Both Invasion and Dominion have issues, but the former's were mostly a lack of proper support post-launch. Invasion is more canon-invested than Dominion, which would ironically fit 343's canon focus. It's also more powerful since it is a multi-objective game with dynamic loadouts and map geometry, whereas Dominion is
every Domination gametype ever rebranded for Halo 4 (with 2 letters missing). However, Dominion has some great features that will do
wonders for Invasion. Let's work those into them:
Invasion Phase 1:
The reason players spawn out in the open is so they have to move towards cover, but the most common complaint with Invasion was about the spawn killing during this phase. So one solution would be to add team-specific trait zones. A zone will cover the Spartan spawning area and be set to "Spartans only", meaning Elites would get a
Return to Allied Territory! warning should they venture into that area. This way
shit like this doesn't happen. Combining this with elevated spawns like Breakpoint would deter defenders from getting too zealous during Phase 1. It's important for these trait zones to be kept to a bare minimum when necessary, so we don't restrict offensive strategies of the defenders.
Starting with low-tier weapons is also part of the game mode, so those weapons need to be competent on their own. It's ironic that the Boltshot is now a headshot weapon, which would serve Elites somewhat better than a Plasma Pistol. But with a powerful Storm Rifle and Needler, they'd be just fine compared to a Magnum and Assault Rifle. I hate using automatics as much as anyone, but it's that way for a reason (Invasion was DMR starts in the Beta for a few
Invasion Phase 2:
This is a critical part of Invasion because half of the map becomes a spawning zone for the attackers and the other half is left to defenders, creating a more traditional 1-sided match. Here's where Dominion's additions will start to show up, as we will use the vehicle pads for both teams in lieu of shielded vehicle bays. This ensures that each team has a vehicle set that they are responsible for spawning into the game. 30 second respawn timers were used in Reach to give vehicles more time in the match, but we can bump that up anywhere from 45-60 seconds depending on the map and round time if it becomes an issue.
Invasion Phase 3:
This part of the game also received complaints because Spartans would camp the core room with Armor Lock and Shotguns. Thankfully there is no ability like that going forward; however, this part only requires simple loadout tweaks to prevent that. I don't think Swords or Shotguns should be in loadouts at all. With Dominion's resupply feature, we can have those weapons drop into the match for the teams on regular intervals. Similar to vehicle bays, Elites will have to go to a site and arm it for a few seconds for it to drop a resupply, which prevents Spartans from stealing their weapons. There shouldn't be more than 8 power weapons spawning during the phase though. 1 CQB weapon, 1 sniper, and 2 anti-vehicle weapons for each team should cover all the bases without providing everyone on the team with a Rocket Launcher or Shotgun.
EDIT: You could even add Dominion auto-turrets to this phase as well to give defenders a bit more firepower.
Solving Invasion's Biggest Issue
We all know what this is, and it happens with 1-sided gametypes all the time. One team will secure a lead or lose their opportunity to win, and people will start quitting come next round. Join in Progress should not be relied on to fix this because nobody wants to join a losing game, so something has to be done to the scoring and objective system. I believe I have a solution:
Invasion is 2 rounds to give both sides a chance to be Spartans or Elites. Changing SvE changes the "invading" part of the mode, so we don't do that. Making it neutral just makes it Invasion Slayer or Neutral Flag and eliminates rounds, so we don't do that either. Instead, we make it time-based and remove "shutouts" entirely.
Both teams have 4 minutes to complete each of the 3 objectives. If you fail to complete it before time is up, your team essentially "forfeits" that phase and is automatically taken to the next objective. Both teams have the opportunity to make it to phase 3, but the team that does it the fastest will win the match.
If Green team completes each Phase in 3 minutes for a total of 9 minutes, then Purple team will have to complete each phase quicker for a total of 8 minutes and 59 seconds or less in order to win. So if you lose each of the phases, you will end the round with 12 minutes. The other team then has to beat you by 11:59 or less in order to win. Your team could lose phase 1 and 2 and still win the match if they complete phase 3 really fast for a combined time shorter than that of the other team.
By making it time-based, players are encouraged to hold out as long as they can when they're losing to prevent the other team from beating their time. Similarly, they have to move as fast as they can to win, which prevents stat padding. If you ignore the objective, you lose the match.
Both teams will have their round time limit visible on the screen at all times.
General Changes
-I'd like to be able to see X's for other fireteams that have died, and their waypoints should be more visible.
-Join in Progress would be a healthy consideration to keep matches from being lopsided
-Parties should match parties and randoms should match randoms.
Invasion > Domin
If only I'd made this post 3 years ago :/