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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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I agree that making fun of a person for their looks is not cool, and a couple of posters probably crossed that line.

However, making fun of pictures of people is no big deal.

These are shopping mall portraits of the Sudds. That's pretty funny, IMO.
This ^
It's hard not to look awkward and goofy when you have to pose for stuff like that.

I was basically crouching in that picture, because Nelsan Ellis is short as fuck lol
No, its tastless comments and images towards people, and have zero relevance to Halo.

Says the kid who modded a Reach/Wheelchair gametype making fun of the handicapped by comparing it to how casual and accessible Halo is getting.

Really guy?

Suddoths talk tons of shit all the time if we poke fun at them I'm pretty sure noones getting hurt.
Says the kid who modded a Reach/Wheelchair gametype making fun of the handicapped by comparing it to how casual and accessible Halo is getting.

Really guy?

Suddoths talk tons of shit all the time if we poke fun at them I'm pretty sure noones getting hurt.

To be fair, the mod was satire pointed at 343, who were the ones that originally misused the handicapped symbol. By the way, B.net seems to like it

As far as I'm concerned, it isn't a big deal if people want to humor themselves at someone else's expense for whatever reason. I mean, if you want to go to such lengths for a cheap laugh, then more power to you.

I remember somebody who disliked me so much that they changed their gamertag to make it a slur against me, only to be forced to change it again later by Xbox LIVE. If somebody wants to waste time or money poking fun at me, I'm not going to get in their way. Not exactly the same thing here, but the principle still applies.

Besides, from what I've seen of the sudds on Ninja's stream, it's not like they shouldn't expect it. They're quite infamous, and for good reason.

willow ve

"The Halo 4 servers are not available"

Fuck this. CSR killed Halo.
Seriously, I just want to play some Halo

Guess I'll jump in that fallback server KOTH gametype!


Did they get the download to work now, or is that still the copy to file share link?

Beaten by mustache whale >.>

Does it actually send it to your Xbox or does it still just do Copy to Fileshare?
It doesn't copy to fileshare - tried it earlier. Didn't download while I was on though. Probably triggers the download at sign-in/game load like Reach.

I'll try it now. Reach did it beyond the sign in, you just had to wait for it to poll Bungie's servers to see if saw new file requests
Oh, my mistake. I signed out/in to get them to trigger in Reach.


It doesn't copy to fileshare - tried it earlier. Didn't download while I was on though. Probably triggers the download at sign-in/game load like Reach.

I'll try it now. Reach did it beyond the sign in, you just had to wait for it to poll Bungie's servers to see if saw new file requests
I'm still trying to figure out if most HaloGAF regulars believe all newer people are solely from Waypoint I've seen it posted that many times.
Lol same.

Been on Waypoint for 3+ years now, posted >300 times. Don't use or browse the site. More of a Bungie.net kid, but I stopped browsing and posting there this year when they changed the design of the site, don't like how it works now.

I joined NeoGAF because I discovered this site last year and browsed for a bit till I joined.

Don't know why it matters anyways if someone came from Waypoint/Joined to talk to Franklin/whatever. Don't like the superiority some HaloGAF users feel based on Tenure, then again I'm not sure if they're serious or joking.


Says the kid who modded a Reach/Wheelchair gametype making fun of the handicapped by comparing it to how casual and accessible Halo is getting.

Really guy?

Suddoths talk tons of shit all the time if we poke fun at them I'm pretty sure noones getting hurt.

This comment is so unbelievably ridiculous it almost makes me want to never come back here.
Perfect example that Halo 4's forge maps look way better than Reach's. Just look at this abomination:

I wish the palette was cleaner, as I prefer a Forerunner theme to a UNSC theme. The pieces themselves are much simpler in Halo 4, and the lighting system definitely helps framerate issues. Because of that it ends up looking nicer, but I'm still not fond of the palette textures.

Halo 4 just has way too much of an emphasis on UNSC stuff. Y U NO COVIE CRATES?!


Nah, never used Waypoint until the launch of Halo 4. I think I posted once or twice, never went back. I sometimes post on Bnet but that's about it.

I'm just yanking your chain bro

Waypoint kiddos are alright, I just remember not to take them too seriously.



Apparently the friends list issue is fixed but another issue has come up:

Users may experience difficulties with the following services:
Accessing daily challenges within game titles

4/14/2013 2:30:40 PM PDT:
Members have been experiencing issues trying to access daily challenges within games. Did you run into this as well? Rest assured we are actively engaged with our partners trying to mitigate the issue! Thanks so much for staying patient while we work through this. We'll update you again in 30 minutes.

Related to Halo 4 server issues?

Edit: This just went down too:
Users may experience difficulties with the following services:
Managing friends lists and tracking what friends are doing
Sending text or voice messages to other Xbox LIVE members
4/14/2013 2:42:51 PM PDT:
Are you experiencing issues accessing your friends list or sending messages? That's not good, but we are aware of the trouble and are actively investigating it to bring back your socialite potential! Be sure to check back in 30 minutes for another update. Thanks so much for your patience while we get this resolved.

willow ve

Even the fallback servers are fucked up right now. 1/4 of the players have their true SR rank and can spawn with custom loadouts... the rest of us are at SR1 and can only spawn with the gametype associated loadouts. Come on Halo.


Even the fallback servers are fucked up right now. 1/4 of the players have their true SR rank and can spawn with custom loadouts... the rest of us are at SR1 and can only spawn with the gametype associated loadouts. Come on Halo.
Spartan Rank rank?


So they're TUing the entire sandbox of the game?

That's a good thing. If they're going to rebalance they need to do it right. The Reach TU was a halfassed (but much-needed) measure because of the resources dedicated to it, but that excuse doesn't fly with their own game. The Halo 2 1.1 update didn't just reduce BR spread and call it a day, it changed a dozen different elements (weapons, DW combos, grenade strength and arm times, melee strength) and the game was much better as a result.
I don't see why there couldn't be a beta playlist at least initially to test changes rapidly like they do with the Forge test playlists.

That would be nice, but my issue is the fact that the weapons people just spent 6 months learning how to use are now all going to be changed.

I understand title updating a game after release to fix glitches or balance a few things, but this global change is the kind of stuff a Beta is supposed to fix...

I don't know. Is it bad for me to fear something going wrong?
Who was the guy who basically said he wasn't here for the community and just came to talk to Frank and Dave?
I joined to talk
about Halo with people who shared my same opinion. Too many Halo 4 and 343 fanboys at Waypoint.

Also the community here seemed great with Wahrer and Kyle coming off as amazing to me.
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