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Halo |OT14| They call it Halo


Requiring a constant Internet connection and locking out second hand sales will kill the industry, or at the very least, diminish its size heavily. You can't abandon large portions of your consumer base and expect to survive.


I need to dedicate myself to some gaming blog and just copy/paste articles from others. Get semi-popular. Wait for the next gen and make up reasonable things that would get fans riled up. It seems it might be worth the wait.

I think he does it as a full time job, just skims articles from other sites..
Requiring a constant Internet connection and locking out second hand sales will kill the industry, or at the very least, diminish its size heavily. You can't abandon large portions of your consumer base and expect to survive.

"We looked for natural solutions to problems, and did so by looking to our roots - take the dinosaurs. An awesome, powerful thriving ecosystem that spanned countless millennia. A meteor or something wiped them out, but you know what? Earth lived, the efficient survived, bloomed, gave birth to the most important species of our time - humans. That's what we're looking to recreate with the Xbox 420. We don't want to alienate the fanbase, but we'll be honest when we say getting a third job will be worth it. This is a generation where you won't want to end up left in the digital dust."
Barf. Don't burn me out on sub-standard Halo games that split up company resources (or outsources) in the interest of frequency. I can wait an extra year or two for a game that has all the working features it is supposed to have at launch. If they want to keep people playing their game in the meantime, release more map packs, better Spartan Ops missions, or at the very least solid long-term matchmaking updates. I'm pretty happy with the frequency of Halo 4's updates (I'm ready for KOTH to return), so hopefully the sustain team can keep sustaining for the next couple of years.

Sparth Concept Art 'Space Station'
Hello, new work wallpaper!


It doesn't really affect me either way (the second hand thing), but I'd be amazed if it happened. The easiest solution for publishers would just be to wait for highstreet retail to die, that would wipe out 90% of your second hand market and can only be a year or two away.

In the meantime put an online pass in with every single game and the "problem" of second hand games ceases to to be such a big deal.


The only way this would fly is if msrp dropped significantly, say $40, and digital versions of every game were readily available for less than a physical copy.
Anyone want to try out my map?
More images here.

It's on my fileshare: DI Exero


Same. I'm not in elementary anymore where I could take Mario kart or goldeneye over to a friends house. Very few of my close friends now play games, and the ones who do usually have their own copies.

This feature won't affect me too much as I pretty much buy all my games new. If I don't have the cash for a new game, I'll wait until I do or wait until it's dirt cheap or a price drop.

I totally understand with those who hate this idea because it's one more way of screwing a consumer in the pursuit of profit. No more used games, no more taking games to friends houses or letting them borrow your games etc.

But more and more I'm leaning toward playstation. Especially as more people are writing it will actually be more developer friendly, more powerful etc. Couple that with a new controller and you could see Sony do well. Halo was the one game that had me buying MS, and I'm not too hopeful for Halo 5. I don't care about kinect, I think windows 8 is a piece of shit for non-touch enabled pc's etc.


Same. I'm not in elementary anymore where I could take Mario kart or goldeneye over to a friends house. Very few of my close friends now play games, and the ones who do usually have their own copies.

This feature won't affect me too much as I pretty much buy all my games new. If I don't have the cash for a new game, I'll wait until I do or wait until it's dirt cheap or a price drop.

I totally understand with those who hate this idea because it's one more way of screwing a consumer in the pursuit of profit. No more used games, no more taking games to friends houses or letting them borrow your games etc.

But more and more I'm leaning toward playstation. Especially as more people are writing it will actually be more developer friendly, more powerful etc. Couple that with a new controller and you could see Sony do well. Halo was the one game that had me buying MS, and I'm not too hopeful for Halo 5. I don't care about kinect, I think windows 8 is a piece of shit for non-touch enabled pc's etc.

I take FIFA13 to my friend's house at least once a week to play. If I had a used copy I wouldn't be able to play. I think this is going to ruin the "casual gaming" market segment microsoft loves. This is also bad for sports games where friends typically play in a room together, not online.
I need to dedicate myself to some gaming blog and just copy/paste articles from others. Get semi-popular. Wait for the next gen and make up reasonable things that would get fans riled up. It seems it might be worth the wait.

I'm just gonna get a mac and be a wasd kinda guy..

Have fun when a QTE in multiplayer needs you to right click and it isn't configurable.

Here me out for this. I would honestly be okay with hiked online prices if it meant cheaper games. Let's take a really stupid business model from me and pretend it makes sense.

Now let's eliminate the global Xbox Live fund from the equation; you simply have an account which is already free to use online and has access to a few basic services. Notably Friends, Achievements, Bing, and Avatars.

Games are $50. In a retailer, say GameStop, they sell game packages which are essentially miniature books with a disc in a slip inside. Let's say Halo 5 is game of the generation and you wanna buy it new. You go and snag a copy of the book package thing from GameStop.
The book contains basic Xbox information and seizure advisories in the first few pages. The remaining pages are a full-fledged 90's menu that provide any necessary story exposition, game mechanical and so forth. More importantly, it comes with the disc. It has:
-Halo 5 basic functionality - so basically Campaign and Custom Games
-A one-time use key that permanently enables Halo 5 for online use on your account
-The ability to write the game to your hard drive or allow it to be saved in cloud storage exclusive to your account

Meaning that as long as you have an Internet connection, your account is free to use Halo 5 online. Being online will always activate services like File Shares and Spartan Ops. If you go fully digital, you can return the disc and manual (as long as they're in good condition) to GameStop for a $10 refund, meaning the game is essentially $40. The breakdown for feature is:

$10 for physical materials
$15 for campaign and local multi
$25 for the online experience, which is permanent unless you fuck up and get yourself banned

You can buy an online unlock and the full game on the market place same day as the release date for $40.

Buying the copy used at a physical retailer is $40 but does not contain the online pass. You would have to buy full online use for said game on the marketplace for $15, or buy an unlock key at the retailer.

The only problem with this price philosophy is that I have no fucking idea where full refunds (if a game turned out to be shit) would be handled. Then again, this is Microsoft we're talking about. What's a refund?

Likewise, Apps (such as Netflix) would be variable depending on their function with physical and digital retail options. A big one like Netflix or Xbox Music may be $10, while something like Virtual Fish Tank 2000™ would be $2.

Oh, and I'll add in some hilariously plausible fees, too.
$10 to migrate account to another console; $20 for being able to switch freely between up to 5 devices, although they cannot be used simultaneously
$5 for Split Screen Augmentation
$10 for System Link


Truth be told, Ill probably get whatever consoles my friends get and I feel they'll just choose xbox.
Yah, pretty much. Switching to the PS4 - while more likely the better system next gen - wouldn't be ideal because most people I know and play with are Xbox only.
Interesting... I like to blame CoD. The fact that they're making millions if dollars every year for Activision is putting pressure on other devs to release their own products more often - and rightfully so.

The battlefield series is doing the same thing actually. Will be interesting to see if BF4 has big improvements over 3. If Dice can't work with a two year cycle I have little hope for 343i.


Just noticed Halo 2 Vista is off in a week. Anyone here going to get a few games going beforehand?


Yah, pretty much. Switching to the PS4 - while more likely the better system next gen - wouldn't be ideal because most people I know and play with are Xbox only.

Interesting... I like to blame CoD. The fact that they're making millions if dollars every year for Activision is putting pressure on other devs to release their own products more often - and rightfully so.

The battlefield series is doing the same thing actually. Will be interesting to see if BF4 has big improvements over 3. If Dice can't work with a two year cycle I have little hope for 343i.


Just noticed Halo 2 Vista is off in a week. Anyone here going to get a few games going beforehand?

I'd like to blame 343 for making a cod clone that isn't good and now they have to pick up the pace.
I laugh at those that protest the Next-Box bcuz of it preventing used games and switching to the PS4, while even the PS4 Rumors had said the same thing within the past.

Dat Logic.
From a game of Garrote last week:


I'm not proud of what I've done...

fix loadouts, nerf boltshot, weneedtrueskill, rip in peace halo, etc, etc.
That's a great display of the ridiculousness of the Boltshot. It's funny because when they were doing the weapon profiles on Waypoint, I got the impression that it worked like the Spartan LASER where you had a fixed amount of time before discharge. Once you realize that you can fire it earlier, like the Railgun, you really get a sense of how powerful it is. The range on that last kill is ridiculous, too.

There's no reason the Boltshot (as it is now) should be a secondary loadout weapon--it's more potent than the Needler, and the Needler is restricted to ordance.


I take FIFA13 to my friend's house at least once a week to play. If I had a used copy I wouldn't be able to play. I think this is going to ruin the "casual gaming" market segment microsoft loves. This is also bad for sports games where friends typically play in a room together, not online.

Wait, you play FIFA outside of our games and are still that much of a BK? Shit, son.

I am buying a macbook pro this month, maybe I'll ball out and get the retina display. Can't wait to see cortana's ass in 5 million pixels

I picked up the Retina Mac this summer and haven't regretted my decision yet!
That's a great display of the ridiculousness of the Boltshot. It's funny because when they were doing the weapon profiles on Waypoint, I got the impression that it worked like the Spartan LASER where you had a fixed amount of time before discharge. Once you realize that you can fire it earlier, like the Railgun, you really get a sense of how powerful it is. The range on that last kill is ridiculous, too.

Reduce overcharge to only draining shields, overcharge eats the entire clip, overcharge only works with a full clip.

343i pls
That's a great display of the ridiculousness of the Boltshot. It's funny because when they were doing the weapon profiles on Waypoint, I got the impression that it worked like the Spartan LASER where you had a fixed amount of time before discharge. Once you realize that you can fire it earlier, like the Railgun, you really get a sense of how powerful it is. The range on that last kill is ridiculous, too.

There's no reason the Boltshot (as it is now) should be a secondary loadout weapon--it's more potent than the Needler, and the Needler is restricted to ordance.

The third kill the guy was weakened (still pretty damn far away) and the last one was a melee kill, but his shields were still obliterated. But yeah, boltshot pro reporting for duty...

If this is possible, why wouldn't I use the Boltshot?


I am buying a macbook pro this month, maybe I'll ball out and get the retina display. Can't wait to see cortana's ass in 5 million pixels

I'm trying to decide between an iPad 2 and a new Macbook, cuz they look awesome. The only loss of buying the iPad 2 that i've thought of so far is that I couldn't really do any DJing on it. aside from that, i can't think of any reasons to get the macbook over the ipad. this laptop i have right now is almost 5 years old, and it's laggy as fuck. it slows down/freezes when i alt-tab between programs :|


I take FIFA13 to my friend's house at least once a week to play. If I had a used copy I wouldn't be able to play. I think this is going to ruin the "casual gaming" market segment microsoft loves. This is also bad for sports games where friends typically play in a room together, not online.

Oh for sure. This is a bad move for kids because they are going to go over to friends' houses to play, it's bad for people who don't have a lot of money to spend or families who cannot afford to buy new. It's going to harm casual gaming because you can't just buy and trade in etc.

I wonder what state the industry will be in with the skyrocketing cost of games and the fact so few are willing to take big risks with AAA games in case they cannot recoup costs.


I'd like to blame 343 for making a cod clone that isn't good and now they have to pick up the pace.
Haha, that's one way of looking at it.

But Halo 4 did sell millions. While the population decline might be disappointing, it is pretty irrelevant at this stage; Microsoft and 343i have arguably made the most successful Halo game ever and have profited accordingly. And they did that while obviously looking at CoD for inspiration.

Unless Halo 5 sells quite badly (which it wont because it's Halo), I don't see Microsoft wanting to 'go back to the roots' of Halo at this stage. I'm half expecting Halo 5 to be even closer to CoD while maintaining that core 'Halo' gameplay.

off on a tangent but whatever


Reposting for the new page

Spartan Ops Episode 9 trailer

Some REALLY big story stuff is about to happen.
The Librarian reveals a new gift.

The Office of Naval Intelligence has ordered the assassination of Catherine Halsey, and Sarah Palmer is slated to pull the trigger. Lasky, in an effort to save Halsey’s life, sends Fireteam Majestic to stop Palmer. What they discover may be the key to the future of humanity.


Reposting for the new page

Spartan Ops Episode 9 trailer

Some REALLY big story stuff is about to happen.
The Librarian reveals a new gift.

The Office of Naval Intelligence has ordered the assassination of Catherine Halsey, and Sarah Palmer is slated to pull the trigger. Lasky, in an effort to save Halsey’s life, sends Fireteam Majestic to stop Palmer. What they discover may be the key to the future of humanity.

$19.99 for Season 2 when it ends on a huge cliff hanger, calling it. Also Ninja is streaming now.


Reposting for the new page

Spartan Ops Episode 9 trailer

Some REALLY big story stuff is about to happen.
The Librarian reveals a new gift.

The Office of Naval Intelligence has ordered the assassination of Catherine Halsey, and Sarah Palmer is slated to pull the trigger. Lasky, in an effort to save Halsey’s life, sends Fireteam Majestic to stop Palmer. What they discover may be the key to the future of humanity.

Standard post of mine that the whole stuff with Halsey but without the Spartan 2's is disappointing :/ ..

Also I hope Palmer finally dies.



I also like how he hinted on twitter that he was 'threatened' by fanboys on his article when no one did such a thing. When accosted, he said it was sarcasm.

He's one of those new reviewers who play games but aren't invested in them. They care more about hits and fame than any actual reviewing credibility.

That last part by n00bs just really put him in his place though.

On a side note, David/Frankie, please kill off Palmer. She's not a fan favorite. There is near unanimous hate for her on every forum.

Also, I dont think Halsey will die seeing as how at the end of Reach she's speaking about rebuilding and remembering Noble 6's sacrifice. Isn't that event like 30 years after the fall of Reach?



When Nylund was writing the novels, I liked Halsey as a character... But ever since 343i and Traviss got their hands on her, I can honestly say that I'd be happy if she did die. Will be interesting to see how this all plays out though
She's the only worthwhile character in Halo.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I laugh at those that protest the Next-Box bcuz of it preventing used games and switching to the PS4, while even the PS4 Rumors had said the same thing within the past.

Dat Logic.
Because PS4 is the only other option for next-gen and PC's don't exist.

Dat Logic.
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