remember how he would regale me with tales on playing till the early hours of the morning. This guy went on to become my best friend. Halo literally gave me my best friend.
By 2006 I had an xbox 360 and Xbox Live. My free time was dominated by Halo 2 Custom Games with a UK Clan and that is one of the greatest experiences of my life. The sense of family was unreal. We all loved Halo and all we ever wanted was to play it with each other every night.
E3 2006 was the announcement of Halo 3. I remember this vividly. I went to my friends house at lunch and watched it on repeat for an hour. I remember been blown away by everything. The grunt street sign in the wind, how amazing master chief looked. My entire body was filled with nerd chills and this practically never stopped. We seen Leaks and Trailers come one after another. I lapped up everything. the Last Resort leak (the music of which will be burned in my head until the day i die). I remember being on Bnet just before we where set to go to the cinema for a friends birthday and noticing I had a PM from "Disembodied Soul". I looked and it was a Friends and Family invite in to the Halo 3 Beta. I Still to this day do not know how i was chosen but I'm thankful i was. We ditched the cinema and stayed at mine to play the beta. Snowbound and High Ground hold such a special place in my heart. Neither are exceptional maps really but for me they are the embodiment of Halo.
ODST and Reach followed and they both delivered that Halo Experience i loved but in radically different ways to before. Hype regarding both these titles was weaker than before but I still lapped up everything given to me. ODST is the perfectly alternate Halo and Reach told a story that many wanted.
Needless to say when Halo 4 was revealed it grabbed my attention. Id been anticipating it for a long time and believed it could of been a True successor to Halo 3. Something that sadly Reach and ODST never accomplished.
Pre-release media did its job and I was pumped for the game.
I fired up campaign and my very first reaction was simply "Awe"everything was mind blowing the CGI intro with Halsey was flawless and I knew immediately that the game planned to delve further into Halo's lore. The first level was almost too much too take in all at once. Chief was awake and running the set pieces created tension and the reveal of the covenant fleet outside the blast shields instilled me once again with those nerd chills.
After an epic adventure through the Dawn I was crashing into the inside of a planet before i knew what was happening. With this comes the revelation that Cortana is dying. Something we knew was going to happen soon. After the crash sites my first steps on this alien world again filled me with chills and amazement. The Strange floating monolithic esq construct and the amazing vista's well realized with the bumped up graphics of Halo 4..I quickly settled in for the journey and the story ran its course introducing a powerful new threat and revealing more about teh mystery of the forerunners. The new weapons and enemies fit into place perfectly and I blasted through to the conclusion of the campaign.
Looking back its easy to pick fault, Some of the new elements introduced new issue. The new enemies become a slog to fight on harder difficulties and the AI feels like it could be a step backwards in some regards. The lack of explanation regarding certain characters can be alienating to new players or those unfamiliar with the Expanded Canon and the scale of battles pale in comparison to previous instalments.
All that aside Halo 4 delivered a great experience that as a long-term series fan I was happy with.
The main anticipation however was always Multiplayer. After Reach delivered a game with a very mixed reception. Many regard it as the first nail in the coffin for Halo as a competitive multiplayer game. It was plagued with problems from Armour Lock to Bloom and Halo 4 looked to many to be a saviour.
To put it bluntly. It fell short.
Multiplayer is plagued with issues. Customizable loadouts destroy any semblance of equality between players. Along side this Multiple options for the previously mentioned loadouts give players an unfair advantage or are simple broken. The Boltshot is a spawn-able one hit kill weapon. Active Camo, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Grenades. All these give players too much power.
Its easy to see how the idea behind Instant Respawns and Killstreaks can be regarded as something that would improve a multiplayer game and in other games they very likely do but Halo was special. It had an intricate balance of Weapon Timers and Respawn timers. Map Flow was important. Map Control was important. Knowing what the enemy team/players had was important. All of this created something that other games simply could not capture. Not only did you have to be a skilled player to win but you had to include an element of strategy in your play.
A skilled team could control the map and dominate less skilled players. Not just win but destroy them. This is less likely to happen in halo 4.When the enemy can can call in 1 hit Kill sniper or spawn with invisibility or the ability to see through walls skill is substituted for luck and when skilled players get beat not because they got outplayed but because they were not as lucky as the next guy then its going to cause backlash.
Personally I don't believe luck has any place in competitive gaming. This is the biggest problem i have with Halo 4 but its not the only Problem. Quality of the maps is significantly worse than previous titles. The changes made to every gamestype with the exception being oddball is a change for the worse.
I won't go into forge much but which aesthetically its a bit better than Reach feature wise its a step backwards and we are still stuck with forge pieces that are unless in most circumstances. Its like if lego suddenly rescaled their entire range and you where given a tub with both scales inside and asked to build the sydney opera house.
Firefight to many peoples dismay was cut.The mode that was introduced to much positive feedback in ODST and then expanded upon in reach was axed in favour of Spartans Ops. Dubbed as a second episodic campaign.
Spartans Ops failed to live up to its promises. What it ended up delivery was repeating environments with slightly altered objectives that was force-ably extended with excessively long waves and secondary and tertiary objectives that felt forced. The 2 saving graces are the outstandingly well done CGI movies that are a fiction fans dream and the Nice environments. However it's no substitute for firefight and failed to deliver the experience many anticipated.
In concept its a great but its fallen short in execution..It needs to delivery more campaign like experience with more lore and more "serious" objectives.
In conclusion Halo 4 could of been something amazing but it feels like it lack's polish and testing in certain areas. A public Beta could of went along way towards solving some of the multiplayer issues.Many of the problems come from trying to make the game much more friendly for the causal market who clearly have little interest in the game. 343i did an admiral job taking over Halo. We forget this is their first outing with the series and they do deserve credit for what they did however they do have some making up to do to the long time fans who they have disappointed with their mind boggling omission.
As a invested fan of the series I do feel let down with the exception of campaign.
eBooks son. Already happening.Just imagine a digital format war.
Halo 4 panel at Bungie Studios? The fuck?Does anyone in the Seattle area want to go to this and possibly meet me?
Big Environments and Even Bigger Vehicles: Environment Art of Halo 4
Thursday, February 21, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (PST)
Bungie Studios
550 106th Avenue Northeast
Bellevue, WA 98004
It's open to the public but based on the last presentation I went to, seating is VERY limited.
I'm hoping they spend two hours talking about rocks.
Halo 4 panel at Bungie Studios? The fuck?
We now have a time frame for when we might hear a sample of Destiny's soundtrack.
"Perhaps soon..."
That's pretty soon guys.
We now have a time frame for when we might hear a sample of Destiny's soundtrack.
"Perhaps soon..."
That's pretty soon guys.
I was watching a film of Doubles Pro in theatre and noticed that one of the guys had the motion tracker for pretty much most of the match.
Wonder if it's possible that he had it in-game.
Oh! Good thx.It's an ongoing speaker series hosted in Bungie's theater. The previous two were about Steam Greenlight and Kickstarter. This one happens to be about Halo 4.
What dumb shit "developer" at 343 put instant respawn in dubs?
Bungie's been answering with "soon" for a loooooooooong time
They've been saying "soon" since like Bungie day 2012.
Yeah I love it.The same who thought Infinity would be cool.
Doubles Pro is the shit though, respawn timers and pre- set loudouts.
No AAs... damn I love this.
Does anyone in the Seattle area want to go to this and possibly meet me?
Big Environments and Even Bigger Vehicles: Environment Art of Halo 4
Thursday, February 21, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (PST)
Bungie Studios
550 106th Avenue Northeast
Bellevue, WA 98004
It's open to the public but based on the last presentation I went to, seating is VERY limited.
I'm hoping they spend two hours talking about rocks.
Considering most of the work Vic did was rocks, I'd guess that most of it will be rocks. His rocks were easily the best thing about launch SpOps, since it was the only good thing about launch SpOps.
I was so close to knowing!
1/1010 bucks says that his presentation rocks.
You did not rock my world.
Ninja switched over to Black Ops 2 on the stream.