User 73706
Oh god, that was dumbest thing I have ever seen. C'mon they could not use the Nielson report? GG 343, get on yo shit.THE MOST ANTICIPATED GAME OF THE YEAR ACCORDING TO VGCCHARTZ
LOL. C'mon, Deadly.
Meh, reviews are worthless anyway because the people who write them are basically paid by the publishers. Can't remember the last time I read one.Except that there were troll sites that gave it a 2.0 and such, something the other games didn't suffer. Metacritic is declining and is lowering their standards and have been accepting one man blogs for the last year.
Except that there were troll sites that gave it a 2.0 and such, something the other games didn't suffer.
Meh, reviews are worthless anyway because the people who write them are basically paid by the publishers. Can't remember the last time I read one.
What population decline? Didn't Halo 4 and Halo Reach sell at least around as much as Halo 3, if not more? You could argue that the series isn't growing as fast as it used to, but to say it's declining is a bit far-fetched. Unless you're talking about the peak population numbers which have zero context. I'm all for bashing Halo 4, but using arguments like this is just silly.
They weren't paid. Microsoft isn't that stupid. They are highly pressured though to give large publishers good reviews on their games so said publisher will keep supplying them free software (sometimes hardware) and buying ad space.Horseshit.
So that new Xbox rumor
that's cool, I didn't want to buy the new Halo anyway
Halo 5 to still be $50 dollars by 2020
Hey, where else to you suggest I get any kind of idea as to sales? They may not be 100% accurate, but they are usually not terrible. If MS would publicly release sales totals we wouldn't have this issue.
Anyways Halo 4 sold well, which was my point.
Doesn't effect me at all. Never bought games second hand and I doubt I ever will. Whenever I play I'm online, so that doesn't matter either.
HiredN00bs slapped that reviewer that came in the thread though. Greatest Halo 4 launch moment.Hah. Reminds me of the reviews that marked Halo 4 down for not having ADS.
So we just assume they're right this one time? No data is better than ******** data.
HiredN00bs slapped that reviewer that came in the thread though. Greatest Halo 4 launch moment.
The Sony fanboys are at full throttle right now. This is like their dream rumor, so I'm taking it with a grain of salt, the same thing Sony fans should be doing when the new Xbox is, its not about buying games second hand.
It's shit like borrowing a game from a friend, renting, giving games away, all that is irrelevant.
If MSoft does this and Sony doesn't, Xbox is RIP'd
If sony does it too then fuck this industry
Except that there were troll sites that gave it a 2.0 and such, something the other games didn't suffer.
Here.I missed this, Got a link?
So that new Xbox rumor
that's cool, I didn't want to buy the new Halo anyway
Halo 5 to still be $50 dollars by 2020
Don't really get what the big deal about not being able to use second hand games is? The most annoying thing is going to be being unable to sell games I no longer want.
Except that there were troll sites that gave it a 2.0 and such, something the other games didn't suffer.
Doesn't effect me at all. Never bought games second hand and I doubt I ever will. Whenever I play I'm online, so that doesn't matter either.
Don't really get what the big deal about not being able to use second hand games is? The most annoying thing is going to be being unable to sell games I no longer want.
This rumor is actually good news for me, if true. With Halo gone to shit I no longer have a reason to own a Microsoft console (assuming SONY isn't doing the same nonsense). Everything else I play is multiplatform, so whatever.
LOL You realize the games you don't want can only get traded because they can be bought second hand, right?
No shit Sherlock. That's why I said it was the most annoying part about not being able to trade second hand games.
Wow, just thought of something. What happens if your console breaks and you have to get a new one, that would require you to purchase all your games again because you would be using a different console...
Wow, what if your games are linked to your account...Wow, just thought of something. What happens if your console breaks and you have to get a new one, that would require you to purchase all your games again because you would be using a different console...
Wow, what if your games are linked to your account...
Wow, what if your games are linked to your account...
Wow, what if your games are linked to your account...
I don't play Halo 4 because it's not the Halo I grew to love. If they bring that Halo back I will return. That's a population increase. Many others feel the way I do.
The community does not care about population numbers that is something for Microsoft and 343i to worry about what they do care about is having a game they want to play and that is clearly not Reach or Halo 4. We have no cause to advance in reality the people lobbying for old halo will be ignored and 343i will "take in" community feedback and then produce the Halo they want to produce. They have spoken little to nothing about the back lash from fans and acknowledgement of the issues is something I doubt we will ever get.
All we want is a title we can play competitively with a reduced feature set and no bullshit getting in the way. Population is a clear indication that the changes 343i made did not improve halo to a level that people wanted to play.
Wow, what if someone gets banned from the service so they make a new account?
Inb4 was their fault they got banned
What if your account gets hacked? then you lose all your games.Well, your spoiler is right. It actually makes bans mean something. Banned in Halo 4? Now you have to go buy the entire game again. Maybe next time you won't be a dick.
This whole thing is going to be interesting. It's going to have to be handled very carefully if it does happen.
Wow, just thought of something. What happens if your console breaks and you have to get a new one, that would require you to purchase all your games again because you would be using a different console...
Wow, what if someone gets banned from the service so they make a new account?
Inb4 was their fault they got banned
Having to be online all the time is a horrible idea. MS needs to figure out how to do digital distribution right (Hi, Steam!) on the xbox instead of trying to crush second hand sales.
Another thing they need to take from steam is gifting.
You should be able to gift MS points and games.
EA sports, Painkiller, GTA, Quake (fuck quake 4), etc.Why do people insist that keping the gameplay mostly same from one game to other would keep the population steady or growing? Is there evidence this works? Other than Call of Duty.
Tomorrow, Human Beings.
EA sports, Painkiller, GTA, Quake (fuck quake 4), etc
EA sports, Painkiller, GTA, Quake (fuck quake 4), etc.
Steam has great sales, but a lot of that comes because they have competition from those second hand stores. Amazon, GMG, GameFly, Origin, GameStop, etc.
You do this shit, take competition out, charge whatever amount of money you want. You either buy it from us or you don't buy it at all, hold dat shit