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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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No doubt, it would really be fun. I have to run to the post office and I can play when I return. How long you gonna be on?
If you dudes get a party going, I can switch from Infinite.
First Handymen fight is tough because you don't have rails to easily stay on the move.
I found a freight hook and kind of cheesed it with Shock Jockey and the Bird's Eye.

Other than the boss enemies, Infinite's combat feels much better in 1999 Mode than on Normal/Hard. Only thing I don't like is the potential to lose playtime when you run out of money and die.
I've been playing on hard and I still have trouble.

That said, I'm near the end. Every time I think the game can't get any better, it does.

Outside of the actual gameplay, the last couple of hours is awesome. I didn't like the ending at first, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it.


Well like I just said, something awesome just happened...again!

How Awesome was it, Barlow?
Fix your name.

To watch? Nope I always think watchign Halo CE was the most boring thing, I loved playing it, but hated to watch it, Halo 2 was interesting to watch

Halo 2 CTF was the last game where CTF was both fun to play and watch IMO. Those flag physics led to some funnnnn gameplay situations.

Also, that Astro Gaming ad's music reminds me of some Samurai Champloo shiiii <3


For invisible campers or spamming jetpackers. Add with stopping power and it needs a nerf. Slow Strafe + Stopping power = no chance against spammers.


Make the BR 4sk.

Really, do better and pick the Saw.

Do the automatic weapons need a nerf or does the strafe need to be improved? Hmm...


343i's official response to Nockz.


Halo 2 CTF was the last game where CTF was both fun to play and watch IMO. Those flag physics led to some funnnnn gameplay situations.

Also, that Astro Gaming ad's music reminds me of some Samurai Champloo shiiii <3
Agreed. It is really hard to make it fun to play and watch. But Halo 2 did a good job with most of the stuff.

The Astro Gaming ad has some relaxing music and a nice asian girl :J


So I hadn't had a chance to try out the Multi-team and Rumble Pit yet, but finally made time today. Couple things..
A) Multi-team + Ragnarok + SWAT? Why?
B) Rumble Pro is awesome. Settings feel perfect. Seeing moderately viable usage of non-DMRs which is cool.
3) Needs more maps (Seeing a lot of Shutout, Adrift, and Abandon in the voting options and not a heck of a lot else. Don't have DLC of course..)
Does anyone know/remember who made all the CE MP maps? I remember hearing a long time ago that one guy made them all in just a day. I never found out how accurate that was though, mainly because it seems impossible to me. If it's true, why didn't he make the rest of the maps?
Nice job Jazzy. You make it look easy.

The new Fiesta gametype wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for that stupid "yay!" shit every half- second. It's way louder than the rifle noise on top of it all. Bleh


I think the only good thing Dominion has done is give Forgers cool pieces to use on their maps. The gametype itself is too confusing and too cluttered IMO. Fortifying bases is cool and all , but I just don't find it enjoyable.

The absence of Invasion is disheartening. There could have been some great Invasion maps on Forge Island.

I tried this, as everyone playing last night now knows. I tried to remake Conquest Assault, which is the closest thing to Invasion I could think of. It turns out that if you designate all of the points as belonging to Red team the game will enter last stand and then end before players even spawn.



I tried this, as everyone playing last night now knows. I tried to remake Conquest Assault, which is the closest thing to Invasion I could think of. It turns out that if you designate all of the points as belonging to Red team the game will enter last stand and then end before players even spawn.


You can disable Last Stand in the gametype options (it's required if you want to test a dominion map by yourself)


Just saw the final episode of Spartacus, it was awesome. Sad to see the show end after such a great season, I will miss it. I guess it was better to end on a high note rather than dragging it on.
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