Greetings! I wanted to get this out before everything gets (rightly) swamped by Destiny news. Almost a week ago on February 10th, my birthday, I was able to sit down for a couple of co-op games with Dan Miller of Bungie. Destiny is just around the corner, so I figured let me celebrate another milestone for Bungie withHalo 3: The best campaign of their last game series.
Dotted throughout the picture stories are Developer Insights into Halo 3 and ODST, from what I can remember. They’ll be clearly labelled, so if you want you can just skim through this and read those. Didn’t have any time to resize the screenshots (thanks to Over for rendering them), so I’ll just throw them into quotes. Click to biggify. Had to rush to get this out, so forgive any typos. Enjoy!
Snip for length.