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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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So I messed up a jump in Bioshock Infinite and my game glitched, and basically killed itself. My save data is corrupted now as well. :/

Glitch was weird, glass kept shattering and I lost all my money till it went down to $0. Then it just kept shattering and being loud randomly.

I hope the cloud back up save is pretty far in. I was only 3 hours in, and I really like the game, but not enough to replay those 3 hours.

I need more games to keep me entertained. I need to finish up Tomb Raider, hopefully I can finish up Bioshock Infinite, and then hopefully Halo 4 and CSR keep me busy till GTA 5. Are there any other big games coming out in these next few months?


Can I give a suggestion? make the future DMR a reskinned Halo 1 pistol (3 shot kill, possibly a slower rate of fire), but make it a pick up/power weapon.

I find this suggestion hilarious, I remember hearing local friends bitch that the Halo 1 Pistol was too strong for a Pistol, if it was skinned as a Rifle it probably would have been fine for most of them. Now, we should skin strong rifles into the Halo 1 Pistol so that people will be okay with it being so strong, full circle.
I find this suggestion hilarious, I remember hearing local friends bitch that the Halo 1 Pistol was too strong for a Pistol, if it was skinned as a Rifle it probably would have been fine for most of them. Now, we should skin strong rifles into the Halo 1 Pistol so that people will be okay with it being so strong, full circle.
Maybe you misinterpreted me or maybe I did a bad job explaining it, but I'm saying keep the DMR look, make it behave like the h1 pistol ( a reskinned halo 1 pistol that looks like a DMR)
I find this suggestion hilarious, I remember hearing local friends bitch that the Halo 1 Pistol was too strong for a Pistol, if it was skinned as a Rifle it probably would have been fine for most of them. Now, we should skin strong rifles into the Halo 1 Pistol so that people will be okay with it being so strong, full circle.

Yup, nothing was more frustrating than trying to explain to new Halo players basically starting heavy multiplayer with 2 that the Pistol was perfectly fine as a weapon.. all we needed was for it to have a rifle skin instead of fighting for "the return of an OP sidearm." At this point though the Pistol should just be brought back as it was instead of slapping a rifle skin on it. Would make the perfect catchline for
Combat Evolved 2
to get massive hype, among a ton of other things a title like that can impact.

People asking for the DMR's removal breaks my heart when that will only leave us with the burst fire BR again.

So I messed up a jump in Bioshock Infinite and my game glitched, and basically killed itself. My save data is corrupted now as well. :/

Glitch was weird, glass kept shattering and I lost all my money till it went down to $0. Then it just kept shattering and being loud randomly.

I hope the cloud back up save is pretty far in. I was only 3 hours in, and I really like the game, but not enough to replay those 3 hours.

I need more games to keep me entertained. I need to finish up Tomb Raider, hopefully I can finish up Bioshock Infinite, and then hopefully Halo 4 and CSR keep me busy till GTA 5. Are there any other big games coming out in these next few months?

From the main menu you can load up earlier checkpoints - just go back a checkpoint or two.

Also you all should watch Spartacus - I hate how that show advertised itself as softcore porn/ wrestling it's so much more


Can I give a suggestion? make the future DMR behave like the Halo 1 pistol (3 shot kill, possibly a slower rate of fire), but make it a pick up/power weapon.

*Edit because someone misinturpreted what i meant* Pretty much give us the h1 pistol, make it look like a DMR, and make it a pick up weapon
This makes the DMR even worse. Keep it intact, just make it a map pickup.
But Halo 3 has a terrible BR, terrible net code and not enough people are on.

Reach has hitscan DMR, better netcode and more people are on.

Plus Halo 3s frame rate, If I wanted to play a shitty framerate game I would just bust out my 1997 HP desktop and play Unreal Tournament GOTY edition on it.


But Halo 3 has a terrible BR, terrible net code and not enough people are on.

Reach has hitscan DMR, better netcode and more people are on.

Plus Halo 3s frame rate, If I wanted to play a shitty framerate game I would just bust out my 1997 HP desktop and play Unreal Tournament GOTY edition on it.


Only a fool chooses reach over h3
ya thats like the one thing wrong with reach they need to reduce bloom universally. its still a pretty good game and hasnt aged much. i had more fun tonight than all my times playing halo 4.

Bring back Squad Slayer. :'(

I'll get on next time you're playing Reach.

RIP Squad Slayer. tú eres mi corazón! tú eres mi corazón!

Birds be chirping, planning their strats for donging on worms. Gotta get to bed, be on Reach tomorrow night!


I would rather play Halo 4 than either.


No words can describe how I'm feeling about that right now.

I'm so mad

ya thats like the one thing wrong with reach they need to reduce bloom universally. its still a pretty good game and hasnt aged much. i had more fun tonight than all my times playing halo 4.

I can agree on that. Reach>H4
They may never hit CoD numbers but there are certainly people who will come back if the stuff is there. 400k played the first two days...They just didnt want to stay.
Even when I'm not on GAF (i.e. this weekend) I think about the game every day. Ultimately deciding to not put it in.

Have yet to even download Castle.


I think this is the only time I'll have a semi-legit use of the greenscreen in an actual map



Are the Castle maps worth downloading?

I've already bought them (got the limited edition), but haven't downloaded them yet. Only reason I ask is that my Internet cap is rather small and I'm limited to what I can download each month
What are the three most important things that need to be changed/implemented/or restored to Halo with the next game? I know there are many things that people want but if you had to pick only 3 what do you think would be the most beneficial to gameplay overall?

1.] Removal of Armor Abilities, Tactical Packages, Killstreaks, and random ordnance. Some of the AAs should be tweaked so that they can be power ups, but the rest just don't belong in Halo. Players should always be starting on an even field, or have preset loadouts for specific gametypes (like Invasion). Never should you be able to alter reload time or weapon damage or call in your own power weapons. That is not Halo. All power weapons should be in neutral or team-specific locations on the map. It worked for 10 years and it still works. It gets people to move around the map and fight over a location, which is one of the core principles of the game.

2.] Maps need to hearken back to Halo 1/Halo 2 style. More symmetrical maps - whether they are arena or not - that play well for a variety of games. It bothers me that Halo 4 launched with literally no maps to work for Doubles, whereas I could name 3 launch maps in any other game that worked fine. By going back to the first 2 games' styles, we get unique maps that emphasize teamwork and aggressive pushes while giving both teams equal footing. There is absolutely no reason to have anything like Daybreak where one team gets a sniper and the other gets a Man Cannon. Stop playing symmetric gametypes on lousy asymmetric maps. By extension, most symmetric maps should have static spawns and most asymmetric maps should have dynamic spawns in Slayer games.

3.] Halo CE gameplay. Fast movement, high jump, fall damage (to add risk/reward areas), grenades with long fuse times, powerful weapons across the board with headshot ones being really difficult to use, etc. I'd also like to see healthpacks return*, but not like Reach where if you were low on health a single nade would kill you. Any sliver of shields left should absorb preliminary damage, so low health would only affect how many body shots you can take. Keep the BR just for Halo's sake, but weapons like the DMR should be axed. It's redundant to the BR, Sniper, Pistol, and Carbine. By extension, complete and utter removal of weapon bloom across the board. I want my bullets to go where they belong, and I'm not going to wait for that to happen in a firefight. Lower the rate of fire if you want players to shoot slower, or tone down things like aim assist or the scope size if you don't want the weapon to dominate long range.

I could add other things, but these are the priorities for me. I'm just tired of random mechanics on lousy maps. None of it has benefited Halo in a meaningful way, and we can do a lot more with the game should they be removed.

*I realize there are people who never liked health or even fall damage, but I think both of them increase player awareness. You have to be conscious about dodging fire and you have to learn how to land and what to jump from. Healthpacks will deter those people who run into a firefight and try to run away, only to recharge to full shields moments later to do it again.
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