Anyone getting on later or on right now? I'd be down for anythin.
Thanks guys.
Honestly my whole thing going into this podcast as far topics and questions was that there are things about this game that we don't know about and we should know about them. It was really just trying to get some transparency from 343 which I feel has been sorely lacking.
I don't think you're coming off as a dick at all. I appreciate the honest feedback and thank you for the compliments.
That Classic question dodge really caught me off guard to be honest. That was probably the most awkward part in the entire interview for me. However, I'm not necessarily convinced that it's my fault for not getting the real answers out of Kevin and Frankie when maybe it just says something that they decided to answer that question in a joking manner. It's up to the listeners to decide what they thing about that and the entire podcast.
Wow. Just wow. This mission embodies everything Halo and is what the entire game should have been start to finish. I am pleasantly surprised with how awesome this was.
Apex always stood out to me from the very first screenshots of the new Spartan Ops chapters. It felt "uniquely Halo", and that impression solidified itself when I played on it for the first time. From the Scorpion rampage to the well-placed infantry action, all of the missions on Apex have just felt right.
And then I played this one. Again, just wow.
From the very beginning, I knew something was up. I saw the overturned Warthogs, the Spartans, and the downed Pelican. Memories of everything from Halo and Silent Cartographer to Uplift Reserve came to mind. From there, I packed a 'Hog with troops and we sped up the hill. We then met up with a Mongoose packed with a rocket guy on the back. Now this is pretty standard for any Halo, but the fact that these were Spartans sweetened the deal, since they couldn't die. And boy, they really didn't die. We charged up that hill blasting through Ghosts, Fuel Rod Elites and Shade Turrets just enjoying good old fashioned vehicle combat, and they took the brunt of it all without even slowing down. I thought to myself "this couldn't get any better".
And then it did. The mountain spread its legs and I saw this beautiful, wide open expanse of lush hills, along with dozens of Covenant waiting to die. It was a paradise for hoggin' action, and I smiled ear to ear. I was also surprised at how the high-adrenaline music kicked in to compliment it - one of the best usages of the soundtrack I've seen in this game. It set the mood for what would be among the most intense gameplay I've had in Halo since 2001.
My 'Goose team was right behind me as we jumped from hill to hill shooting anything that moved. And yea, I died a few times, but I'd respawn right into the heat of battle with my trusty BR. I'd duck behind cover dodging Ghosts and Elites, and then jump right back in the Warthog to continue my rampage. What set this level apart from every other one in Halo 4 was it was just fun for vehicle play. You weren't bumping into walls every minute, and the terrain wasn't flat.
We took down the shield generators and then we went indoors for some short but intense CQB combat. I went back outside after and saw a Spartan drive a Warthog up to me, as if he were a real player himself. Then I saw it - Phantoms and a Lich flying out over the horizon and above the battlefield. I honestly didn't think it could get any better even then. But we defeated the Covies, and the Lich decided to rest right at the base of a hill. Oh God, I'm flying a motherfucking Warthog onto this thing Halo 3 style.
And I did. I launced that pig right onto the deck and drove through surprised grunts on my way up. We stole that core and then I drove out... the wrong way I might add... but I'm sure it would have been just as epic had I landed back on the ground instead of out of the map.
So I spawned and sprinted to the Ghost, and then had a nice speed run all the way down. I guess the only thing that would have made this part better was a rock chasing me Indiana Jones style, but it was a nice break from the otherwise overly-chaotic version in the Campaign.
I don't know how they did it or why they waited so long to, but 343/CA or whoever managed to make one of - if not the best - experiences I've ever had in Halo. Period. The best bits about each game - Halo CE's wide open expanses, Halo 2's Ghost battles, Halo 3's epic vehicle combat, and ODST and Reach's allied support - were all wrapped into one nice package in just 25 minutes.
Apex was already good, but this is a perfect 10. Congratulations Halo 4 - I have a reason to keep you in my Xbox. If only I could have captured this in Theater...
It's easily the best part of SpOps.Wow. Just wow. This mission embodies everything Halo and is what the entire game should have been start to finish. I am pleasantly surprised with how awesome this was.
Also liked the podcast, but I have to agree.
Bravo gave the best respones, but I expected this, don't know why Frank and Kevin have this shtick.
And yeah the classic Halo question was also quite ... well it still doesn't paint them in good light for me, why not try to be serious about this, it is a subjective question and they could answer with their own serious opinion.
I really really hope the weapon balancing gives us some good stuff. Good Job Tashi.
Oh pleeeease. Dudes practically gave up a few hours of their day (especially since having to re-record) and aren't allowed to make a few jokes once in a while? Because if you're ignoring the very serious answers Frank and Kevin gave, you're just being willfully ignorant to support your opinion that you don't like what they've done.
well it still doesn't paint them in good light for me, why not try to be serious about this, it is a subjective question and they could answer with their own serious opinion.
It's easily the best part of SpOps.
Not perfect; the Liche's obvious reference to scarabs still gives it a bit of a sad vibe (they don't even let you try to jetpack to it, there's an invisible wall like 2 inches off the ground), and the Promethean combat is Halo 4 Promethean combat. But yeah, very good.
Am I the only one who noticed that the Apex mission with the Liche is an exact clone of the campaign mission Reclaimer.
Am I the only one who noticed that the Apex mission with the Liche is an exact clone of the campaign mission Reclaimer.
How do you mean? I know they felt similar, but I can only assume that's because the encounter itself was very similar to it's Reclaimer counterpart.
That's being very generous to Halo 4's explosion effects.Kaboom.
It's kind of neat, but it's a column forest that doesn't produce very interesting gameplay flow. Halo 2's scarab has far more focused encounter design, and both 2 and 3 have meaningful interactions between people on scarab and people off scarab. In gameplay terms, it kind of feels like an isolated group of okay rooms compared with what Halo's 2 and 3 do.I think the interior is a bit cooler than Scarabs at least.
Anyone wanna play in about 20-30 min? I'm cool with anything, co-op, matchmaking, or custom. GT is Nightmare22m.
So how did I do in the interview?
Anyone wanna play in about 20-30 min? I'm cool with anything, co-op, matchmaking, or custom. GT is Nightmare22m.
The one night where I've got nothing going on and no one is even playing. Hmmph!
I would get on if we could get at least 2 people to join us.
The best part is another local lan center is bashing them.
The best part is another local lan center is bashing them.
P.S. On a personal note, me the owner Andy Kauffman, have also lost my wife to the whole situation. Long hours, no money and then being completely unavailable trying to run AGL, she wants a divorce and being that we have a 18 month old son, it only adds to the stress. Also, all but 2 of my employees have quit because either they couldn't handle the stress of the event or they are due money we just can't pay now.
Setting up a LAN tournament and some financial difficulty leads to a divorce?
Ehhh no. Your relationship had serious flaws if that was all it took.
Are you serious? One of the best experiences you've ever had in a Halo game? One slightly better than average Spartan Ops mission (which doesn't say much as the average SO mission was bad... and it also still suffers from most of the same problems with SO) and you have a reason to keep the game in your Xbox?
Thanks for the kind words havok. I found out last minute I was doing it and finished it as tornados were rolling through my city lol.
Felt sorry for you when that Dorito/MtnDew joke went further south than you're used to being. It was a really funny joke.
Just played ODST FF for over 2 hours, 4 player Lan. I forgot that Halo used to be really fucking fun. Good times.
Best version of Firefight.
Just played ODST FF for over 2 hours, 4 player Lan. I forgot that Halo used to be really fucking fun. Good times.
Flying out to Jamaica today on 4/20 - brownies on the plane?
Flying out to Jamaica today on 4/20 - brownies on the plane?
Wow. Just wow. This mission embodies everything Halo and is what the entire game should have been start to finish. Spartan Ops has been mostly mediocre thus far, but I am pleasantly surprised with how awesome this was.
Apex always stood out to me from the very first screenshots of the new Spartan Ops chapters. It felt "uniquely Halo", and that impression solidified itself when I played on it for the first time. From the Scorpion rampage to the well-placed infantry action, all of the missions on Apex have just felt right.
And then I played this one. Again, just wow.
From the very beginning, I knew something was up. I saw the overturned Warthogs, the Spartans, and the downed Pelican. Memories of everything from Halo and Silent Cartographer to Uplift Reserve came to mind. From there, I packed a 'Hog with troops and we sped up the hill. We then met up with a Mongoose packed with a rocket guy on the back. Now this is pretty standard for any Halo, but the fact that these were Spartans sweetened the deal, since they couldn't die. And boy, they really didn't die. We charged up that hill blasting through Ghosts, Fuel Rod Elites and Shade Turrets just enjoying good old fashioned vehicle combat, and they took the brunt of it all without even slowing down. I thought to myself "this couldn't get any better".
And then it did. The mountain spread its legs and I saw this beautiful, wide open expanse of lush hills, along with dozens of Covenant waiting to die. It was a paradise for hoggin' action, and I smiled ear to ear. I was also surprised at how the high-adrenaline music kicked in to compliment it - one of the best usages of the soundtrack I've seen in this game. It set the mood for what would be among the most intense gameplay I've had in Halo since 2001.
My 'Goose team was right behind me as we jumped from hill to hill shooting anything that moved. And yea, I died a few times, but I'd respawn right into the heat of battle with my trusty BR. I'd duck behind cover dodging Ghosts and Elites, and then jump right back in the Warthog to continue my rampage. What set this level apart from every other one in Halo 4 was it was just fun for vehicle play. You weren't bumping into walls every minute, and the terrain wasn't flat.
We took down the shield generators and then we went indoors for some short but intense CQB combat. I went back outside after and saw a Spartan drive a Warthog up to me, as if he were a real player himself. Then I saw it - Phantoms and a Lich flying out over the horizon and above the battlefield. I honestly didn't think it could get any better even then. But we defeated the Covies, and the Lich decided to rest right at the base of a hill. Oh God, I'm flying a motherfucking Warthog onto this thing Halo 3 style.
And I did. I launced that pig right onto the deck and drove through surprised grunts on my way up. We stole that core and then I drove out... the wrong way I might add... but I'm sure it would have been just as epic had I landed back on the ground instead of out of the map.
So I spawned and sprinted to the Ghost, and then had a nice speed run all the way down. I guess the only thing that would have made this part better was a rock chasing me Indiana Jones style, but it was a nice break from the otherwise overly-chaotic version in the Campaign.
I don't know how they did it or why they waited so long to, but 343/CA or whoever managed to make one of - if not the best - experiences I've ever had in Halo. Period. The best bits about each game - Halo CE's wide open expanses, Halo 2's Ghost battles, Halo 3's epic vehicle combat, and ODST and Reach's allied support - were all wrapped into one nice package in just 25 minutes.
Apex was already good, but this is a [near] perfect 10. Congratulations Halo 4 - I have a reason to keep you in my Xbox. If only I could have captured this in Theater...
Spops could be great if they'd do more levels like this, ditch the annoying characters, and find a logical reason for me to return to some place I've been through 5 times already. This is the only level that has thoroughly impressed me, though The Hammer on Lockup was pretty cool, and so was that first one on Warrens.
Even on a small scale, eSports is just not profitable. So much mismanagement, and then complete dickwads steal shit from the venue that is taking it on the chin to host a Halo tournament when the scene is barely alive. Disgusting.
link?The best part is another local lan center is bashing them.
Fixed that.To literally everyone.
Tonight we pie in hell.