Can I haz invite to Reach??
WTF, now the Reach party is full. I guess I'll just play BF3 or something lol.
There's always Halo 3.
Battle Rifle
Right now, we feel that the mid-range role of this weapon is undermined by the strength of the DMR. To combat this, we are looking at decreasing the kill time for the Battle Rifle through various tweaks. This means testing a 4-shot BR (currently, the Battle Rifle takes 5 bursts to kill) with a reduced rate of fire, though these changes are not final.
What's the point? Let's say it takes (it doesn't) 2 seconds to kill someone with a 5 shot BR, with a fast rate of fire, and it takes 2 seconds to kill someone with a 4 shot BR, with a slower rate of fire. It doesn't change anything.
Why not just nerf the damn DMR? Why is 343 so in love with that thing that they won't nerf a clearly broken and horrible weapon. DMR should just be removed, terrible, terrible weapon.
BR should also keep it's current rate of fire and just be changed to a 4 shot.
When did they say anything about lowering the ROF?
Battle Rifle
Right now, we feel that the mid-range role of this weapon is undermined by the strength of the DMR. To combat this, we are looking at decreasing the kill time for the Battle Rifle through various tweaks. This means testing a 4-shot BR (currently, the Battle Rifle takes 5 bursts to kill) with a reduced rate of fire, though these changes are not final.
Reduced Rate of Fire means lowering the Rate of Fire, no?
lol. It's so true.Why is this thread your personal Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/Blog/Vine/Tumblr?
Simply changing damage so that it's 4-burst rather than 5-burst could imply a HUGE change in kill time. Offset that a bit with a slightly slower RoF, and you could still have a weapon that kills faster than the old one. Considering that the other non-DMR utility weapons are all receiving strict buffs, I'm betting the BR will ultimately be more powerful than the old one.Oh my bad. That doesn't make sense to me.
Simply changing damage so that it's 4-burst rather than 5-burst could imply a HUGE change in kill time. Offset that a bit with a slightly slower RoF, and you could still have a weapon that kills faster than the old one. Considering that the other non-DMR utility weapons are all receiving strict buffs, I'm betting the BR will ultimately be more powerful than the old one.
Big whoop, everyone will just still use the DMR. That part is still OP, needs an aim assist nerf.
I guess it depends on how much they lower it. But will it even be noticeable?
4sk BR? Philosophy not to nerf DMR but to buff weaker weapons to lead to increased kill times?
halo. coming back.
Reach still sucks.
Bloom and the AA's Blehhhhhh And those nades.
No those games were good, you are just rusty. Try pacing the shots.
You guys got next spots.
juices you are fucked up in the head
haha seriouslyWhy is this thread your personal Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/Blog/Vine/Tumblr?
I need you in my life. Everyone in this party talks too much and goes neg 10.
shoutouts to jonhywhatever keep the good lurking upi literally dont want to see you post
thanks for the games, y'all. i was pretty bad/rusty (partially blame bloom) but it was fun anyhow.
Like what?To me sooo many Halo 4 maps would play brilliantly as one sided CTF.
Like what?