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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Thanks, so happy you guys like it!
It's amazing to see how many people are using it: Over 130,000 page hits so far (server is crying)

I guess this shows how many people would have appreciated Ranks in-game
Well, I'd expect some more because I just let the Forgehub community know how great your site is!
With precision controls and voice, I have to wonder if Forging, custom games options, etc. would be easier.

I'd love to see an Iron Man-styled interface where you can customize your Spartan's armor and go through all the options.
343 showing support
Fought my first Handyman on 1999 Mode.

Fuck Handymen. That is all.

I just finished it on 1999 mode. I glitched my first handyman so he couldn't move, and the second one just disappeared the level so I didn't have to fight him.

But I didn't mind fighting them after that, mainly because I had useful gear/vigors/weapons
O dear lord I cannot get on Xbox Live.


Handymen can be beat by shock/snipe/shock/snipe. Hopefully you've upgraded your shield and salts. Set traps before too and Home Alone his ass.
They should make a script for future playlists to allow rounds with different settings.

So like you could have a ActionSack you go into and don't even have to vote. You then play best of five rounds of what would previously be completely different games.

Paintball, Instagib, Lightning CTF, Grifball, Snipes, SWAT, Swords, Fiesta, and so on, so much that there is many games so its random to a point of what games you'll see played each game. No voting its all chosen for you but it doesnt matter because its only a round and you might not see it the next game.

I guess it could work now because you ultimately have certain gametypes like SWAT SWORDS PAINTBALL SNIPES would all fall under Slayer, so you get the idea of the gametype when they announce it at the beginning of the round, but then figure the rest out as it plays.


O dear lord I cannot get on Xbox Live.


Handymen can be beat by shock/snipe/shock/snipe. Hopefully you've upgraded your shield and salts. Set traps before too and Home Alone his ass.

lol that's exactly how I ended up doing it. I found a hook that I could jump to also (I have the equipment that sets enemies on fire when you jump on them from skyline + temporary invincibility).
Invasion or Dominion?

Invasion could/should be part of the Firefight experience. Evolve it by allowing players to use different species of the Covenant and the same goes for regular FF.

Dominion is a phenomenal addition to Halo's gametypes. Now it just has to be balanced a little better with less power weapons, restricted loadouts and such.
They should make a script for future playlists to allow rounds with different settings.

So like you could have a ActionSack you go into and don't even have to vote. You then play best of five rounds of what would previously be completely different games.

Paintball, Instagib, Lightning CTF, Grifball, Snipes, SWAT, Swords, Fiesta, and so on, so much that there is many games so its random to a point of what games you'll see played each game. No voting its all chosen for you but it doesnt matter because its only a round and you might not see it the next game.

I guess it could work now because you ultimately have certain gametypes like SWAT SWORDS PAINTBALL SNIPES would all fall under Slayer, so you get the idea of the gametype when they announce it at the beginning of the round, but then figure the rest out as it plays.

Sounds like Warzone in Killzone (which was incredible). You have search and destroy (defend and attack), assassination (1 target on either team is chosen), capture and hold (domination kinda), bodycount (most kills in alotted time wins), and search and retrieve (basically like capture the flag). This all took place in 1 game. Rounds came randomly. So much fun. Killone 2s version might just be one of my favorite mp modes in any FPS ever.
Invasion or Dominion?


What happens in Invasion:

When the first offensive team does not get pass the first objective, and then the second offensive team gets past the first one, the match becomes a K/D booster for the next 10 minutes.

If a defensive team is somewhat competent and every player is guarding the base with shotguns, that's game.

When two or three players quit, in 5 minutes, the other team will be surrounding your spawn and killing you will be as easy as Gruntpocalypse.

The better a team is doing in Dominion, the quicker the game goes. No more "why even play anymore, we lost 10 minutes ago? let's all quit haha." Dominion isn't perfect but it's better than Invasion. God so many flaws in that gameytpe. The flaws in Dominion have more to do with Halo 4.

You could have a mercy rule like in Gears Judgment's OverRun mode where the game ends if the losing team can't win even if further rounds are played.

Yeah, but it didn't have that. So it still sucks.
Invasion could/should be part of the Firefight experience. Evolve it by allowing players to use different species of the Covenant and the same goes for regular FF.

Dominion is a phenomenal addition to Halo's gametypes. Now it just has to be balanced a little better with less power weapons, restricted loadouts and such.

I think the only good thing Dominion has done is give Forgers cool pieces to use on their maps. The gametype itself is too confusing and too cluttered IMO. Fortifying bases is cool and all , but I just don't find it enjoyable.

The absence of Invasion is disheartening. There could have been some great Invasion maps on Forge Island.

What happens in Invasion:

When the first offensive team does not get pass the first objective, and then the second offensive team gets past the first one, the match becomes a K/D booster for the next 10 minutes.

If a defensive team is somewhat competent and every player is guarding the base with shotguns, that's game.

When two or three players quit, in 5 minutes, the other team will be surrounding your spawn and killing you will be as easy as Gruntpocalypse.

The better a team is doing in Dominion, the quicker the game goes. No more "why even play anymore, we lost 10 minutes ago? let's all quit haha." Dominion isn't perfect but it's better than Invasion. God so many flaws in that gameytpe. The flaws in Dominion have more to do with Halo 4.

You could have a mercy rule like in Gears Judgment's OverRun mode where the game ends if the losing team can't win even if further rounds are played.

I think the only good thing Dominion has done is give Forgers cool pieces to use on their maps. The gametype itself is too confusing and too cluttered IMO. Fortifying bases is cool and all , but I just don't find it enjoyable.

Yeah at first it's definitely confusing and too chaotic, but that could easily be fixed with better UI cues and proper weapon/vehicle balancing. It's way more fun than most domination gametypes in other games I'd say.

The comebacks are some of the most rewarding I've experienced in Halo games.


Yeah, but it didn't have that. So it still sucks.

I was talking about evolving Invasion if it should be brought back for future Halo games. There's potential in that gametype.
Warzones sounds awesome.

Yea perhaps they could make that by giving Action Sack its own special playlist like Grifball and Living Dead got in Halo 4.

I'm on Reach for a bit dudes. Lets do this!

Dominion should have copied CoD's Domination settings exactly. Invasion was good but needed more story fleshwork involved. Like thats where personal and global ordnance would have worked well, along with Invasion Slayers like drop off points, Vehicles should have been dropped off mid game by the Pelican? Not good with vehicle names. A bit more music too.
Invasion scoring could have been resolved if it was points based rather than rounds based. The faster you complete a tier, the higher you place. So if both teams complete all 3, the one that did it faster will win. If one team loses round 1 but is able to put up somewhat of a fight in the second round, that can be factored into it too. It would have been nice to see something to encourage faster wins and discourage stat padding. And yea, shotgun camping was dumb, but that's just a loadout issue. Besides, Elites aren't supposed to be going in there with Swords when that happens anyway.

Clearly Invasion was more interesting to me. Music played between phases, loadouts progressed, scenery would phase in and out and the map would open up, Spartans vs elites, players would work with a buddy and make the best of their spawn location, but had to coordinate with other teammates during their pushes, etc. Playing Invaison with the HaloWheelMen was the highlight of my Reach days. I can't even count how many hours I've spent playing and forging it in Reach.

I've only played a handful of Dominion games and before I got bored. It seems like everybody has a power weapon too. I preferred simple Territories.
Warzones sounds awesome.

Yea perhaps they could make that by giving Action Sack its own special playlist like Grifball and Living Dead got in Halo 4.

I'm on Reach for a bit dudes. Lets do this!

No doubt, it would really be fun. I have to run to the post office and I can play when I return. How long you gonna be on?
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