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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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I think they should release a standalone Halo multiplayer game for next gen, and have the Campaign games as downloadable packs, and all a reduced price. They should give players the tools to craft their own experience. Release around ten fan-favourite maps at launch, and let players create their own maps and gametypes with a full-fledged map/weapon/vehicle/AA/Equipment editor along with some sort of Megalo editor. They could get some competitive players and Forgers to come in and help them create the ultimate competitive experience, and add in features that would greatly benefit e-sports (streaming, spectator mode, etc). Giving players the tools to create custom Campaign, Spartan Ops and Firefight experiences would also lead to amazing creations by the community. They could make money by having microtransactions, like armour packs, achievements packs, etc, and also by selling downloadable Campaign missions set in a variety of settings and featuring stories from across the Halo universe. Also, map creators can also be given the ability to monetize their creations, while 343 takes a small percentage. A global armour system would be necessary if they were to sell armour, though, but if they also have different species that are playable (perhaps have limited customisation for all of them except Spartans and maybe Elites?). All this, IMO, would make an amazing Halo game. What makes PC games great is modding, and if Halo can implement that, I'm sure tons of PC gamers would buy the Nextbox and Halo. I know a lot of my friends would.

I literally posted the exact same thing several pages back.

The one good small map. I like a handful of the BTB maps, the issue is that we lack any solid maps of smaller scale. Sprint isn't the problem, the map selection is.

The map selection is like that because it's being built with Sprint in mind, among other things like Jetpack and Camo. 4v4 maps are much larger than they ought to be because people can move around the map faster.

I like Sprint [in Reach] and I think it can have a place in the game. But not as a default ability, and certainly not across the board.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
The map selection is like that because it's being built with Sprint in mind, among other things like Jetpack and Camo.

I like Sprint [in Reach] and I think it can have a place in the game. But not as a default ability, and certainly not across the board.

I disagree. Sprint works on Haven, so build more BTB maps? Makes no sense. The map design in 4 is below that of Halo 2 or 3, and that's without even mentioning sprint. Bungie made a handful of solid Reach maps with sprint in mind, we just didn't get any small 4 maps besides Haven.

If you can design Haven with sprint in mind and have it work great, why not other maps of that size?
I disagree. Sprint works on Haven, so build more BTB maps? Makes no sense. The map design in 4 is below that of Halo 2 or 3, and that's without even mentioning sprint. Bungie made a handful of solid Reach maps with sprint in mind, we just didn't get any small 4 maps besides Haven.

If you can design Haven with sprint in mind and have it work great, why not other maps of that size?

I see your point.

I just don't like it in Halo 4 - whether the maps are good with it or not.

I never really felt like I noticed bloom when playing Reach

Did you play with your fucking eyes closed?



My problem isn't really with sprint, it's the combination of sprint and melee damage. Which is entirely melee's fault. Or is it sprint?
Melee damage is insanely powerful and has been since Halo 3. They didn't have sprint in that game, but it was still annoying. Often it just seems like smacking somebody is more efficient than shooting him.


a bit off topic, but my birthday is coming up soon. for those who have them, are 3DSs a good deal? I know there are some good games coming out for them and I was wondering if I should spend my birthday money on one.
a bit off topic, but my birthday is coming up soon. for those who have them, are 3DSs a good deal? I know there are some good games coming out for them and I was wondering if I should spend my birthday money on one.

3DS is a powerhouse this year with all the games coming out. The XL is generally the better deal unless you prefer the colors the original one has. It's cheaper at the moment too, and it's definitely more portable. But the battery life on the XL is better, the screens are much bigger (which can be a downside sometimes) and the overall design is more streamlined and ergonomic.

If you're into Nintendo games, you should get on that shit. It's their year.
Sprint is not awful. Get outta here. Too many big maps is the awful thing. Haven is a great map and sprint works fine on it. We just need more maps like that.

Why not just fast movement speed instead of sprint? I'm genuinely curious.

a bit off topic, but my birthday is coming up soon. for those who have them, are 3DSs a good deal? I know there are some good games coming out for them and I was wondering if I should spend my birthday money on one.

Why not just save the money and put it towards the new xbox or ps4?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why not just fast movement speed instead of sprint? I'm genuinely curious.

That's always been the debate I think. It has a lot to do with player feedback and visual representation. I've always given in that I'd be fine with no spring and fast base speed if there was a way to visually represent the change in speed of your Spartan (without inhibiting gameplay of course). I always found it weird in Halo 2/3 that you went from moving slow to top speed with no visual representation of that. I also think this may be part of the reason people want sprint. It looks like you are actually getting somewhere quick, as opposed to looking like you are merely walking around the map like a normal person at a supermarket.
I can understand the desire to simulate the speed and weight of a Spartan (not that I agree that sprint really does that), but I don't like it, I enjoy myself more without it.
Higher movement speed, depending on the game is fine.
a bit off topic, but my birthday is coming up soon. for those who have them, are 3DSs a good deal? I know there are some good games coming out for them and I was wondering if I should spend my birthday money on one.
Do you have some friends who have one?

The system really has grown to have a great fuller lineup this year.
There isn't much different between how their regular movement and sprint movement looks other than the weapon clutched to the chest swaying from side to side. They look like they're taking a casual walk because they're moving slow.
Would have ruined just about every map.

ODST is the only Halo game I can say that would have actually benefited from Sprint. I liked it in Reach for Campaign and Invasion, but it led to so many issues everywhere else.

I actually think sprint influenced some of halo 4s campaign level design as well. Those pylons have those long ass straight pathways leading into them for example. You kinda have to sprint lol
Fire Emblem, Monster Hunter, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Animal Crossing are all either out this year or are coming out. Great games.

Solid framerate (45fps I believe) on Monster Hunter, even when on full 3D, is pretty awesome.
I kinda want one for FE, never played the series before but it seems like a great jumping on point.
I can understand the desire to simulate the speed and weight of a Spartan (not that I agree that sprint really does that), but I don't like it, I enjoy myself more without it.
Higher movement speed, depending on the game is fine.

Yeah, I agree. Sprint isn't needed to make the Spartans feel fast. You can have a fast game where everyone is running without making a mechanic out of it.
Sprint fucking sucks its detrimental to gameplay and map design. Stop trying to appeal to an ADHD fan base who must run everywhere. Bump the base speed keep the map scale down and if it has to be in relegate it back to an AA.


Why not just fast movement speed instead of sprint? I'm genuinely curious.

Why not just save the money and put it towards the new xbox or ps4?
the next gen consoles aren't really doing it for me to be honest.
I can understand the desire to simulate the speed and weight of a Spartan (not that I agree that sprint really does that), but I don't like it, I enjoy myself more without it.
Higher movement speed, depending on the game is fine.

Do you have some friends who have one?

The system really has grown to have a great fuller lineup this year.

Some of my friends have one, but not all. I'm just in it for the single player experience. luigi's mansion, pokemon, animal crossing, etc. I also hear the next super smash bros will be on there too.
So when does "this is not Halo" stop being an argument for people who are living in the past? Two games now that we've had AAs, load outs and whatever else. It IS Halo now.
Even if I accept that fact, their inclusion still damages gameplay a lot more than it helps make it dynamic, and isn't worth keeping in it's current form. There are only two, maybe three relatively passive Armor Abilities, but Jetpack, Camo, PromVision are nothing but a variety of ways to abuse the game on a regular basis. 343 needs to either go all in and make Halo a more class-based system with AA's, tie them directly to how a player looks and offers larger pros and cons of each AA, or ditch it all and go back to the on-map pickups that worked extremely well in all the other games before Reach. This halfway shit just isn't working in my opinion.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Sprint fucking sucks its detrimental to gameplay and map design. Stop trying to appeal to an ADHD fan base who must run everywhere. Bump the base speed keep the map scale down and if it has to be in relegate it back to an AA.

Haven works fine.

Yeah, I agree. Sprint isn't needed to make the Spartans feel fast. You can have a fast game where everyone is running without making a mechanic out of it.

You can, but it hasn't been done yet.

willow ve

Haven works fine.
Haven works OK. If it was scaled down 10% and sprint was removed I bet it would play more fluidly. The whole animation sequence of run, stop running, bring up your gun, then fire annoys me to no end. It's doubly apparent when you scope immediately after sprinting and you don't even have a reticule for a few moments.
Hopefully Halo 5 just gives us options out the ass so people can play what they want.

Halo 4 = 2 + Reach
Halo 5 = 1 x 2 + 3...

or maybe 6 if they fuck things up
Haven works OK. If it was scaled down 10% and sprint was removed I bet it would play more fluidly. The whole animation sequence of run, stop running, bring up your gun, then fire annoys me to no end. It's doubly apparent when you scope immediately after sprinting and you don't even have a reticule for a few moments.

They did that on purpose so you would know when your Spartan was able to fire again.


Sprint in Halo is like a bad heroin addiction the halo community has. It feels great but is terrible for you.

And it's gonna be just as hard to get the community to kick the habit.


Sprint in Halo is like a bad heroin addiction the halo community has. It feels great but is terrible for you.

And it's gonna be just as hard to get the community to kick the habit.

True, you feel that when going back to Halo 3, sometimes your finger lingers above the button where sprint would have been and wants to press it.

Many people make the mistake and sprint way too much in gametypes and lose positioning and map control because of it.

Also Over is right, the ZB DMR in Reach is really good IMO, way better than the Halo 4 DMR.
True, you feel that when going back to Halo 3, sometimes your finger lingers above the button where sprint would have been and wants to press it.

Many people make the mistake and sprint way too much in gametypes and lose positioning and map control because of it.

Also Over is right, the ZB DMR in Reach is really good IMO, way better than the Halo 4 DMR.

So do you think that the "I can't shoot while sprinting" crowd just can't adjust to sprint?

I'm genuinely curious, as I don't have any huge love for sprint but I don't hate it vehemently like it seems everyone here except DeadlyCyclone does.


So do you think that the "I can't shoot while sprinting" crowd just can't adjust to sprint?

I'm genuinely curious, as I don't have any huge love for sprint but I don't hate it vehemently like it seems everyone here except DeadlyCyclone does.

Nah, it is more like Tawpgun said, you reallyget kind of addicted to it and think "I have to be faster there", and forget that in the moment they sprint, can't shoot back or anything.

You see this very often in Swat and Snipers, I don't know if it is an adjusting problem or what it is, but really creates problems for players.


Sprint wouldn't be horrible if the weapons had faster kill times to accomodate. That's why it works in Call of Duty and Battlefield; you could potentially punish a bad sprint with a decidedly swift burst to the chest and be done with them. The time it takes to raise the weapon after sprinting is longer than it takes to kill another player. Halo doesn't have to make it so dramatic but it has to introduce the obvious risk of not being able to retaliate in time. As it stands all of the kill times are so slow that you can run around a corner or turn around and return fire before being killed. That can't be a thing if sprint is going to work in Halo.



He said "3DS is worthless until Sayonara Umihara Kawase is out."

I think it's worthless until there's a decent game on it that isn't a first party Nintendo game that plays like every other first party Nintendo game in its franchise, but, y'know, whatever. I'm interested in Dream Drop Distance, but that's it.
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