Twilight Gap
I'm up for some BTB dongathon tonight as well. gamertag is the same as gaf name.
I'm up for some BTB dongathon tonight as well. gamertag is the same as gaf name.
What is this new devilry?
-B.G.: L0RD M0NG00SE, Bloodshotsole, & Ciraxx start goosing
-6/06/08: L0RD M0NG00SE, Bloodshotole, & Ciraxx release 'The Goosetage'. This is deemed the Sun God of all montages by lukems, a Bungie employee, and brings monriding (and brute launching) into the public eye. This is still considered the greatest and most popular goosetage of all time, as well as being the 1st. (A.G.)
The Arrival of Goosing
-8/02/08: Death by Mongoose is founded by DB5414 & Chuckles 555
-8/11/08: T3H Goose King, the creator of modern goosing and monsplattering, releases his 1st Mongoose Montage. He becomes the 1st Mr.Mowdown ever
-8/13/08: Death by Mongoose officially merges with two smaller mongoose groups, Mongoose League Gaming & Flaming Mongooses. The merge with Mongoose League Gaming brings T3H Goose King to DbM
-10/03/08: T3H Goose King releases his 2nd Mongoose Montage. He becomes the 1st ever Golden Goose by breaking 1000 mongoose splatters
-11/05/08: DbM acquires 100 members
-12/09/08: T3H Goose King releases his 3rd & Final Mongoose Montage
NOTE: Within the Arrival of Goosing, 4 more people attain the Golden Goose: FacepaIm, i like pie727, KSN Crack Lord, & Vengence000. FacepaIm (Canadian) is the 1st non-American to attain a Golden Goose
-2/02/09: T3H Goose King becomes the 1st gooser to reach 2000 mongoose splatters
-2/08/09: After the coming of the 2nd year of goosing, Nysco & iScotteh release 'Twisted Metal'. This goosetage is the 1st eminent goosetage since T3H Goose King, & brings back the ancient form of brute launching to the public eye
-2/20/09: i like pie727 releases his 1st Mongoose Splattering Montage
-2/28/09: i like pie727 becomes the 2nd gooser to reach 2000 mongoose splatters
-3/17/09: i like pie727 passes T3H Goose King for most splatters in the world, becoming the 2nd official Mr. Mowdown
-4/05/09: i like pie727 releases his 2nd Mongoose Splattering Montage
-4/11/09: The Skookumchuk becomes the 6th Golden Goose, followed a few hours later by Fladdermask, who becomes the 7th Golden Goose, both non-Americans (Canadian & Swedish). Here ends the Arrival of Goosing
The Golden (Goose) Age
-4/13/09: DbM acquires 500 members
-4/17/09 - 4/22/09: iTzSilverAndrew, Gone GOOSEN, xPeacemakerr, & LOLZMYGOOSEJUST all attain Golden Goose within a 5 day period, making there 11 Golden Gooses
-5/04/09: T3H Goose King officially retires from goosing, leaving behind a legacy as the 1st ever master of mongoose splatters
-5/11/09: i like pie727 becomes the 1st gooser to reach 3000 mongoose splatters
-5/30/09, 5/31/09: Gone GOOSEN becomes the 3rd gooser to reach 2000 mongoose splatters, the next day, BowlingMongoose becomes the 4th gooser to reach 2000 mongoose splatters
NOTE: BowlingMongoose would later become the 2nd gooser to reach 3000 mongoose splatters
-6/16/09: BowlingMongoose releases his 1st mongoose montage, 'Dead Flush'. Thise goosetage contains the most triple splatters ever, and BowlingMongoose currently has the most triple mongoose splatters in the world
-6/17/09: i like pie727 releases his 3rd Mongoose Splattering Montage
-7/07/09: The Wafflebrains brothers release their 1st goosetage, 'Goose on the Loose'. This is only the 3rd eminent goosetage to be focused on the Pregoosing form of monriding, Brute Launching
-7/23/09: BowlingMongoose passes i like pie727 for most mongoose splatters in the world, becoming the 3rd official Mr.Mowdown
-7/27/09: BowlingMongoose becomes the 1st gooser to reach 4000 splatters
-8/02/09: Death by Mongoose has its 1 year anniversary
-8/06/09: SPSM Productions releases 'Impact', a Goosetage featuring 3 goosers, SPSM Wetz, srefghab, & I AM SOO CLUTCH. It sets a record for most multi kill splatters in a goosetage. 34 double splatters, 1 triple splatter, 35 multi kill splatters total.
-8/07/09: i like pie727 becomes the 2nd gooser to reach 4000 splatters
-8/26/09: L0RD M0NG00SE & Erridon (Bloodshotsole) release their 2nd Goosetage. This is the sequel to their 1st goosetage, which was the 1st goosetage ever. It features almost exclusively brute launching material, & is among the best goosetages ever made.
-8/29/09: Death by Mongoose reaches the 1000 member plateau
The Age of the Double-Double
NOTE: This is an obscure age, marked not at a specific point of time, but the coinciding of amazing events. BowlingMongoose becomes the 1st gooser within DbM to obtain the elusive Overkill (a double double) Mongoose splatter. There are now around 50 goosers with 1000 Mongoose splatters, 10 goosers with 2000 Mongoose splatters, 4 goosers with 3000 Mongoose splatters, & 2 goosers with 4000 (another double double) Mongoose splatters.
- 9/13/09: The F. at .G. releases "Launched" - Halo 3 Goosetage. This goosetage features Schmitty0001 of the F. at .G., & the Wafflebrains brothers, arguably the best monriders and Brute Launchers ever. This goosetage is released on the channel Machinima, the largest gaming channel on YouTube. This goosetage features the best Brute Launching, monriding, & lucky splatters ever, & is by far the greatest milestone for goosing in the Halo world.
-10/03/09: analbumcover becomes only the 3rd gooser to break 4000 mongoose splatters, with over 3000 on an album coverX & 1000+ on his alternate account, UrbanTwisticle
-10/13/09: BowlingMongoose becomes the 1st gooser to break 5000 mongoose splatters.
-10/17/09: i like pie727 releases his 4th Mongoose Montage. Arguably his best to date, and possibly his final goosetage.
-10/28/09: The Wafflebrains brothers & Tropical PUNCH releasse 'Life in the Fast Lane', a dual-goosetage featuring mainly epic splattering, that would later make the Bungie Blog. This is Wafflebrains 3rd goosetage, Tropical PUNCH's 1st
-11/06/09: Death by Mongoose has it's 1st ever Goose Wars Tournament. This is the largest tournament to date, and the 1st successful one in nearly a year
-11/06/09: The Wafflebrains brothers release 'Saddle Up', a goosetage focused solely on epic monriding. This is their 4th & final goosetage, & one of their best
-11/13/09: analbumcover reaches 5000 mongoose splatters on joint accounts UrbanTwisticle & an album coverX. He is only the 2nd gooser to accomplish this feat
-9/02/10: BowlingMongoose releases his 2nd and final goosetage, 'Full Throttle', featuring the most triple splatters in a single goosetage, and the first ever overkill mongoose splatter in a goosetage. It is arguably one of the best goosetages ever, and definitely the best splatter-wise
-9/02/10: analbumcover passes BowlingMongoose for total monggose splatters, becoming the 4th Mr. Mowdown
Goosing in Halo is the act of using the Mongoose as an offensive vehicle. This means going for splatters using the Mongoose, or being a backseat rider and getting kills using weapons while on the back. I'll quote a huge wall from Death by Mongoose for you. I doubt most people will read it, and I don't blame you, but it explains the history of Goosing.
So, win.
Also, Ex, did you get the audio from the guy last night who accused us all of being in BTB "to pad our K/D?" That was one of the funniest moments I've had on Halo 4.
I never bought the notion of how stressful, tedious and enduring this process of testing changes are. Halo 1 and 2 were accidents and look at how loved that games still are; they hold up to this day.
Any tips for using the BR?
I've been using the DMR/Lightrifle since launch and It's really weird using the BR.
Seems that "true skill" finally caught up to us in the end last night. You know, after that 1000-50 win.
Also, Ex, did you get the audio from the guy last night who accused us all of being in BTB "to pad our K/D?" That was one of the funniest moments I've had on Halo 4.
That guy was awesome
Detonator takes much more skill to use because of longer reload time and it's inability to bounce, but it isn't even a tenth as fun to use as the pro pipe. The pro pipe was hands down the best thing about Reach and the best addition to the sandbox.
Detonator takes much more skill to use because of longer reload time and it's inability to bounce, but it isn't even a tenth as fun to use as the pro pipe. The pro pipe was hands down the best thing about Reach and the best addition to the sandbox.
I don't think the SD takes more skill, it just has a longer "between shot" time. If you fuck up shot one you can't shoot again right away.
I"m too old to worry about K/D, so I have that going for me. I just want a decently competitive match where people don't act like fucking assholes and jetpack/camo/PromVision all over the place. It doesn't happen much, but whenever I stop enjoying a certain playlist, I'll cleanse the palette with Action Sack.The problem I have is that I won't embrace this new fangled way to play Halo and when I come up against the puppy kickers, I get slapped.
Do you guys worry about your K/D ratio? Is it something you're conscious of whenever you play?
Shot positioning matters so much more. If you know how to bounce grenades (which you should at at least the lower competitive level), you already know how to make maximum use of the grenade launcher. These are transferable skills you should already have.Are. You. Kidding. Me?
Someone make a HaloGAF meme.
i'd rather play sword baise than any halo 4 map real talk
i'd rather play sword baise than any halo 4 map real talk
Also, good shit gag, fubar, rev3rb and whoever else contributed to those MONSTER HOG rides B] - We roll deep.
Shot positioning matters so much more.
Then I'm pretty sure these babbies can't aim the other guns too. There's some travel time, but seriously just point and shoot.It's pretty easy to be a doofus with the Sticky Detonator and get snuffed incorrectly timing a shot or misjudging distance. Think of all the players who get destroyed just trying to aim the damn thing.
Again, quit reloading and just shoot them. How is this any different than the GL? You missed, but maybe damaged them? Finish them off. Problem solved.Add this on top of the longer reload time and yeah, it's quite evident you need to put a lot more mental work into getting a kill with the detonator.
EDIT: On top of that, you probably can get at least 2 shots and chances to kill with the grenade launcher compared to the detonator when you're one and done because of the reload time. Not sure though, haven't played Reach in a while and I'm not willing to go back and check.
Extra players just form a second party and play CTF.Can you go into BTB with a party higher than 8? Like go in with 12 and have four people randomly get put on the other team every game? We had so many people waiting to join in last night that it makes me wonder if we could do that to keep everyone interested and in the game together.
EDIT: Forgot about that guy saying we were just padding our k/d ratio last night. That was hilarious.
Oh would you look at the time?
You'd play Sword Base over Haven? Really?
this is just your thread and we're living in it, huh?
Sword Base is the worst map in Halo. I'd rather play Chiron Oddball.
By over a 100 post margin, I'd say this is an accurate statement.
i'd rather play sword baise than any halo 4 map real talk
Sword Base is the worst map in Halo. I'd rather play Chiron Oddball.
Worst map in Halo is either Complex, Vortex, or the abominations that were 90% of Reach Forge maps.
edit: add in all the Crimson maps, too. So bad. I seriously cannot express how bad that map pack is.
this is just your thread and we're living in it, huh?
yep. haven is retarded midship
The forge maps in Reach were miserable. I would play Complex literally (literally) 1,000 times before I had to play any Reach forge map once.
Powerhouse is awesome; you shut your dirty mouth.And still better than any Reach map.
By over a 100 post margin, I'd say this is an accurate statement.
Even Asylum? That was the only one I really enjoyed. I preferred Over's remake, but Asylum was one of the better maps in Reach imo. Not really saying much, but still.
Powerhouse is awesome; you shut your dirty mouth.
Then again, everyone knows my love for asymmetrical maps. Except for Isolation.
Even Asylum? That was the only one I really enjoyed. I preferred Over's remake, but Asylum was one of the better maps in Reach imo. Not really saying much, but still.
Powerhouse is awesome; you shut your dirty mouth.
Then again, everyone knows my love for asymmetrical maps. Except for Isolation.
Halo Unity's Stat Tracker App.
Sorry =/ I'll notify(email) the devs about a windows app. version.@NobleGun dam No Windows Phone love