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Halo |OT14| They call it Halo


Junior Member
If it was nerfed it would be useless. It has an effective role now.

This. I really don't mind the AR in H4. I feel like it's pretty much perfect as far as range and power are concerned. It can't get headshots, so it should pack a punch up close to balance it with the DMR/BR. I think a lot of people are just used to the AR being a piece of shit, so they're surprised when someone takes them out with it.


This. I really don't mind the AR in H4. I feel like it's pretty much perfect as far as range and power are concerned. It can't get headshots, so it should pack a punch up close to balance it with the DMR/BR. I think a lot of people are just used to the AR being a piece of shit, so they're surprised when someone takes them out with it.
I'm complaining about that fact that it so effective on long range. Short range? Perfectly fine, should be lethel as hell.

Caja 117

I don't think either Lockout or The Pit would work well with AAs and Sprint. And the DMR.
Reach pit remake kind of work with DMR. Sprint is the problem here, when The pit was in MLG with sprint it was a mess, but it did played like any other small map with sprint.

I dont think it can work on halo 4 with sprint + instant respawn.
I'm complaining about that fact that it so effective on long range. Short range? Perfectly fine, should be lethel as hell.
I run with the thing in both of my primary loadouts (firepower ftw) and it's range really isn't that great, even when you pulse it. I usually can defeat other AR users because they open fire from too far away while I get in close, pulse and then go nuts at very close range.

Louis Wu

These three examples, is this what defines the Halo 4 experience?
I dunno - it doesn't define MINE. If it defines yours, what the fuck are you doing still playing?

JIP shenanigans happen to be the class of problems that give me the most grief in Halo 4 - being on an undermanned team but not getting replacements is FAR too common. I'm not sure that's a conceptual problem, though - I think that's an implementation problem. And if it happened to me three times in quick succession, I'd put the controller down and walk away.

(The idea that you'd suggest that my complaining about hyperbole might be due to my cluelessness rather than, say, actual hyperbole, though... that made me laugh. Thanks.)


I run with the thing in both of my primary loadouts (firepower ftw) and it's range really isn't that great, even when you pulse it. I usually can defeat other AR users because they open fire from too far away while I get in close, pulse and then go nuts at very close range.
I guess I'm just freaking unlucky :(
Idea for a perk: Lightning Round. When equipped, after a "NEXT KILL WINS" getting a kill will win your team the game, even if you aren't the team/player one kill away from victory.

I'd remove DMRs in a heartbeat if it meant we got some maps that were more open than a fucking cardboard box for a change.


Yeah, in the game's current state for me, there's a lot of compounding factors that make the game less enjoyable when looking at all the nuances that hinder the experience.

I mean, it's truly unfortunate their wasn't an open beta. I really think a lot of these issues would have been addressed.

Hindsight is 20/20 and the game is certainly enjoyable as it is, but you get those games where the other team is using "cheesy" AA's and starting weapons, when instant spawns don't go in your favor, Ordnance isn't in your favor, and the experience just becomes really frustrating. From my perspective, it's frustrating because it's a list of things that are out of your control, that you used to fight for control of in previous Halo titles.

I doubt an open beta would have changed anything. Halo betas have typically just been network stress tests and glitch finding, not really balance adjustments.

Also, in this case Foresight was also 20/20, as several people, myself included, predicted that this is exactly how these features would turn out. Unfortunately, we were right and we're left with another frustrating Halo game.


I doubt an open beta would have changed anything. Halo betas have typically just been network stress tests and glitch finding, not really balance adjustments.

Also, in this case Foresight was also 20/20, as several people, myself included, predicted that this is exactly how these features would turn out. Unfortunately, we were right and we're left with another frustrating Halo game.

I was thinking more in terms that the first Title Update before a lot of big players went on vacation focused on taking care of the Boltshot and Super Throw glitch instead of the custom game options.

I wasn't clear on that, my mistake, but I think complaints about JiP could have been alleviated with a beta, even if it's purpose was network testing.


Enfinit you spoiled the ending for me....a big thx u ! :(
I apologize... I assume that it's been long enough after launch to not worry about spoiler-ing everything. I'm really sorry if I did spoil it though. :-(

Gods below, this happens far too much to me in CTF. That, or it's such a painfully obvious happenstance that I remember it more than the games that play relatively smooth.

It happens quite often to me whenever I search in a party of two or less. Is big party restrictions not activated in CTF? I mean, we can't tell who's in a party of not in the pre-game lobby, but I'd assume that's why the major reason why uneven games start. As far as players not joining once the game has started, that should be corrected immediately. I don't understand why it doesn't work to begin with.

I dunno - it doesn't define MINE. If it defines yours, what the fuck are you doing still playing?
Clearly it isn't what defines my experience, hence why I'm still playing the game regardless of its numerous problems. However that isn't to say this isn't the case for everyone.

(The idea that you'd suggest that my complaining about hyperbole might be due to my cluelessness rather than, say, actual hyperbole, though... that made me laugh. Thanks.)
There's a lot of salt in this thread. Everybody knows and can see that. However, despite the heavy doses, the majority of complaints is well backed in solid reasoning; i.e. JiP, ordnances, networking issues, etc. With so many people complaining about the same things (in various ways of constructive criticism and not so much), it makes it tough to see your point of view. When I play several games, and notice ordnances being unfair quite often (witnessing it myself), then read the same complaints from numerous others in this very thread, I'm not inclined to read your opinion and go "hey, maybe Wu's right! I'm just really, really unlucky, this stuff probably doesn't really happen to other people that often."

I didn't mean to allude to you being clueless, but you're welcome for the laughs.


I dunno - it doesn't define MINE. If it defines yours, what the fuck are you doing still playing?

JIP shenanigans happen to be the class of problems that give me the most grief in Halo 4 - being on an undermanned team but not getting replacements is FAR too common. I'm not sure that's a conceptual problem, though - I think that's an implementation problem. And if it happened to me three times in quick succession, I'd put the controller down and walk away.

(The idea that you'd suggest that my complaining about hyperbole might be due to my cluelessness rather than, say, actual hyperbole, though... that made me laugh. Thanks.)
I think random ordnance in general defines Halo 4 better, not so much lucky ordnance specifically. Without static spawns I feel like a lot of flow has disappeared from matches which was definitely noticeable for me during every match. Halo 4 feels so... directionless.


I caved and was forced to use the AR lying around. Why has it not been nerfed and why do I feel so cheap using it? Life's mysteries.
I hate the fact that, in Halo 4, you have to use weapons you don't want to use. I've never had that feeling in any other Halo game (I've also never had to deal with ammo constraints in previous Halo's as well). It's not necessarily with the AR, it's more with the BR/DMR. I want to use the BR so badly, however I'm forced to use the DMR because it's just a better weapon.

As a side note, a weapon cache for your loadout weapon wouldn't be a bad idea for personal ordnances.


I think random ordnance in general defines Halo 4 better, not so much lucky ordnance specifically. Without static spawns I feel like a lot of flow has disappeared from matches which was definitely noticeable for me during every match. Halo 4 feels so... directionless.
Me and a friend agreed sloppy is the perfect way to describe it from development to design decisions to post launch shenanigans


I mean, it's truly unfortunate their wasn't an open beta. I really think a lot of these issues would have been addressed.

An open beta would have been a waste with the deadline they were given. Allocating the time and resources needed to set everything up for a beta would have resulted in even more unfinished pieces of the game.

Now, if they (Microsoft) extended the deadline to leave room for a beta, I think it would have helped a lot.

Releasing a bit after BLOPS2 would have probably been the better choice


An open beta would have been a waste with the deadline they were given. Allocating the time and resources needed to set everything up for a beta would have resulted in even more unfinished pieces of the game.

Now, if they (Microsoft) extended the deadline to leave room for a beta, I think it would have helped a lot.

Releasing a bit after BLOPS2 would have probably been the better choice

A beta might or might not have helped. In the end this is what 343i vision of Halo looks like. They still decided to release Halo 4 as is with feedback so...I don't think it would have been any different. Let's see where this TU takes us. I haven't played in a month so it's a little too late for me anyway to come back. Halo seems dead to me.
There are a lot of issues with this game that need to be addressed to keep people interested in the next gen xbox, renewing xbox live and purchasing Halo 5.

I won't harp on everything but I just want to give my opinion on weapon balance in this game.

cliffs: the weapons are not balanced

Here is what I think would balance everything:

Primary Weapons:
-BR - make it a 4 shot kill with a reduced ROF so that the time to kill stays the same
-DMR - keep it the same but reduce the magnetism/auto aim drastically so that it is difficult to score headshots up close but gets easier over a distance like the sniper
-Assault Rifle - this weapon just isn't viable at a higher skill rank, I think they should tighten up the accuracy and increase the range to make it more competitive
-Light Rifle - pretty much perfect, I just wish it had more feedback to make it feel more powerful
-Suppressor and Storm Rifle I think are good as high powered close range automatics, and quite honestly I haven't used them enough to make an opinion
-Carbine - increase clip size by 2-3 and reduce bullets to kill by 1

Secondary Weapons:
-Plasma Pistol - leave it how it is (I know there is a debate that it shouldn't exist as a loadout because of vehicles, I think it should stay as is but vehicles should be buffed)
-Boltshot - an overcharge shot should use an entire clip, the range should be reduced, and I also think that when you start to charge it to a certain point you shouldn't be allowed to cancel by switching weapons
-Magnum: needs a buff, I thought it was perfect in reach not sure why it was changed



A beta would have given you just a small taste of the game anyway. Look at Reach. Evade wasn't available for Spartans during the beta. That was one of the worst things in the final game.
Set weapon spawns work only as long as players know the location on the map for each weapon. For competitively minded players and many 'good'-tier players this is largely not a problem. You've felt the feeling every time a new map drops. You haven't a clue where to go. you have ideas where you might expect to see some kind of weapon. BR/AR near spawn with the more powerful weapons being further away.

Something to consider. When a change takes place between MLG's version of the Pit and Bungie's. If I run to sword and see a plasma pistol, I feel confused. I know the layouts changed, but I find it hard to remember. This is no doubt a feeing I'm sure you've all felt at some time too.

Perhaps a large portion of the playerbase never really learned 'all' the weapon spawns. It's easy to say how easy it is to learn the positions now because you already now them. I watched a few people play through Campaign and they were struggling to locate guns. I was handed the controller and knew to look just off the beaten track so to speak.

In that regard, surely you can see where 343 are coming from with Ordnance. From the beginning of the match everyone has the same knowledge of weapons on the map. Initial runs to weapons still happen but this time everyone can see the Sticky Detonator on one side of Haven and the Needler on the other.

This knowledge is also applied to Ordnance drops during the game and this has a very serious implication for newer maps and Forged maps should they ever get a significant percentage of MM maps.

When you play a match on a new map called Mt Beef Beef, you haven't a fucking clue where anything is. You can only guess but even then, you never really know for certain unless you are specifically told or you load it up in Forge/Theater. So now you're left with a dilemma. Do we expect everyone to load up every new map in Forge to get familiar with it? Even the people who just want to play?

So what are we left with?

Simply, Ordnance is 343's way of acknowledging that weapon spawns will change. Whether they change the initial spawns on Haven. Whether Fyrewulff adds 32 power weapons to SuperCragmire. Whether Cyren tweaks the weapons on Over's variant of Asylum. Whether 343 adds 42 Forge variants to MM overnight. In every situation, every player is given the same knowledge. It's a very efficient solution at that.

Sure the randomness isn't ideal but it isn't bad design either especially when you consider what the goal might have been.
Just get rid of loadouts. It is that simple. They are not Halo.

They will work out if they were more limited. If the DMR is slightly nerfed and half of the options are gone, I would be fine. Never having to start with an AR again is beautiful in my eyes.

SMG starts in Halo 2 and AR starts in Halo 3 were the bane of my existence.

I love the H4 AR. Are you saying you'd use a DMR on small maps?

On small maps, I have a loadout with firepower, the BR is my main and AR is secondary. I feel more comfortable with the BR and switch to AR when necessary.
Just get rid of loadouts. It is that simple. They are not Halo.

I love loadouts. It's nice to say "hey, I feel like playing with the AR for a while" and then "hey, I feel like using the BR now" instead of "SMG starts in BTB wtf is this shit"

They will work out if they were more limited. If the DMR is slightly nerfed and half of the options are gone, I would be fine. Never having to start with an AR again is beautiful in my eyes.

to each his own, but I love the H4 AR. Are you saying you'd use a DMR on small maps? and yes, I realize there are only like 3 small maps in H4 so far.


aka Cabbie
So what are we left with?

Simply, Ordnance is 343's way of acknowledging that weapon spawns will change. Whether they change the initial spawns on Haven. Whether Fyrewulff adds 32 power weapons to SuperCragmire. Whether Cyren tweaks the weapons on Over's variant of Asylum. Whether 343 adds 42 Forge variants to MM overnight. In every situation, every player is given the same knowledge. It's a very efficient solution at that.

Sure the randomness isn't ideal but it isn't bad design either especially when you consider what the goal might have been.

Don't mean to dismiss your thoughts with one short post Hydra but even after I've rationalized it that way and had moments where I appreciated what it must be doing for casuals, imo it's just something that takes away a certain aspect of the Halo ritual/in-game cycle for most people and replaces it with nothing that gives that same satisfaction.

I would be cool with just waypoints, I don't really see the need for randomized ordnance while the waypoints exist.
They will work out if they were more limited. If the DMR is slightly nerfed and half of the options are gone, I would be fine. Never having to start with an AR again is beautiful in my eyes.

SMG starts in Halo 2 and AR starts in Halo 3 were the bane of my existence.

On small maps, I have a loadout with firepower, the BR is my main and AR is secondary. I feel more comfortable with the BR.

So what you are saying is if the playlist managers actually did their job then we wouldn't need loadouts.
It happens quite often to me whenever I search in a party of two or less. Is big party restrictions not activated in CTF? I mean, we can't tell who's in a party of not in the pre-game lobby, but I'd assume that's why the major reason why uneven games start. As far as players not joining once the game has started, that should be corrected immediately. I don't understand why it doesn't work to begin with.
This is maddening. There is absolutely no relevant information in the lobby. None. Couldn't care less how someone's Spartan looks, or what Specialization they're currently grinding towards. Baseball cards are supposed to have stats on them, meaningful information that helps track a certain player. Getting information as simple as most used loadout combination, or even just an Armor Ability would go a long way to determining how you should face your opponent. In a game that is overflowing with extraneous information, the lobby is woefully inadequate.


Set weapon spawns work only as long as players know the location on the map for each weapon. For competitively minded players and many 'good'-tier players this is largely not a problem. You've felt the feeling every time a new map drops. You haven't a clue where to go. you have ideas where you might expect to see some kind of weapon. BR/AR near spawn with the more powerful weapons being further away.

Something to consider. When a change takes place between MLG's version of the Pit and Bungie's. If I run to sword and see a plasma pistol, I feel confused. I know the layouts changed, but I find it hard to remember. This is no doubt a feeing I'm sure you've all felt at some time too.

Perhaps a large portion of the playerbase never really learned 'all' the weapon spawns. It's easy to say how easy it is to learn the positions now because you already now them. I watched a few people play through Campaign and they were struggling to locate guns. I was handed the controller and knew to look just off the beaten track so to speak.

In that regard, surely you can see where 343 are coming from with Ordnance. From the beginning of the match everyone has the same knowledge of weapons on the map. Initial runs to weapons still happen but this time everyone can see the Sticky Detonator on one side of Haven and the Needler on the other.

This knowledge is also applied to Ordnance drops during the game and this has a very serious implication for newer maps and Forged maps should they ever get a significant percentage of MM maps.

When you play a match on a new map called Mt Beef Beef, you haven't a fucking clue where anything is. You can only guess but even then, you never really know for certain unless you are specifically told or you load it up in Forge/Theater. So now you're left with a dilemma. Do we expect everyone to load up every new map in Forge to get familiar with it? Even the people who just want to play?

So what are we left with?

Simply, Ordnance is 343's way of acknowledging that weapon spawns will change. Whether they change the initial spawns on Haven. Whether Fyrewulff adds 32 power weapons to SuperCragmire. Whether Cyren tweaks the weapons on Over's variant of Asylum. Whether 343 adds 42 Forge variants to MM overnight. In every situation, every player is given the same knowledge. It's a very efficient solution at that.

Sure the randomness isn't ideal but it isn't bad design either especially when you consider what the goal might have been.

It doesn't address that problem at all. Instead, it makes EVERY game feel like you're playing a new map, and not in a good way. It turns every game into the random, cluserfuck gameplay with no flow that accompanies new maps. It takes time for players to naturally establish the flow and hot spots of a map, and until they do maps don't play as well as they should. When you randomize where things happen, you destroy that flow and that predictability. It doesn't allow the maps to establish their natural flow and play as well as they should.

Every player is not given the same knowledge, they are given the same lack of knowledge.
So what you are saying is if the playlist managers actually did their job then we wouldn't need loadouts.

I guess, but that will never happen. Remember when Bungie started us with an AR on Avalanche? It was fucking horrid. They just need to limit these loadouts severely, much like how Gears of War has it. There are like 2-3 options for each set.

I didn't knew this game had hitmarkers

But why not just get someone to manage the playlists who knows what they are doing? I mean, there are plenty of people in this thread who are more than qualified to say "BR starts in BTB, AR starts in Social slayer, and BR starts in Ranked Slayer".
Here is what I think would balance everything:

Primary Weapons:
-BR - make it a 4 shot kill with a reduced ROF so that the time to kill stays the same
-DMR - keep it the same but reduce the magnetism/auto aim drastically so that it is difficult to score headshots up close but gets easier over a distance like the sniper
-Assault Rifle - this weapon just isn't viable at a higher skill rank, I think they should tighten up the accuracy and increase the range to make it more competitive
-Light Rifle - pretty much perfect, I just wish it had more feedback to make it feel more powerful
-Suppressor and Storm Rifle I think are good as high powered close range automatics, and quite honestly I haven't used them enough to make an opinion
-Carbine - increase clip size by 2-3 and reduce bullets to kill by 1


Don't mean to dismiss your thoughts with one short post Hydra but even after I've rationalized it that way and had moments where I appreciated what it must be doing for casuals, imo it's just something that takes away a certain aspect of the Halo ritual/in-game cycle for most people and replaces it with nothing that gives that same satisfaction.

I would be cool with just waypoints, I don't really see the need for randomized ordnance while the waypoints exist.

It doesn't address that problem at all. Instead, it makes EVERY game feel like you're playing a new map, and not in a good way. It turns every game into the random, cluserfuck gameplay with no flow that accompanies new maps. It takes time for players to naturally establish the flow and hot spots of a map, and until they do maps don't play as well as they should. When you randomize where things happen, you destroy that flow and that predictability. It doesn't allow the maps to establish their natural flow and play as well as they should.

Every player is not given the same knowledge, they are given the same lack of knowledge.

I wasn't really addressing the random factor. I was more responding to what the waypoints achieve.

The random system... Yeah, I ain't defending that :p


Neo Member
[...] Simply, Ordnance is 343's way of acknowledging that weapon spawns will change. Whether they change the initial spawns on Haven. Whether Fyrewulff adds 32 power weapons to SuperCragmire. Whether Cyren tweaks the weapons on Over's variant of Asylum. Whether 343 adds 42 Forge variants to MM overnight. In every situation, every player is given the same knowledge. It's a very efficient solution at that.

Sure the randomness isn't ideal but it isn't bad design either especially when you consider what the goal might have been.

As I outlined on the previous page, the notion of communicating power weapon locations to every player is not the problem. In fact, it is indeed a graceful way to slightly flatten the learning curve for newer players. It's the randomness - the systematic unpredictability introduced alongside this mechanic that leads to frustrating experiences and hugely reduces what little is left of the skill gap in this franchise, rendering map control and team coordination virtually useless. In that sense, I do view it as a design misstep, at the very least.

As to the concept of weapon locations on new/unfamiliar maps/variants, good Forgers quickly learn how to place power weapons in an intuitive manner, even highlighting their locations with good use of contrasting colour-coding etc. In my many hours of customs in Reach, playtesting completely unfamiliar maps, locating and timing power weapons was rarely a problem unless the map designer was new to Forging. I agree, it can be somewhat of a nuisance on a slightly updated variant of an MLG map, but such modifications are usually communicated fairly clearly before implementation.
Simply, Ordnance is 343's way of acknowledging that weapon spawns will change. Whether they change the initial spawns on Haven. Whether Fyrewulff adds 32 power weapons to SuperCragmire. Whether Cyren tweaks the weapons on Over's variant of Asylum. Whether 343 adds 42 Forge variants to MM overnight. In every situation, every player is given the same knowledge. It's a very efficient solution at that.

Sure the randomness isn't ideal but it isn't bad design either especially when you consider what the goal might have been.
It is absolutely bad design the way it's implemented. The waypoint system that's now in effect was all that 343 needed to mitigate the problem that you're speaking of for the uninitiated. That's all they had to do to get people to find (and learn!) the weapon locations. Instead they went far overboard with the concept of Ordnance to the detriment of how a map plays. Random spawns, random weapons, random locations. bleh
It definitely is already posted here but I haven't seen it at HBO yet:
Brave New World: new Bungie IP:
SPEAKER/S: Joe Staten (Bungie) and Christopher Barrett (Bungie)
TRACK / DURATION / FORMAT / AUDIENCE LEVEL: Visual Arts , Design / 60-Minute / Lecture / All
DESCRIPTION: Two decades of success in the gaming industry is no small feat, but after ten years of Halo, Bungie found themselves faced with a tremendous challenge: to build a whole new world, filled with even more amazing mysteries, places, creatures, and opportunities for player investment. For the first time ever, Bungie creative directors will discuss their world building techniques, from concept to production. Attendees will walk away with key insights into Bungie's battle-tested design process. They'll get a glimpse of the brave new world that has been built, a place where the next ten years of great Bungie adventures will unfold.
TAKEAWAY: In a presentation filled with concept art and design case studies, attendees will learn about Bungie's world building pillars, and see how these were put to use to create Bungie's next great universe of games.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: While the talk is focused on art and design collaboration, takeaways will be useful for members of all game development disciplines who are eager to improve their team's world building process. There are no prerequisites.
As I outlined on the previous page, the notion of communicating power weapon locations to every player is not the problem. In fact, it is indeed a graceful way to slightly flatten the learning curve for newer players. It's the randomness - the systematic unpredictability introduced alongside this mechanic that leads to frustrating experiences and hugely reduces what little is left of the skill gap in this franchise, rendering map control and team coordination virtually useless. In that sense, I do view it as a design misstep, at the very least.
Yeah, I do think the problem is solved just by the ordnance icons visible from across the map.

Randomizing those weapons was meant to address a different issue, namely camping a static power weapon spawn. 343 didn't seem to want that.
I remember AR starts on Avalanche, but what playlist was that? It wasn't BTB or Team Flag (best playlist ever). Was it the corresponding Legendary Map Pack DLC playlist?
It is absolutely bad design the way it's implemented. The waypoint system that's now in effect was all that 343 needed to mitigate the problem that you're speaking of for the uninitiated. That's all they had to do to get people to find (and learn!) the weapon locations. Instead they went far overboard with the concept of Ordnance to the detriment of how a map plays. Random spawns, random weapons, random locations. bleh

But I was only talking about the Ordnance system (what I call just the way the weapons drop and how everyone sees them on the HUD). Random Ordnance is not fun. Admittedly, it's what we have but I was just saying how good the waypoints are for those things.
I remember AR starts on Avalanche, but what playlist was that? It wasn't BTB or Team Flag (best playlist ever). Was it the corresponding Legendary Map Pack DLC playlist?

It was the DLC playlists because I remember people bitching how they couldn't enjoy a map they just bought.
I was one of them
Personal Ordnance needs to be more of a resupply delivery than a power weapon delivery.
Or make it more mid-tier weaponry and bonuses while keeping the truly powerful stuff on the map. The whole design needs to be re-examined.

343 should have all the data they need though. I've got to wonder how much of what they're seeing is unexpected, and how much seems to validate their design changes.
It takes like one or two plays to figure out where everything spawns, but some sort of map preview would work wonders, a shitload more efficiently than ordnance and a bunch of grey icons telling you where stuff is (thats so casual its embarassing to play)

Ordnance is dumb. Unless it ordnanced same weapon in same spot everytime and was basically a static weapon spawn like in previous Halo's, just with a nice aesthetic and effect. And could be moved within Forge to different spots.

You'd also have to have minor ordnance like BR DMR fluid and grenades respawn every so often as that wouldnt fit in with the ordnance power weapon stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Just get rid of all ordnance. I can't think of any implementation that would actually improve the game. All I can think of are lukewarm compromises between classic Halo and 343's vision. I don't want lukewarm compromises. I want Halo.
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