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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Actually I'm gonna join and be on the enemy team. HaloGAF prepared to get stomped.

At the very least, I hope to ruin some of your killing sprees :p

EDIT: Apparently joining a game your friends are in-mid progress of doesn't actually put you in the game, but just ques you to join... what? Why. :|
I napped and then worked out and got wired as fuck somehow. I'm gonna make spicy ketchup and shower but then I'm joining you fools. There are some internet cunts I need to destroy.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
never forget plywood choke


Oh come the fuck on :(

Tunavi/Rev3rb/other Texan gaffers, you guys aren't close to this, right? Apparently toxic fumes are spreading
Luckily it's in a pretty small town, named West. I doubt any Texan gaffers are close. At least I hope not.

I'm not affected by it.

And speedy dude, there are 100+ in the hospital atm. A sad week indeed.
Since when is this map playable in Matchmaking?

Wow... this week is just depressing :/ I hope no-one died in that and the building and surrounding area was evacuated.

Apparently 60 to 70 people died in the explosion. :(

BTW, is the BTB crew going to be playing much longer? I would like to at least get a few games in before everyone bails.


Luckily it's in a pretty small town, named West. I doubt any Texan gaffers are close. At least I hope not.

I'm not affected by it.

Glad to hear you're all right. There's conflicting reports; some are saying 60 dead+ 100 injuries, some are saying no deaths. Apparently they're trying to evacuate, as a second explosion may occur.

This has been just the worst week.


So Boston bombing, Ricin in envelopes, this explosion,
Stephen Curry breaking the NBA record for most 3's in a season
, and let's not forget about the North Korea thing. Been a very weird and sad week and it's not even over yet.
And speedy dude, there are 100+ in the hospital atm. A sad week indeed.

Apparently 60 to 70 people died in the explosion. :(

:/ My god this week is so depressing. It's so sad. I really hope the daughter in the video is okay. I really hope those injured survive and end up okay as well. My condolence to those dead and the affected friends and family.

Such a sad week...

So Boston bombing, Ricin in envelopes, this explosion,
Stephen Curry breaking the NBA record for most 3's in a season
, and let's not forget about the North Korea thing. Been a very weird and sad week and it's not even over yet.

There was also an Earthquake in Iran and Pakistan killing many and leaving many homeless. :/ Seriously a terrible week.


I like what they're saying about the BR and the Carbine, as well as the automatic weapons. But...

At this time, we have adjusted the range at which the reticle turns red to match the DMR.
I don't think this is the right answer to solving the Light Rifle's problem. Being able to reach out and touch someone across the map with the same kind of ease as the DMR is a problem; pushing another weapon out into that range niche is only giving people another option to be obnoxious. A little alarming that nothing was said about the DMR's aim assist at range - if they had mentioned that and matching the Light Rifle's behavior with that, sure, fine, sounds good. Escalating another weapon into that territory doesn't seem like a great idea. I don't want those weapons to be weaker, but if they're going to be as powerful as they are they should be harder to use, which is something that they definitely are not (and which is something that this change is actively going against by making the powerful Light Rifle easier to use). A reverse of the weapons, removing aim assist range from the DMR to match the Light Rifle? Great! Weapon's still powerful, but you can't point and click from a stupidly long range and get a free kill. Yes, the DMR "has become a clear favorite amongst the community due to its reliability and consistency" but how much of that is because of how much more powerful it is than the other rifles?

Lastly, as we’ve mentioned in the past, we understand the need for viable and effective vehicles in Halo multiplayer, and as a result, we’re looking at bumping up the damage on both the Warthog and the Mantis chain gun.
And I know that this is definitely not the right answer to solving the problem of vehicle viability. The kill times for those vehicle weapons are fine, and they were fine in Reach. The problem with the vehicles in both 4 and Reach isn't their damage output, it's their longevity. A percent buff to the chaingun isn't going to stop an EMP and two plasma grenades from showing up on your doorstep, at least not for a noteworthy amount of time. I don't want to end up in a situation where they feel compelled to morph decently balanced vehicle weapons into something like Halo 3's overpowered chaingun just to combat stupid loadout decisions. And frankly, the survivability of the Mantis in particular is fine. It's really difficult to take one down if it has a competent driver. I don't think it needs any buffs at all (in part because its health system behaves reasonably similar to the old vehicle/shield tether!).


4sk BR? Philosophy not to nerf DMR but to buff weaker weapons to lead to increased kill times?

halo. coming back.
Even more damage and more aim assist at long range in Halo 4, a game with Reach levels of sluggish movement.

Map flow will break down even more.

I'm okay with fast kill times, but seriously, they don't work in a run-and-gun game where you barely have to try to hit stuff.
On the plus side, AR aim assist decrease! One step in the right direction, sort of!


Thinks the Evil Empire is just misunderstood.
It's been fun swinging by Quinn's desk to try out the daily balance builds. Even though our test team regularly hands my ass to me.

Feels good man.
Apparently 60 to 70 people died in the explosion. :(

BTW, is the BTB crew going to be playing much longer? I would like to at least get a few games in before everyone bails.

You have a source for that?! (though it wouldn't surprise me given the magnitude of that blast - why anyone wouldn't run the hell away from a FERTILIZER plant on fire is beyond me though)
You have a source for that?! (though it wouldn't surprise me given the magnitude of that blast - why anyone wouldn't run the hell away from a FERTILIZER plant on fire is beyond me though)

I just read it in the thread in OT. I'll quote the post:

BULLETIN: @kwtx: RT @jayfhicks: Dr. George Smith, Director of West EMS: He believes there are 60 to 70 dead and hundreds injured.

I guess it was from Twitter. But there are many rumors flying around so I don't know what to believe.
A four shot BR is interesting! IDK though, it is a pretty easy gun to use. I hope they mess with the auto aim a bit.

I wonder if they are adjusting any of the armor abilities..
So from playing with you fine folks tonight (and 2 other games prior), my BTB CSR is now the following:


Yay ranks?

EDIT: Top page? Fuck.

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