Ex, Gui, I fully get your point, but you're talking about how the game is supposed to be played when using AAs and how decent players would play it. I'm talking about what I see every day when playing it. A lot probably stems from going in alone, I know this, so I'm not contradicting your points, because they are correct. When I play though, the AAs do little to help the enemy team because I rarely get matched up with a group playing as a team.
Sniper spawns, dude waiting there with camo grabs it. Shoots it off, goes back down and camps for it to spawn again. No pushing the hill, no moving around the map, just selfish me versus all mentality.
I think we're talking about the exact same thing just from different views. We've found out that if you have a competent team it's easy to win in BTB, using AAs like camo make it even easier yet, but 90% of the time I have no competent team, nor am I playing against one. It's pretty much lone wolves, but you don't shoot the other blue guys. In my scenario, AAs like camo matter very little, because 90% of the people on my team or that I play against cannot use them to their full potential, or do but make other mistakes like sniping from the same spot the whole round.
So we're essentially saying the same thing. A good "team" is going to do well, a good team that can use AAs properly is going to do even better, but if you're in with all randoms it's generally a crap-chute in which no one knows how to use the AA to the fullest.
So yes, I want camo/jetpack, etc. removed overall, but from my time in BTB I don't find them as infuriating as I do in other, smaller, playlists.
I hope that makes some kind of sense. I'm agreeing with you guys. Just more pointing out my personal experience and not "how it's supposed to work if you have a good team and smart people."
EDIT: I feel this is really simple basic stuff for anyone with decent MP Halo experience. Like, this isn't even tricky to pull off or anything. Perhaps that's why this argument always bugs me so much, especially in communities with "veterans".
It is simple, we're just talking about it in two entirely different scenarios I believe. I know how to snipe, and do it well. Generally you just don't get matched with or against others that do unless you party up. Also, obviously, Gui's method (the correct method) isn't 100% fool-proof. You can be killed still, but you'll do better than the average player if you have any knowledge. The question comes in when someone just as good comes to hunt you down. Then you get a camo v camo showdown or something ridiculous.
Note: I also agree with this 100%
"Game mechanics should be built around the meta game of good players. If they can't abuse it or break it, then chances are nobody else will be able to."
tl;dr This whole thing just depends on the people you play with and against. Get rid of camo, get rid of jetpack, get rid of boltshot and PP in loadouts.