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Halo |OT16| Oh Bungie, Where Art Thou?

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Paul O' Grady is the biggest dick.

Or perhaps has the biggest dick...

Who knows.

If you get a headshot with the Incineration Cannon, the explosion should be infinite (explosions release explosions release explosions) until they kill 5 other people.


So the DMR being a nearly game breaking weapon because of its ability to accurately and easily 5 shot people across any halo map... And we're making the weapons like the LR just as good?

I think a buffed BR and everything would be nice but PLEASE reduce red reticle distance and/or autoaim on the mini sniper
I finally managed to get a super high res ver of the Halo Reach ranks

Nice find! Using it for my Twitter Avatar. Thnx & Kudos =)
And about weapon tuneups, I'm not questionable as much for the Precision Rifles, but more on the "slightly" buffed Assault Rifles & Vehicles Chain Guns.

How much exactly are they being buffed?

Any plans on tuning AA's like Camo & Jetpack? More on Camo for a nerf.

Perhaps nerfing the Incinerator Cannon to lock-on targets before firing?


So the DMR being a nearly game breaking weapon because of its ability to accurately and easily 5 shot people across any halo map... And we're making the weapons like the LR just as good?

I think a buffed BR and everything would be nice but PLEASE reduce red reticle distance and/or autoaim on the mini sniper
Exactly. Easiest method of all time for rebalancing the DMR.
DMR needs the aim assist reduced. It doesn't matter that the other weapons become more powerful, the DMR can still ping with ease from long distances. That + no de-scoping makes it incredibly powerful. FFS they even reduced the auto-aim on the automatic weapons because they got a buff.

More powerful chainguns doesn't change the fact people can spawn with plasma pistols and plasma grenades. Vehicles are still deathtraps in my book.

At least the BR has potential to be a 4-shot again
343 before launch: "The BR is better for short to mid range, while the DMR is better for long range. The BR will be superior to the DMR close to mid, and DMR superior at long.

Reality: DMR>All regardless of Range.
Auto Aim and Bullet Magnetism are the issues. It should have somewhat sniper-like auto aim so it is actually difficult to use. They wont need to change anything else at that point.

343 before launch: "The BR is better for short to mid range, while the DMR is better for long range. The BR will be superior to the DMR close to mid, and DMR superior at long.

Reality: DMR>All regardless of Range.

I recall saying this before launch...

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
343 before launch: "The BR is better for short to mid range, while the DMR is better for long range. The BR will be superior to the DMR close to mid, and DMR superior at long.

Reality: DMR>All regardless of Range.

I still feel the BR is better at mid range, but that may just be based on the skill of the shooter and enemy. DMR destroys at long range, but the BR seems to do well at mid. I'm all for this 4 shot BR though, and buffing my LR and Carbine!

willow ve

I still feel the BR is better at mid range, but that may just be based on the skill of the shooter and enemy. DMR destroys at long range, but the BR seems to do well at mid. I'm all for this 4 shot BR though, and buffing my LR and Carbine!
The BR performs adequately on very small maps. Of which there are almost none in the game. Even Haven is big enough to see the DMR has an advantage in most shooting lanes.
I still feel the BR is better at mid range, but that may just be based on the skill of the shooter and enemy. DMR destroys at long range, but the BR seems to do well at mid. I'm all for this 4 shot BR though, and buffing my LR and Carbine!
DMR has a higher RoF than the BR. I thought this was wrong at first but watched videos to see their comparisons. Did some tests and it is slightly faster.

Carbines Folyfe
Sigh. Every time I get frustrated with 343, something comes along to remind me how awesome they are.

Come on, you guys! I'm no fan of rollercoasters >.>

I wouldn't go so far as to say the tweaks are awesome, just a large step in the right direction :p

it could be TU BETA SLAYER all over again!

Oh no, it was just a PM from them I hadn't checked yet.

The changes are definitely a step in the right direction though, but I just really would like to see them tackle the truly pressing issues first.


Sigh. Every time I get frustrated with 343, something comes along to remind me how awesome they are.

Come on, you guys! I'm no fan of rollercoasters >.>

I wouldn't go so far as to say the tweaks are awesome, just a large step in the right direction :p

it could be TU BETA SLAYER all over again!
You really don't have to be a dick about it you know. I do appreciate you clarifying.

I'm sorry? Is this better?


I still feel the BR is better at mid range, but that may just be based on the skill of the shooter and enemy.

Judging by that ExWife v HaloGAF's 2nd-String game, I'd have to agree :)

Please don't start a .gif battle. I'm at work and can't compete.
Just thinking out loud here, but would you guys be fine with reskinning particular campaign weapons so that they're more identifiable in Multiplayer?

For example, let's say in Campaign all the Promethean weapons are orange, while in multiplayer they're tweaked to display separate colors.
I still feel the BR is better at mid range, but that may just be based on the skill of the shooter and enemy. DMR destroys at long range, but the BR seems to do well at mid. I'm all for this 4 shot BR though, and buffing my LR and Carbine!
I don't think so, the DMR user has to be bad for the BR user to kill him in a fair gun fight. Like, both encounter and start shooting each other at the same time, with full shields, DMR will win unless he misses shots.

BR being 4 shot with it's current rate of fire would make them equal at least.

Sorry to bring WWE up, but I feel like the DMR is John Cena while the BR is CM Punk. :p

The DMR is the "most popular" and top of the food chain, even though everyone dislikes it, and the DMR is always "lolDMRWins'.

The BR is the most popular and loved by hardcore/real fans (people begging for it back after Reach removed it) and the BR is the best (for competitive play) and while people want it to be on Top, it won't ever be. And it'll never beat the DMR clean, it always has to win dirty (missed shots/first 2 bullets shot)

Halo CE Pistol is Daniel Bryan, the best ever and everyone loved it and wants it back.

Just thinking out loud here, but would you guys be fine with reskinning particular campaign weapons so that they're more identifiable in Multiplayer?

For example, let's say in Campaign all the Promethean weapons are orange, while in multiplayer they're tweaked to display separate colors.

I see where you're going, but that could lead to a bit of inconsistency and end up confusing us more.

What I feel is the issue (at least if I'm following you right) is that the designs aren't unique enough. It's difficult to distinguish a BiRi from an LR on the floor from a distance. I think that's more to do with their physical shape and less with their colors, though Grey and Orange definitely could be expanded upon.

Halo CE Pistol is Daniel Bryan, the best ever and everyone loved it and wants it back.

Pistol >>>

That's the point! Let it be Reach's gun.

Remember kids, pace your shots and drink your Ovaltine.

What happens in Reach should stay in Reach.
Halo 4 weapons that need to make it to Halo 5:

4 shot BR
Carbine that isn't useless (replaceable with Needle Rifle)
Assault Rifle for Tradition (well... 343 doesn't care for tradition... So... Bye AR! Nah, AR can be in for Campaign, keep it out of Multiplayer.
Plasma Pistol (on map pick up)
Sniper Rifle
Energy Sword
Rocket Launcher
Binary Rifle (with less autoaim)

Grenade Launcher
I don't like the automatics getting a buff. You are just rewarding the jetpackers and camo fuckers. Yes I know they nerfed camo but not really. When I run down a corridor on Haven and they guy is invisible if he starts firing and auto weapon I have no chance. Especially since stopping power slows my movement the second I take damage.

How about increase strafe speed and reduce stopping power?


Easy way out in my opinion. Why fix numerous things when you can fix two! The only good thing that can come of this is that people feel more brave with the Mantis and move about the map a bit more instead of camping with it, but they'll soon learn that the Plasma Pistol users will poop on them and they will go back to camping... Except this time they'll have a more powerful chaingun to do it with.

RIP in peace BTB.
You take away the personal loadouts, and the vehicles work pretty well. No one is going to get maul a Warthog on spawn with three EMP shots at first glance. Mantis is probably too powerful as is without having such an unnecessary amount of anti-vehicular weapons on the map (it being more of a defensive vehicle rather than offense is ok; now it's going to do even more). I'd personally ditch it under regular settings; it's a powerful machine without getting EMP spammed. Keep the Warthog, Ghost, and Wraith. These changes are just increasing the strength of these guns to counter the awful loadouts, which isn't really going to solve anything.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Judging by that ExWife v HaloGAF's 2nd-String game, I'd have to agree :)

Please don't start a .gif battle. I'm at work and can't compete.

We felt bad that you had to play with scrubs, so we let you win.

I'll be on tonight again. Hopefully I play better than I did to end last night.
I don't like the automatics getting a buff. You are just rewarding the jetpackers and camo fuckers. Yes I know they nerfed camo but not really. When I run down a corridor on Haven and they guy is invisible if he starts firing and auto weapon I have no chance. Especially since stopping power slows my movement the second I take damage.

How about increase strafe speed and reduce stopping power?
... They nerfed camo? When? :|

I'm not joking either


Grenade Launcher vs Sticky Detonator

I think the Sticky Detonator is ok, but the Launcher's ability to get in tight corners is what I'm sure people loved the most. Another is the Plasma Launcher instead of the Spartan Laser (or Incineration Cannon, whichever).

There was finally a good anti-vehicle weapon that wasn't grossly overpowered and took a charge up. Enemies had an opportunity to avoid the shots and they still ditched it. Keep the Laser, FRG, and brought in Promethean weapon that was equivalent to the Rockets but with an even bigger splash damage.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
People like you are why we have so many redundant weapons in halo 4.

I don't necessarily see the Sticky Detonator and Grenade Launcher as redundant weapons. The Detonator doesn't have any kind of explode on impact mode. It's more of a "shoot and camp" weapon whereas the Launcher is an "on the fly" weapon. They kind of serve different purposes.

Still, get rid of the Boltshot.

I really wish I could use the BR in MP. I use it in Spops and it's awesome. I genuinely love how it looks in this game, especially with the Arctic skin.

Why can't you use it? A lot of us use it and it works well (even better once the 4sk update is applied). Only time I switch to DMR is on a map with huuuuuge sightlines.
I really wish I could use the BR in MP. I use it in Spops and it's awesome. I genuinely love how it looks in this game, especially with the Arctic skin.

Why can't you use it? A lot of us use it and it works well (even better once the 4sk update is applied). Only time I switch to DMR is on a map with huuuuuge sightlines.

Cuz I'm bad

For some reason I get destroyed by BRs, and I still get destroyed when I use it. I was never good with it in H2/H3 either.

I'm no fan of the DMR, but it's the only gun I can use >.>
I don't necessarily see the Sticky Detonator and Grenade Launcher as redundant weapons. The Detonator doesn't have any kind of explode on impact mode. It's more of a "shoot and camp" weapon whereas the Launcher is an "on the fly" weapon.

Ummm...The launcher served both of these purposes and with more skill, finesse, and fun.
Maybe the GL wouldn't have been a niche weapon in Reach if they kept its beta property of exploding on enemy impact regardless of range.

Whatever, Reach had a lot of bad things but that GL was a thing of beauty. It even looks better than the sticky launcher.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ummm...The launcher served both of these purposes and with more skill, finesse, and fun.

Yeah, it had the "hold and detonate mode" I guess. I like both though, I always used the Launcher more to bank nades off walls. I guess you could combine the two and add the mini radar to the Launcher and call it good?

Not sure about this, is the Detonator really all that much easier to use? The Launcher was pretty damn easy to kill with. Both are easy weapons to learn, you just have less options with the Detonator.
Yeah, it had the "hold and detonate mode" I guess. I like both though, I always used the Launcher more to bank nades off walls. I guess you could combine the two and add the mini radar to the Launcher and call it good?
little known fact the gl actually had a proximity display that would tell you when someone was in the radius of your grenade
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