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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I've gotten perfections on that map thanks to sniper+camo.
That's the problem, if you know how to use these stupid AA's you get a ridiculous advantage.

Agreed, but is that because the camo gave you that much of an advantage or that those you were playing against were not great? If I kept getting sniped by the same dude, I'd be hunting him down. If I was with a team, we'd take you out.

I think being that BTB is one of the most popular playlists you're bound to get people that aren't that great, so the effects of AAs to your benefit are magnified. Which might even go against 343's "make the game easier to get into" philosophy. When a seasoned Halo vet gets access to 24/7 camo he can dismantle a team of newer players if there is not someone on that opposite team that knows how to counter the sniper.


Sorry for off-topic question HaloGAF:

Anyone had experience with both 3DS systems?

What's the preferred system? XL or Standard.

The XL is way better than the OG 3DS. After you play on an XL you almost can't even go back to the OG 3DS.

You really have to experience it though. Just go a gamestop or something and play on their test one they have sitting out in the store.
On the topic of Zelda, the only Zelda game I have ever beaten was the Oracle of Ages.

I don't get the hate that those games receive though. I obviously enjoyed it enough to beat it lol


Standart is more comfortable to take it outside and play with your friends to collect street passes but the small screen needs a little more bright an requires to stay a certain distance to see the 3D.

XL fixed the bright issues and can play more normally on 3D, the bad thing is the XL is a little too big to take it outside and play.


Standard | $170 USD

○ More color options
○ Smaller size (if you prefer portability)
○ Higher pixel density (games look better)
○ ~3.5 hours battery life (highest brightness I think)

XL | $200 USD

○ Much bigger screens (more comfortable to view games and the 3D effect, but the resolution is slightly worse)
○ More ergonomic design. Also more comfortable if you have larger hands or get cramps.
○ Buttons are more pronounced and stylus is larger. It's placed beneath the console like the DS Lite/DSi instead of on the top like the original 3DS and the Phat
○ ~6.5 hours battery life

It really depends on what you prefer. The XL is an improvement in most ways, but it has drawbacks that still make the Standard a viable option for some.

Oh yes, OOT looks amazing on the XL.

Thanks guys. Swaying towards the big fella.


Agreed, but is that because the camo gave you that much of an advantage or that those you were playing against were not great? If I kept getting sniped by the same dude, I'd be hunting him down. If I was with a team, we'd take you out

Sorry but nope.

No one knew where I was, ever. So you wouldn't get me.

Even IF I saw a group trying to get me, I'd camo away back into a group of teammates and you wouldn't touch me.

This can be done in any other map, any other gametype.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm still mashing my way through Ocarina of Time. Never beat it, and playing it now it's a tad confusing. Obviously I don't want it to hold my hand, but some of those dungeons expect you to just know things, and I have no idea how you'd come to that conclusion.

Sorry but nope.

No one knew where I was, ever. So you wouldn't get me.

Even IF I saw a group trying to get me, I'd camo away back into a group of teammates and you wouldn't touch me.

This can be done in any other map, any other gametype.
Huh, it'd be interesting to see that happen. Camo hides you, but shooting a sniper still gives you away. I'd have been over there with a Banshee/Ghost to find you.
Oh yes, OOT looks amazing on the XL.

Thanks guys. Swaying towards the big fella.

I'm hopefully picking mine up later this month too. I wish I was more patient though so I could see what Nintendo has in store for E3. Part of me expects them to go Apple on us.

H2A 2014. Wow, just looking at this picture makes me wish a better Asylum was in Reach. Look at that obvious LOS blocker from Snipe to OBJ.
ExWife 2016 - A Dong we can Blain with

I get that, I just keep thinking of Valhalla for some reason and since the sniper spawns in the base, camo is not helping that sniper. He grabs it, runs out to the side of the base (or top) and snipes a few people. No one is any the wiser that he's the dude on the team with the sniper until he starts shooting. On other maps where the sniper spawns in more perilous locations I agree with you more, but it seems like on a lot of BTB maps the sniper is in a location where you can pick it up and start killing, not much travel involved. I get your point though.

I also "get" your jetpack comment but the fact remains that I've yet to have any player, "hurr durr" or "with a brain" do much with a jetpack on the huge BTB maps. On the mid to small maps? Yeah, it's incredibly annoying, but my whole discussion was big team alone.

I'm not saying "keep jetpack!" or "keep invis!" by any means, I'm just noting how I have been affected by it in my playtime with Halo 4. Others (obviously) have different stories. It wouldn't kill me if they were removed though.

Disregarding the fact that you're apparently nonplussed about the situation one way or the other, I'll continue down this road.

Any team worth their salt (or individual or whatever) on Valhalla/Ragnarok is going to want to hold the center area of the map and keep the enemy pinned. If you push too far they will start spawning behind you. So unless you're playing against a brainless statwhore who sits at the base and waits on snipe spawns all game long, they're pushing for a better position with/in-support-of their team. So let's go with an example scenario. Let's stick with camo.

Guy spawns, sprints to snipe, sprints to the flat rock (assuming the dominant side of the map), activates camo, and is not even visible while helping the team secure top center control. Then they can move to the downed pelican, re-camo, and have an awesome view of your whole side of the map. If they're feeling more ballsy or bored, they move top mid/turret to mix it up. Let's say they run out of sniper. Even assuming that they didn't get ordnance to suplement, they can literally sneak all the way to your base and steal your new one, which should be spawning by now. This is over simplified, obviously, but let's not forget that this entire time, there are 7 other people that you may or may not be able to see (god-forbid you run into one of the all-camo teams) are also shooting you with DMRs, banshee, warthog, ghost, FUCKING BINARY RIFLES, beam rifles, mantis, everything. Again, half-competent team, you try to take on the sniper guy alone, you're fucked. If it's a coordinated effort, you've taken people away from establishing control just to kill one guy because he's preventing you from doing anything else and you continue to dig your deficit.

The likelihood of someone on this team NOT getting a sniper-type ordnance is outrageously low, so once they have control, thanks in part to severely stupid AAs, you're F'd in the A.

I've gotten perfections on that map thanks to sniper+camo.
That's the problem, if you know how to use these stupid AA's you get a ridiculous advantage.



I'm still mashing my way through Ocarina of Time. Never beat it, and playing it now it's a tad confusing. Obviously I don't want it to hold my hand, but some of those dungeons expect you to just know things, and I have no idea how you'd come to that conclusion.

I got to the water temple about 4 months ago and then stopped playing. I'm afraid to go back because i'll have no idea what i'm doing.


Huh, it'd be interesting to see that happen. Camo hides you, but shooting a sniper still gives you away. I'd have been over there with a Banshee/Ghost to find you.

Again, nope.
Use camo, peak, shoot, camo back in.
1 shot, you don't know where from.

I kill someone, move to another spot.


Me = Win.

You = Clueless.
Good snipers don't stay in one position, and they don't give you a chance to see where they sniped you from. Even if you saw the trail, they're not there anymore.

This is assuming you're going 1on1 with the sniper too. There are 7 other guys who will likely be stealing your attention while the sniper is repositioning. The chances of being able to grab a vehicle or a sniper to counter at this point are slim. It's a definite spawn trap made 10x easier with AAs and ordnance.

Repeat that: features designed to help lesser skilled players instead make it easier for more skilled players to dominate

I always used to say Valhalla would be ruined if there was a Camo powerup on it. Now you can spawn with Camo.

I must be super LTTP. I thought they didn't support API anymore?

Did we just become best friends?!


Fate had us meet as foes...
Game mechanics should be built around the meta game of good players. If they can't abuse it or break it, then chances are nobody else will be able to. Of course you still get opinions and feedback from everyone else; however, the ones with more experience and understanding of the way things work have more weight to their assessments. That's just life.

It bothers me that Halo players in particular are so in denial of this. "Oh it's just a game. You didn't make it so you're no more right or wrong than I am". Yes, it's a video game, but just playing it doesn't provide you with an understanding of its intricacies.

Some players are not going to see the problem with a certain spawn or a certain weapon. Some aren't going to notice Line of Sight disadvantages or spots that would unbalance a map. They see the Boltshot and say "it's not a problem" or they see an ability and say "Everyone can use it, so it's balanced".

It's because of this that we're stuck unable to provide fixes to these things before they become growing issues. It's like, we have to prove that they are problems instead of test and account for the possibility. That's a poor practice.

Did we just become best friends?!

Sorry but nope.

No one knew where I was, ever. So you wouldn't get me.

Even IF I saw a group trying to get me, I'd camo away back into a group of teammates and you wouldn't touch me.

This can be done in any other map, any other gametype.

Exactly. You kill one or two people, reposition, coordinate with your team, rinse, repeat.

EDIT: I feel this is really simple basic stuff for anyone with decent MP Halo experience. Like, this isn't even tricky to pull off or anything. Perhaps that's why this argument always bugs me so much, especially in communities with "veterans".

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ex, Gui, I fully get your point, but you're talking about how the game is supposed to be played when using AAs and how decent players would play it. I'm talking about what I see every day when playing it. A lot probably stems from going in alone, I know this, so I'm not contradicting your points, because they are correct. When I play though, the AAs do little to help the enemy team because I rarely get matched up with a group playing as a team.

Sniper spawns, dude waiting there with camo grabs it. Shoots it off, goes back down and camps for it to spawn again. No pushing the hill, no moving around the map, just selfish me versus all mentality.

I think we're talking about the exact same thing just from different views. We've found out that if you have a competent team it's easy to win in BTB, using AAs like camo make it even easier yet, but 90% of the time I have no competent team, nor am I playing against one. It's pretty much lone wolves, but you don't shoot the other blue guys. In my scenario, AAs like camo matter very little, because 90% of the people on my team or that I play against cannot use them to their full potential, or do but make other mistakes like sniping from the same spot the whole round.

So we're essentially saying the same thing. A good "team" is going to do well, a good team that can use AAs properly is going to do even better, but if you're in with all randoms it's generally a crap-chute in which no one knows how to use the AA to the fullest.

So yes, I want camo/jetpack, etc. removed overall, but from my time in BTB I don't find them as infuriating as I do in other, smaller, playlists.

I hope that makes some kind of sense. I'm agreeing with you guys. Just more pointing out my personal experience and not "how it's supposed to work if you have a good team and smart people."

EDIT: I feel this is really simple basic stuff for anyone with decent MP Halo experience. Like, this isn't even tricky to pull off or anything. Perhaps that's why this argument always bugs me so much, especially in communities with "veterans".

It is simple, we're just talking about it in two entirely different scenarios I believe. I know how to snipe, and do it well. Generally you just don't get matched with or against others that do unless you party up. Also, obviously, Gui's method (the correct method) isn't 100% fool-proof. You can be killed still, but you'll do better than the average player if you have any knowledge. The question comes in when someone just as good comes to hunt you down. Then you get a camo v camo showdown or something ridiculous.

Note: I also agree with this 100%
"Game mechanics should be built around the meta game of good players. If they can't abuse it or break it, then chances are nobody else will be able to."

tl;dr This whole thing just depends on the people you play with and against. Get rid of camo, get rid of jetpack, get rid of boltshot and PP in loadouts.
Again, nope.
Use camo, peak, shoot, camo back in.
1 shot, you don't know where from.

I kill someone, move to another spot.


Me = Win.

You = Clueless.
Yep, even kill cam is pretty useless in this regard. Any good sniper will reposition, and with the bullshit perks of radar while scoped, stealth, and/or faster AA recharge, you'll never find a camo sniper if s/he's remotely smart.

Camo AA is a hateful, putrid thing that should have never been introduced as a persistent ability. Hell, personal loadouts as a whole need to be banished from matchmaking. Pair a playlist or gametype with a small selection of preset loadouts, fine. Just put some actual thought into what they are and how they may or may not affect the gametype that it's added to. It doesn't seem like it would be terribly complicated, but Bungie couldn't figure it out and 343 went the wrong way with letting players choose the most abusive shit to ruin as much of the experience as possible for most other players.
Wow. Okay?

- Guns in the Assault class are more OP than any other installment.
- The Defibrillator and Medkits needs to be cut from Assault and put into a Medic class, like every other BF game.
- Grenade launchers make Engineers more useless and can even be more effective at times.

It's almost like DICE is experimenting with Assault to see if they even want classes anymore. Part of the Battlefield experience is constantly changing your classes to adjust for what's happening in-game. There is now a weapon for everything in the Assault class to help with all situations, not just man-to-man combat like before.

All sorts of levels of wild disagreement. Classes in BF3 are hands down the best of the series in my opinion.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm on the every-other year PAX schedule. I'm hoping Halo 5 (or 2 Anniversary) is next year for my visit. Get Frank to buy us some shots again. :p
I don't like them handed to me, but if offered I'll take it. But it does allow a weaker player (me) to perform better, as long as you know and don't push your limits. Of course, it's highly unlikely that I'll come top in a match, but that's not why i play multiplayer.

An example of how Ordnace and AAs assist my performance is on Ragnarock. Most players on the teams that I've played with don't, for some reason, head for the sniper rifle. So I grab it, push forward of the structure and utilise the rocks as cover before repeatedly deploying the auto sentry. Long range targets fall to the sniper rifle. near targets fall to a combination of auto sentry and BR/AR or whatever weapon the ordnance drop blesses me with. But if I push beyond the central hill, opening up many avenues and lines of fire, I die quickly.

Previous Halo games forced me to move forward, which was sometimes a good thing. Other times it wasn't.

The fact your strategy is so easy and so many people do it online is a huge problem I have with halo 4 and reach.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
LOL no. FIFA tonight? Booties? Biggy?

Or League of Legends? U4ix?

Do you now hate Halo 4 Heckfu? Whyyyyyyyy.

I need to play FIFA with other people sometime, but I'm terrible at it. I also got a free DOTA2 key (as did a ton of people) I just have no idea if I want to fall down that hole.


Do you now hate Halo 4 Heckfu? Whyyyyyyyy.

I need to play FIFA with other people sometime, but I'm terrible at it. I also got a free DOTA2 key (as did a ton of people) I just have no idea if I want to fall down that hole.

Don't hate Halo 4 at all, just branching out a bit.

Also, is your DOTA key for Mac? I'll trade you your life for it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Don't hate Halo 4 at all, just branching out a bit.

Also, is your DOTA key for Mac? I'll trade you your life for it.

Is DOTA 2 even on Mac? I was going to throw it on a laptop running Win 7 I have. It'd be nice if they made a Mac version sometime. I check the Steam store weekly for Mac games and leave disappointed. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm is my latest Mac game purchase. Runs well even on my 2012 Air.


Is DOTA 2 even on Mac? I was going to throw it on a laptop running Win 7 I have. It'd be nice if they made a Mac version sometime. I check the Steam store weekly for Mac games and leave disappointed. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm is my latest Mac game purchase. Runs well even on my 2012 Air.
I imagine there will be a Mac version but sadly there isn't yet for the beta. Makes me sad, got excited to get a key and then realized I couldn't do shit with it.

HotS won't play on my pre-unibody 2008 MBP--graphics card is too old.
ON TOPIC - Another HaloGaf party tonight? Ex, will you be on a bit sooner/ready to play? Warher? Demon? 36? Etc.
Perhaps. I need to go grocery shopping after work and do some laundry. Maybe 8PM MST?

LOL no. FIFA tonight? Booties? Biggy?

Or League of Legends? U4ix?

misterbuggy he don't play gaems

Ex, Gui, I fully get your point, etc etc yada yada

If you're agreeing, then I don't see the other points you tried to make. Are you seriously advocating that we should assume our opponents are stupid because (in your experience) that's often the case? You're literally not making a case with that derailment, man.
I should be on tonight.

As for Campaign. I did the LASO challenge thing and got the Laso emblem and the 50k exp or whatever it was. Really wasn't as hard as Reach. Promethean Knights with Binary Rifles and Incineration cannons were a swift kick in the dick...

Over and over again.

Wont be doing that ever again.

willow ve

So I was watching the new Nostalgia Critic episode and the part at 11:57 kind of reminded me of Halo 4's focus group stuff on wanting to make it more "accessible" and why focus groups are the worst thing in the world for anything in general.
Focus groups don't work because they either compromise the artistic vision or skew results toward the wrong demographic/target audience. In gaming, what you need is good playtesting.

Focus groups lead to the mistaken idea that "Halo fans really wanted a progression system"


343i Lead Esports Producer
Count me in for that Zelda.

I'll be getting my PAX ticket later. Either ebay or when someone drops on and sells on GAF. I'm not sweating it.
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