How would you fix this? Removing them from the loadouts? Some of the vehicles (hi Banshee) are still absurdly powerful. If only the vehicles were balanced along with things like the DMR in large maps in addition to starting out with an EMP machine and the plasma 'nades. It's just a mess all around; I don't think removing them from loadouts magically makes it all normal again. Vehicle-infantry combat has stunk for so long, even under Bungie.
To balance the banshee, I think shooting the fuel rod cannon should drain your boost/flip energy.
The flip is pretty much a get out of jail free card... Shoot the fuel rod, flip, fly away, shoot the fuel rod, flip, fly away.
Watch a few minutes of Gamesager's gameplay (
Notice how vulnerable he is while shooting the fuel rod cannon.
You slow down, have a downwards trajectory and pretty much pause for half a second.
If it delayed you from boosting out of combat, you would be a lot more vulnerable to infantry, and other vehicles while using that heavy weapon.
It would give you a reason to switch to the plasma cannons to take out infantry, because you could be more agile using that weapon.
And I don't think the plasma pistol should lock onto ground vehicles. They should be harder to EMP.
They are already pretty easy to shoot and more vulnerable to plasma grenades.