Holy shit at that Formal snipe.
Ola also did a good one.
Ambush destroyed them
Holy shit at that Formal snipe.
No mercy.Ola also did a good one.
Ambush destroyed them
Fought my first Handyman on 1999 Mode.
Fuck Handymen. That is all.
If you dudes get a party going, I can switch from Infinite.No doubt, it would really be fun. I have to run to the post office and I can play when I return. How long you gonna be on?
I found a freight hook and kind of cheesed it with Shock Jockey and the Bird's Eye.First Handymen fight is tough because you don't have rails to easily stay on the move.
I've been playing on hard and I still have trouble.
That said, I'm near the end. Every time I think the game can't get any better, it does.
First Handymen fight is tough because you don't have rails to easily stay on the move.
For reals, SMG starts >>>>>>>>
The BR has and always will be the most boring competitive Halo weapon to watch..
Invasion or Dominion?
Snip3down going 23/10. Nice.
The BR has and always will be the most boring competitive Halo weapon to watch..
Halo 2 SMG vs Banshee = GG
Holy shit at that Formal snipe.
Why watch Halo when the Masters is going on this weekend?
Please don't nerf the assault rifle 343! It's finally a decent weapon!
Invasion or Dominion?
Well like I just said, something awesome just happened...again!
To watch? Nope I always think watchign Halo CE was the most boring thing, I loved playing it, but hated to watch it, Halo 2 was interesting to watch
For invisible campers or spamming jetpackers. Add with stopping power and it needs a nerf. Slow Strafe + Stopping power = no chance against spammers.
Make the BR 4sk.
Really, do better and pick the Saw.
They had one job, ONE JOB. GG.*cough* it was Ola the whole time. Mislabeled PoV. *cough*
They had one job, ONE JOB. GG.
343 showing support
Xbox Live seems to be down, not working for me as well
The BR has and always will be the most boring competitive Halo weapon to watch..
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
Why watch Halo when the Masters is going on this weekend?
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
Agreed. It is really hard to make it fun to play and watch. But Halo 2 did a good job with most of the stuff.Halo 2 CTF was the last game where CTF was both fun to play and watch IMO. Those flag physics led to some funnnnn gameplay situations.
Also, that Astro Gaming ad's music reminds me of some Samurai Champloo shiiii <3
The Astro Gaming ad has some relaxing music and a nice asian girl :J
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
Fought my first Handyman on 1999 Mode.
Fuck Handymen. That is all.
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
Been working on a 50 in SWAT and this happens around level 40.
:O Thank youYep, her name's Lisa Malambri.
pretty chill
What's with all the bullshit tags, you guys that desperate for clicks?
I think the only good thing Dominion has done is give Forgers cool pieces to use on their maps. The gametype itself is too confusing and too cluttered IMO. Fortifying bases is cool and all , but I just don't find it enjoyable.
The absence of Invasion is disheartening. There could have been some great Invasion maps on Forge Island.
I tried this, as everyone playing last night now knows. I tried to remake Conquest Assault, which is the closest thing to Invasion I could think of. It turns out that if you designate all of the points as belonging to Red team the game will enter last stand and then end before players even spawn.
You can disable Last Stand in the gametype options (it's required if you want to test a dominion map by yourself)
Alz just showed me a couple really nice dominion maps the other day. There's one on impact that is unbelievable. I'll never remember the name or author... Let me see of I can find it.Maybe it's just me, but I don't even see people making Dominion maps.
Xbox Live seems to be down, not working for me as well