I miss ODST Firefight. Reach's was just not nearly as compelling to me. Here's hoping the mode makes a comeback in the future.
Spartan Ops can be as good as ODST if 343 can start doing different things with it. They even compared it to ODST pre-launch, so I was expecting an experince different from the campaign.
The story is getting real good and the missions are improving (I still wouldn't call them great), but I feel like I'm just the Master Chief in a new set of missions with different armor on. Spartan Ops had so much potential.
ODST not having a BR was a great choice. Gave more opportunity for every other weapon in the sandbox to shine.
Friend has problem with opening his NAT, so, if you could help or figure out what the problem is, it would be much appreciated, 'cause I don't know what to do anymore...
He is going online with a LTE router and his NAT was open, some days ago, but then he had problems with his internet and he couldn't re-connect, so he decided to reset everything.
He has screenshots, of how the settings have been, before, but when he opens the ports, which are needed for an open NAT, nothing happens and his NAT stays closed.
Are there other settings, which are needed?
You're kind of just saying stuff here without making a point. Not everyone uses the PP/Headshot weapon combo, and nobody's forcing you to use it.In reality having a plasma pistol and the human pistol was all you needed in odst - which could be dull. If the alternative was a rock paper scissors style 'you need this weapon for this engagement' that would have been more frustrating.
Halo does have a versatile sandbox. Each weapon is good against some enemies/aspects of enemies, and worse at others. If you think using the PP/headshot weapon combo makes the combat too simplistic, then stop using it.Halo's combat is good when it comes down to good AI - interesting set pieces and your abilities to move around like a spartan - the weapon sandbox itself needs to be versatile in order for the gameplay to shine in my opinion - the pp/ pistol combo is just super simplistic and doesn't really let anything interesting happen. On the other hand The close range weapon sandbox limits the gameplay too much.
I wish animated avatars came back. I would lol so much with your avatar.
You're kind of just saying stuff here without making a point. Not everyone uses the PP/Headshot weapon combo, and nobody's forcing you to use it.
Halo does have a versatile sandbox. Each weapon is good against some enemies/aspects of enemies, and worse at others. If you think using the PP/headshot weapon combo makes the combat too simplistic, then stop using it.
thats why i liked the flood, made you switch up your weapon
halo 3 probably, to me, had the best campaign sandbox / enemy encounter
A private msg Sir. Brickwall sent me.Oh good what is this?
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Personal Ordnance will be implemented across the board, mark my words.Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Personal Ordnance will be implemented across the board, mark my words.
There will be vehicle ordnance in Halo 5. Maybe not at your location, but Pelicans are going to start dropping them in MP maps at your base. They did it with weapons and the next logical step are vehicles.
Hot Potato is better than Infinity CTF.well they already started doing it in halo 4 with infinity CTF so...
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
I, for one, do not think that. Feature list will be much better, though.Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
Probably OP but crazy fun!Personal Ordnance will be implemented across the board, mark my words.
They already did that. Invasion. Tier weapon/vehicle spawns = objective ordnance. Also, Dominion vehicle pads.There will be vehicle ordnance in Halo 5. Maybe not at your location, but Pelicans are going to start dropping them in MP maps at your base. They did it with weapons and the next logical step are vehicles.
Who thinks that 343 has realized that Halo 4 has major problems and they will undo all of their mistakes in Halo 5 to make a more classic style of Halo?
If the rumours of the nextbox are true, than I think I won't be around for Halo 5. No way Im buying such a thing :/
Someone give me a map pack code also.
Nope....thats sadly spot on.They can't change any of it, less they risk backlash from guys who live infinity slayer etc. Sites like IGN will hammer them in reviews if they ship halo 5 without any features they added from halo 4.
"343 has taken multilayer backwards ten years by removing those tons of fun features like personal ordnance etc. Tactical upgrades and support added a layer of complexity that's missing now. It's the same halo we played a decade ago and it should have stayed in the past decade"
Now that's a ridiculous example, but that's what will happen. At best we can hope for pro/ranked playlists working from the start. Doubles Pro is fun as hell it should have shipped from day one alongside the infinity playlists.
Dax said it perfectly a few pages back, after halo 3, equal starts and pro halo became a niche and the social/casual random halo became the dominant version. All of us are dying for doubles pro as a competitive playlist, when just a few years ago, it wasn't even pro but normal halo game play.
I wish 343 would understand that Halo is a much better game when it is a simple game. All the added variables muck it up for the worse and benefits no one. Casuals and competitive players dis like the added fluff for different reasons. For casuals it makes the game to complicated and hard to pick up and play. For competitive players its unpredictable and random which is very frustrating at times. When features are added to a game to help casual players get kills it is negated by competitive players that will use the same cheap features with better results. In other words there is no point in catering a game to casual players. 343 needs to understand when if comes to a great Halo game less is more simple is better.
They can't change any of it, less they risk backlash from guys who live infinity slayer etc. Sites like IGN will hammer them in reviews if they ship halo 5 without any features they added from halo 4.
At this point, I just want more gametypes and custom game options.
I just don't understand how they thought not including gametypes like Assault or options for 1 Flag CTF would be okay. It's cool that they added a Grifball gametype, but did they forget how Grifball came to be? Do they realize they prevented such a thing from ever happening again?